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A128CBC_HS256 - com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
"A128CBC-HS256" (1); Algorithm defined in 5.2.3. AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256 in RFC 7518.
A128GCM - com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
"A128GCM" (4); AES GCM using 128 bit key.
A128GCMKW - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"A128GCMKW" (12); Key wrapping with AES GCM using 128 bit key.
A128KW - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"A128KW" (4); AES Key Wrap with default initial value using 128 bit key.
A192CBC_HS384 - com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
"A192CBC-HS384" (2); Algorithm defined in 5.2.4. AES_192_CBC_HMAC_SHA_384 in RFC 7518.
A192GCM - com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
"A192GCM" (5); AES GCM using 192 bit key.
A192GCMKW - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"A192GCMKW" (13); Key wrapping with AES GCM using 192 bit key.
A192KW - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"A192KW" (5); AES Key Wrap with default initial value using 192 bit key.
A256CBC_HS512 - com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
"A256CBC-HS512" (3); Algorithm defined in 5.2.5. AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512 in RFC 7518.
A256GCM - com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
"A256GCM" (6); AES GCM using 256 bit key.
A256GCMKW - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"A256GCMKW" (14); Key wrapping with AES GCM using 256 bit key.
A256KW - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"A256KW" (6); AES Key Wrap with default initial value using 256 bit key.
ACCEPTED - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action
Transaction IDs were issued successfully, but not a single credential was issued.
ACCEPTED - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action
A transaction ID was issued successfully.
ACCEPTED_JWT - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action
Transaction IDs were issued successfully, but not a single credential was issued, and the batch credential response should be encrypted.
ACCEPTED_JWT - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action
A transaction ID was issued successfully and the credential response should be encrypted.
access_denied - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
ACCESS_DENIED - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest.Result
The end-user denied the backchannel authentication request.
ACCESS_DENIED - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason
The resource owner or the authorization server denied the request.
ACCESS_DENIED - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest.Result
The end-user denied the device authorization request.
ACCESS_TOKEN - com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
Token type URI for an OAuth 2.0 access token; "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token".
AccessRight - Enum in com.authlete.common.api
Utility class to describe the possible values used in the RAR objects when accessing the Authlete API with an access token.
AccessToken - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Information about an access token.
AccessToken() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
account_selection_required - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The End-User is REQUIRED to select a session at the Authorization Server.
ACCOUNT_SELECTION_REQUIRED - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
The authorization server cannot obtain an account selection choice made by the end-user.
ACR - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.IdTokenClaims
Authentication Context Class Reference.
ACR_NOT_SATISFIED - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
The authorization request from the client application contained "acr" claim in "claims" request parameter and the claim was marked as essential, but the ACR performed for the end-user does not match any one of the requested ACRs.
addClaim(String, Object) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.VerifiedClaims
Add a verified claim.
addEvidence(Evidence) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Add the evidence the OP used to verify the user's identity.
Address - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Address claim that represents a physical mailing address.
Address() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
ADDRESS - com.authlete.common.types.ClaimsScope
This scope ("address") requests the following claims.
ADDRESS - com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
"address", which requests "address" claim.
ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
End-User's preferred postal address.
addUnlessNull(JsonObject, String, JsonElement) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.BaseJsonSerializer
ADMIN - com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
can call administrative functions on the Authlete server
AGGREGATED - com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
"aggregated" (2).
ALL - com.authlete.common.types.TokenStatus
All tokens.
AMR - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.IdTokenClaims
Authentication Methods References.
ApiResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
The base class of an API response from an Authlete API call.
ApiResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ApiResponse
append(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.MutableJsonPointer
Append a reference token.
append(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.MutableJsonPointer
Append a reference token.
append(String, boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.MutableJsonPointer
Append a reference token.
ApplicationType - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Values for application_type.
AssertionProcessor - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Information about an assertion processor, used by Authlete to allow a service to programmatically check assertions used passed in by clients and resource servers.
AssertionProcessor() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AssertionProcessor
AssertionTarget - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
The part of the service that an assertion processor will be applied to.
AttachmentType - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Values for attachments_supported.
ATTEST_JWT_CLIENT_AUTH - com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
"attest_jwt_client_auth" (7).
AUD - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.IdTokenClaims
Audience(s) that the ID Token is intended for.
AUTH_TIME - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.IdTokenClaims
Time when the End-User authentication occurred.
AuthenticationCallbackRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Authentication request from Authlete to a service implementation.
AuthenticationCallbackRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
AuthenticationCallbackResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Authentication response from a service implementation to Authlete.
AuthenticationCallbackResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackResponse
AUTHLETE_API_V3 - Static variable in enum com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
The type value of the RAR object for the authlete API.
AUTHLETE_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
AUTHLETE_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
AUTHLETE_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
AUTHLETE_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
AUTHLETE_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
AuthleteApi - Interface in com.authlete.common.api
Authlete API.
AuthleteApiException - Exception in com.authlete.common.api
Authlete API exception.
AuthleteApiException() - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
AuthleteApiException(int, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Constructor with HTTP response information.
AuthleteApiException(String) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Constructor with an error message.
AuthleteApiException(String, int, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Constructor with an error message and HTTP response information.
AuthleteApiException(String, int, String, String, Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Constructor with an error message and HTTP response information.
AuthleteApiException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Constructor with an error message and the cause.
AuthleteApiException(String, Throwable, int, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Constructor with an error message, the cause and HTTP response information.
AuthleteApiException(String, Throwable, int, String, String, Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Constructor with an error message, the cause and HTTP response information.
AuthleteApiException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Constructor with the cause.
AuthleteApiException(Throwable, int, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Constructor with the cause and HTTP response information.
AuthleteApiException(Throwable, int, String, String, Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Constructor with the cause and HTTP response information.
AuthleteApiFactory - Class in com.authlete.common.api
Factory to create an AuthleteApi instance.
AuthleteApiVersion - Enum in com.authlete.common.conf
Authlete API version.
AuthleteConfiguration - Interface in com.authlete.common.conf
Authlete configuration.
AuthleteEnvConfiguration - Class in com.authlete.common.conf
Implementation of AuthleteConfiguration based on environment variables.
AuthleteEnvConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteEnvConfiguration
AuthletePropertiesConfiguration - Class in com.authlete.common.conf
Implementation of AuthleteConfiguration based on a properties file.
AuthletePropertiesConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
Constructor with no argument.
AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
Constructor with a pair of secret key and initial vector to decode encrypted property values.
AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
Constructor with a configuration file name.
AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(String, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
Constructor with a configuration file name and a pair of secret key and initial vector to decode encrypted property values.
AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(String, String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
Constructor with a pair of secret key and initial vector to decode encrypted property values.
AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
Constructor with a configuration file name and a pair of secret key and initial vector to decode encrypted property values.
AuthleteSimpleConfiguration - Class in com.authlete.common.conf
POJO implementation of AuthleteConfiguration.
AuthleteSimpleConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
authorization(AuthorizationRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/authorization API.
AUTHORIZATION_CODE - com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
"authorization_code" (1), a grant_type to request an access token and/or an ID token, and optionally a refresh token, using an authorization code.
authorization_pending - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The authorization request is still pending as the end-user hasn't yet been authenticated.
AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/authorization/authenticate API.
AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest
AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/authorization/authenticate API.
AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse
AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the service implementation should take.
authorizationFail(AuthorizationFailRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/authorization/fail API.
AuthorizationFailRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/authorization/fail API.
AuthorizationFailRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest
AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
Failure reasons of authorization requests.
AuthorizationFailResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/authorization/fail API.
AuthorizationFailResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse
AuthorizationFailResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the service implementation should take.
authorizationIssue(AuthorizationIssueRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/authorization/issue API.
AuthorizationIssueRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/authorization/issue API.
AuthorizationIssueRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
AuthorizationIssueResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/authorization/issue API.
AuthorizationIssueResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
AuthorizationIssueResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the service implementation should take.
AuthorizationRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/authorization API.
AuthorizationRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationRequest
AuthorizationResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/authorization API.
AuthorizationResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
AuthorizationResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the service implementation should take.
authorizationTicketInfo(AuthorizationTicketInfoRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/authorization/ticket/info API.
AuthorizationTicketInfo - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Information about a ticket that has been issued from the /auth/authorization API.
AuthorizationTicketInfo() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfo
AuthorizationTicketInfoRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/authorization/ticket/info API.
AuthorizationTicketInfoRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoRequest
AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/authorization/ticket/info API.
AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse
AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The result of the /auth/authorization/ticket/info API call.
authorizationTicketUpdate(AuthorizationTicketUpdateRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/authorization/ticket/update API.
AuthorizationTicketUpdateRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/authorization/ticket/update API.
AuthorizationTicketUpdateRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateRequest
AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/authorization/ticket/update API.
AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse
AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The result of the /auth/authorization/ticket/update API call.
AUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest.Result
The end-user was authenticated and has granted authorization to the client application.
AUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest.Result
The end-user was authenticated and has granted authorization to the client application.
AuthorizedClientListResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /client/authorization/get/list API.
AuthorizedClientListResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizedClientListResponse
AuthzDetails - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A class that represents authorization_details which is defined in "OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests".
AuthzDetails() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetails
AuthzDetailsDeserializer - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
JSON deserializer for AuthzDetails.
AuthzDetailsDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsDeserializer
AuthzDetailsElement - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A class that represents an element in authorization_details which is defined in "OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests".
AuthzDetailsElement() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
AuthzDetailsElementDeserializer - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
JSON deserializer for AuthzDetailsElement.
AuthzDetailsElementDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElementDeserializer
AuthzDetailsElementSerializer - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
JSON serializer for AuthzDetailsElement.
AuthzDetailsElementSerializer() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElementSerializer
AuthzDetailsSerializer - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
JSON serializer for AuthzDetails.
AuthzDetailsSerializer() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsSerializer
AUTOMATIC - com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType
"automatic" (1).
AZP - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.IdTokenClaims
Authorized party - the party to which the ID Token was issued.


backchannelAuthentication(BackchannelAuthenticationRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication API.
backchannelAuthenticationComplete(BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/complete API.
BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/complete API.
BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest.Result - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
Types of results of end-user authentication and authorization.
BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/complete API.
BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the OpenID provider implementation should take.
backchannelAuthenticationFail(BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest
BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
Failure reasons of backchannel authentication requests.
BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse
BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the OpenID provider implementation should take.
backchannelAuthenticationIssue(BackchannelAuthenticationIssueRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/issue API.
BackchannelAuthenticationIssueRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/issue API.
BackchannelAuthenticationIssueRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueRequest
BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/issue API.
BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse
BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the OpenID provider implementation should take.
BackchannelAuthenticationRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication API.
BackchannelAuthenticationRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
BackchannelAuthenticationResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication API.
BackchannelAuthenticationResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
BackchannelAuthenticationResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the OpenID provider implementation should take.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse.Action
The ticket was no longer valid.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse.Action
The ticket was no longer valid.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse.Action
The ticket was no longer valid.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse.Action
The authorization request was wrong and the service implementation should notify the client application of the error by "400 Bad Request".
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse.Action
The implementation of the backchannel authentication endpoint should return a 400 Bad Request response to the client application.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse.Action
The backchannel authentication request is invalid.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse.Action
The request from the client was wrong.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action
The original batch credential request is wrong.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse.Action
The batch credential request is invalid.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse.Action
The original deferred credential request is wrong.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse.Action
The deferred credential request is invalid.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action
The original credential request is wrong.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse.Action
The credential request is invalid.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse.Action
The device authorization request is invalid.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse.Action
The client registration request was invalid.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse.Action
The request does not contain an access token.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse.Action
The request is invalid.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse.Action
The request does not contain the required parameters.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse.Action
The request from the client was wrong.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse.Action
The request from the resource server was wrong.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse.Action
The request from the caller was wrong.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailResponse.Action
Authlete's /auth/token/fail API successfully generated an error response for the client application.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse.Action
The token request from the client was wrong.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse.Action
The request from the caller was wrong.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse.Action
The request does not contain an access token.
BAD_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse.Action
The request does not contain an access token.
BASE20 - com.authlete.common.types.UserCodeCharset
"BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZ", 20 upper-case non-vowel characters.
BaseConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The base class for classes that represent constraints in verified_claims.
BaseConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.BaseConstraint
BaseJsonDeserializer - Class in com.authlete.common.util
The base class for implementations of JsonDeserializer.
BaseJsonDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.BaseJsonDeserializer
BaseJsonSerializer - Class in com.authlete.common.util
The base class for implementations of JsonSerializer.
BaseJsonSerializer() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.BaseJsonSerializer
BasicCredentials - Class in com.authlete.common.web
Credentials in Basic authentication.
BasicCredentials(String, String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.web.BasicCredentials
Constructor with credentials.
BearerToken - Class in com.authlete.common.web
Utility class for Bearer Token defined in RFC 6750.
BIRTHDATE - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
End-User's birthday, represented as an ISO 8601:2004 [ISO8601-2004] YYYY-MM-DD format.


CALLER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse.Action
The API call was wrong.
CALLER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse.Action
The API call was wrong.
CALLER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action
The API call is invalid.
CALLER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse.Action
The API call is invalid.
CALLER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateResponse.Action
The API call was wrong.
CALLER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse.Action
The API call was wrong.
CALLER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action
The API call is invalid.
CALLER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse.Action
The API call is wrong.
CALLER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueResponse.Action
canDo(long, long, AccessRight) - Method in enum com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
Return true if this access right has at least the amount of access of the compared access right.
canDoAny(long, AccessRight) - Method in enum com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
Return true if this access right has at least the amount of access of the compared access right on any object in the list.
CIBA - com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
"urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba" (6), a grant_type to request an ID token, an access token, and optionally a refresh token, using a CIBA flow.
ClaimRule - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A rule for processing a claim.
ClaimRule() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClaimRule
ClaimRuleOperation - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
The operation that a claim rule will apply to any claims it processes.
Claims - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance
The class that represents verified_claims/claims.
Claims() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.Claims
ClaimsConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for verified_claims/claims.
ClaimsConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ClaimsConstraint
ClaimsScope - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Scopes which are used to request claims.
ClaimType - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Claim types.
CLASSPATH - com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesLoader.FileLocation
clear() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesWrapper
clear() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Clear all properties.
CLI - Class in com.authlete.common.util
Command line interface for Authlete API.
CLI() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.CLI
Client - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Information about a client application.
Client() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
CLIENT_CREDENTIALS - com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
"client_credentials" (4), a grant_type to request an access token using a client's credentials.
CLIENT_NAME - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.ClientClaims
CLIENT_REGISTRATION_SOFTWARE_STATEMENT - com.authlete.common.types.AssertionTarget
The assertion processor is used for the OAuth Dynamic Client Registration protocol's "software_statement" field, which contains a signed assertion of client attributes.
CLIENT_SECRET_BASIC - com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
"client_secret_basic" (1).
CLIENT_SECRET_JWT - com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
"client_secret_jwt" (3).
CLIENT_SECRET_POST - com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
"client_secret_post" (2).
CLIENT_URI - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.ClientClaims
ClientAssertionType - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Client Assertion Type.
ClientAuthMethod - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Client authentication methods.
ClientAuthorizationDeleteRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/client/authorization/delete/{clientId} API.
ClientAuthorizationDeleteRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationDeleteRequest
The default constructor.
ClientAuthorizationDeleteRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationDeleteRequest
A constructor with a subject value.
ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/client/authorization/get/list API.
ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
The default constructor.
ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
A constructor with a subject value.
ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
A constructor with a subject value, a start index and an end index of search results.
ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
A constructor with a subject value and a developer value.
ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
A constructor with all request parameters.
ClientAuthorizationUpdateRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /client/authorization/update/{clientId} API.
ClientAuthorizationUpdateRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationUpdateRequest
The default constructor.
ClientAuthorizationUpdateRequest(String, String[]) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationUpdateRequest
A constructor with a subject and scopes.
ClientClaims - Class in com.authlete.common.types
ClientClaims() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.types.ClientClaims
ClientExtension - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Client extension.
ClientExtension() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientExtension
ClientListResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /client/get/list API.
ClientListResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientListResponse
ClientLockFlagUpdateRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/client/lock_flag/update/{clientIdentifier} API.
ClientLockFlagUpdateRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientLockFlagUpdateRequest
ClientMetadataControl - Class in com.authlete.common.util
Flags to control contents of a map that represents client metadata.
ClientMetadataControl() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.ClientMetadataControl
ClientRegistrationRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/client/registration/ API.
ClientRegistrationRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationRequest
ClientRegistrationResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/client/registration API.
ClientRegistrationResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse
ClientRegistrationResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the implementation of client registration endpoint should take.
ClientRegistrationType - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Values for the client_registration_types RP metadata and the client_registration_types_supported OP metadata that are defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
ClientSecretRefreshResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/client/secret/refresh API.
ClientSecretRefreshResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretRefreshResponse
ClientSecretUpdateRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/client/secret/update API.
ClientSecretUpdateRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretUpdateRequest
ClientSecretUpdateResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/client/secret/update API.
ClientSecretUpdateResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretUpdateResponse
ClientType - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Client types of OAuth 2.0 client applications.
CODE - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
"code" (1), a response_type to request an authorization code.
CODE_ID_TOKEN - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
"code id_token" (5), a response_type to request an authorization code and an ID token.
CODE_ID_TOKEN_TOKEN - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
"code id_token token" (7), a response_type to request an authorization code, an ID token and an access token.
CODE_TOKEN - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
"code token" (4), a response_type to request an authorization code and an access token.
CodeChallengeMethod - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Values for code_challenge_method.
com.authlete.common - package com.authlete.common
Authlete Java library used commonly by service implementations and the Authlete server.
com.authlete.common.api - package com.authlete.common.api
The definition of Authlete API (AuthleteApi) and the factory class (AuthleteApiFactory).
com.authlete.common.assurance - package com.authlete.common.assurance
com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint - package com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
com.authlete.common.conf - package com.authlete.common.conf
The definition of Authlete configuration (AuthleteConfiguration) and its implementations.
com.authlete.common.dto - package com.authlete.common.dto
Requests to and responses from Authlete APIs and some data structures.
com.authlete.common.ida - package com.authlete.common.ida
com.authlete.common.types - package com.authlete.common.types
Enum definitions and lists of pre-defined constants.
com.authlete.common.util - package com.authlete.common.util
Utility classes.
com.authlete.common.web - package com.authlete.common.web
Utility classes related to Web.
compare(Scope, Scope) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope.NameComparator
compareTo(DynamicScope) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DynamicScope
compareTo(Version) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.Version
computeOutgoingInteractionId(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.FapiUtils
Compute the value suitable for the x-fapi-interaction-id HTTP response header.
CONFIDENTIAL - com.authlete.common.types.ClientType
"confidential" (2).
CONSENT - com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
"consent" (2).
consent_required - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The Authorization Server requires End-User consent.
CONSENT_REQUIRED - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
The authorization server cannot obtain consent from the end-user.
Constraint - Interface in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The basic interface that classes representing constraints in verified_claims implement.
ConstraintException - Exception in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
An exception that indicates the structure does not conform to the specification (OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0).
ConstraintException() - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ConstraintException
The default constructor.
ConstraintException(String) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ConstraintException
The constructor with a message.
ConstraintException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ConstraintException
The constructor with a message and a cause.
ConstraintException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ConstraintException
The constructor with a cause.
ConstraintValidator - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
Validator for constraints in verified_claims.
ConstraintValidator() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ConstraintValidator
contains(Enum<?>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to contains (key.name()).
contains(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesWrapper
contains(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Check if the property identified by the key exists.
containsClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.VerifiedClaims
Check if this object contains "claims".
containsCode() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
Check if this response type contains a request for an authorization code.
containsCountry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Issuer
Check if this object contains "country".
containsCountry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Check if this object contains "country".
containsCreatedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Check if this object contains "created_at".
containsDate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.UtilityBill
Check if this object contains "date".
containsDateOfExpiry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Check if this object contains "date_of_expiry".
containsDateOfIssuance() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Check if this object contains "date_of_issuance".
containsDocument() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Check if this object contains "document".
containsEvidence() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Check if this object contains "evidence".
containsFormatted() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Check if this object contains "formatted".
containsIdToken() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
Check if this response type contains a request for an ID token.
containsIssuer() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Check if this object contains "issuer".
containsIssuer() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Check if this object contains "issuer".
containsLocality() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Check if this object contains "locality".
containsMethod() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Check if this object contains "method".
containsName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Issuer
Check if this object contains "name".
containsName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Check if this object contains "name".
containsNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Check if this object contains "number".
containsOrganization() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verifier
Check if this object contains "organization".
containsPostalCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Check if this object contains "postal_code".
containsProvider() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.UtilityBill
Check if this object contains "provider".
containsRegion() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Check if this object contains "region".
containsSerialNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Check if this object contains "serial_number".
containsStreetAddress() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Check if this object contains "street_address".
containsTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Check if this object contains "time".
containsTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Check if this object contains "time".
containsToken() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
Check if this response type contains a request for an access token.
containsTrustFramework() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Check if this object contains "trust_framework".
containsTxn() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verifier
Check if this object contains "txn".
containsType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Check if this object contains "type".
containsVerification() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.VerifiedClaims
Check if this object contains "verification".
containsVerificationProcess() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Check if this object contains "verification_process".
containsVerifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Check if this object contains "verifier".
create(AuthleteConfiguration) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiFactory
Create an instance of AuthleteApi.
create(AuthleteConfiguration, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiFactory
Create an instance of AuthleteApi from the specified class.
CREATE - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus.BatchKind
The token create batch.
CREATE - com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
"create" (1).
CREATE - com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
"create" (4).
CREATE_CLIENT - com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
can create new clients on this service
CREATE_SERVICE - com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
can create additional services
createClient(Client) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Create a client (= call Authlete's /client/create API).
CREATED - com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse.Action
The request was valid and a client application has been registered successfully.
CREATED - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateResponse.Action
The /vci/offer/create API has created a credential offer successfully.
CREATED - com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse.Action
The pushed authorization request has been registered successfully.
createKey(Hsk) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.types.HSM
Create a key on the HSM.
createService(Service) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Create a service (= call Authlete's /service/create API).
createServie(Service) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Use correctly spelled createService(Service).
credentialBatchIssue(CredentialBatchIssueRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /vci/batch/issue API.
CredentialBatchIssueRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A request to Authlete's /vci/batch/issue API.
CredentialBatchIssueRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueRequest
CredentialBatchIssueResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A response from Authlete's /vci/batch/issue API.
CredentialBatchIssueResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse
CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the implementation of the batch credential endpoint should take.
credentialBatchParse(CredentialBatchParseRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /vci/batch/parse API.
CredentialBatchParseRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to the /vci/batch/parse API.
CredentialBatchParseRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseRequest
CredentialBatchParseResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from the /vci/batch/parse API.
CredentialBatchParseResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse
CredentialBatchParseResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the implementation of the batch credential endpoint should take.
credentialDeferredIssue(CredentialDeferredIssueRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /vci/deferred/issue API.
CredentialDeferredIssueRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A request to Authlete's /vci/deferred/issue API.
CredentialDeferredIssueRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueRequest
CredentialDeferredIssueResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A response from Authlete's /vci/deferred/issue API.
CredentialDeferredIssueResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse
CredentialDeferredIssueResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the implementation of the deferred credential endpoint should take.
credentialDeferredParse(CredentialDeferredParseRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /vci/deferred/parse API.
CredentialDeferredParseRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A request to Authlete's /vci/deferred/issue API.
CredentialDeferredParseRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseRequest
CredentialDeferredParseResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from the /vci/deferred/parse API.
CredentialDeferredParseResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse
CredentialDeferredParseResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the deferred credential endpoint should take.
CredentialIssuanceOrder - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Instruction for credential issuance.
CredentialIssuanceOrder() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuanceOrder
credentialIssuerJwks(CredentialIssuerJwksRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /vci/jwks API.
CredentialIssuerJwksRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /vci/jwks API.
CredentialIssuerJwksRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksRequest
CredentialIssuerJwksResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /vci/jwks API.
CredentialIssuerJwksResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksResponse
CredentialIssuerJwksResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the implementation of the JWK Set document endpoint of the credential issuer should take after getting a response from Authlete's /vci/jwks API.
credentialIssuerMetadata(CredentialIssuerMetadataRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /vci/metadata API.
CredentialIssuerMetadata - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A class that represents the set of credential issuer metadata.
CredentialIssuerMetadata() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
The default constructor.
CredentialIssuerMetadata(CredentialIssuerMetadata) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Copy constructor.
CredentialIssuerMetadataRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /vci/metadata API.
CredentialIssuerMetadataRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataRequest
CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /vci/metadata API.
CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse
CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the implementation of the credential issuer metadata endpoint (/.well-known/openid-credential-issuer) should take after getting a response from Authlete's /vci/metadata API.
credentialJwtIssuerMetadata(CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /vci/jwtissuer API.
CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /vci/jwtissuer API.
CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataRequest
CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /vci/jwtissuer API.
CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse
CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the implementation of the JWT issuer metadata endpoint (/.well-known/jwt-vc-issuer) should take after getting a response from Authlete's /vci/jwtissuer API.
credentialOfferCreate(CredentialOfferCreateRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /vci/offer/create API.
CredentialOfferCreateRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /vci/offer/create API.
CredentialOfferCreateRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
CredentialOfferCreateResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /vci/offer/create API.
CredentialOfferCreateResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateResponse
CredentialOfferCreateResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The result of the /vci/offer/create API call.
credentialOfferInfo(CredentialOfferInfoRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /vci/offer/info API.
CredentialOfferInfo - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Information about a credential offer.
CredentialOfferInfo() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
CredentialOfferInfoRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /vci/offer/info API.
CredentialOfferInfoRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoRequest
CredentialOfferInfoResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /vci/offer/info API.
CredentialOfferInfoResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse
CredentialOfferInfoResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The result of the /vci/offer/info API call.
CredentialRequestInfo - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Information about a credential request.
CredentialRequestInfo() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialRequestInfo
credentialSingleIssue(CredentialSingleIssueRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /vci/single/issue API.
CredentialSingleIssueRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A request to Authlete's /vci/single/issue API.
CredentialSingleIssueRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueRequest
CredentialSingleIssueResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A response from Authlete's /vci/single/issue API.
CredentialSingleIssueResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse
CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the implementation of the credential endpoint should take.
credentialSingleParse(CredentialSingleParseRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /vci/single/parse API.
CredentialSingleParseRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to the /vci/single/parse API.
CredentialSingleParseRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseRequest
CredentialSingleParseResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from the /vci/single/parse API.
CredentialSingleParseResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse
CredentialSingleParseResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto


DatasetExtractor - Class in com.authlete.common.ida
A utility to extract a dataset that meets conditions specified by a verified_claims request.
DatasetExtractor() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.ida.DatasetExtractor
The default constructor.
DatasetExtractor(OffsetDateTime) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.ida.DatasetExtractor
Constructor with time which is used for the "max_age" constraint.
decode(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.web.URLCoder
URL-decode the input with UTF-8.
decrypt(Hsk, Map<String, Object>, byte[]) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.types.HSM
Decrypt data.
DEFAULT_DEVELOPER - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
The default value of developer (= null).
DEFAULT_END - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
The default value of end (= 5).
DEFAULT_FILE - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
The default value of the name of the configuration file (authlete.properties).
DEFAULT_IV - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
The default value of the initial vector to decode encrypted property values (b6f5d0f0dd7146b0e3915ebd2dd078f3).
DEFAULT_KEY - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
The default value of the secret key to decode encrypted property values (a281ac2de1195e8c91ea383d38d05d1c).
DEFAULT_START - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
The default value of start (= 0).
DELETE_SERVICE - com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
can delete a specific service
deleteClient(long) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Delete a client (= call Authlete's /client/delete/{clientId} API).
deleteClient(String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Delete a client (= call Authlete's /client/delete/{clientId} API).
deleteClientAuthorization(long, String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Delete all existing access tokens issued to the client application by the end-user.
DELETED - com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse.Action
The request was valid and a client application has been deleted successfully.
deleteGrantedScopes(long, String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Delete DB records about the set of scopes that a user has granted to a client application (call Authlete's /client/granted_scopes/delete/{clientId} API).
deleteKey(Hsk, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.types.HSM
Delete a key on the HSM.
deleteRequestableScopes(long) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Clear the requestable scopes assigned to a client (= call Authlete's /client/extension/requestable_scopes/delete/{clientId} API).
deleteService(long) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Delete a service (= call Authlete's /service/delete/{apiKey} API).
DeliveryMode - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Backchannel token delivery mode defined in the specification of CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication).
DENIED - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
The end-user denied the authorization request from the client application.
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.ClientClaims
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsDeserializer
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElementDeserializer
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantDeserializer
DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Developer authentication request from Authlete to a service implementation.
DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Developer authentication response from a service implementation to Authlete.
DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackResponse
DEVICE_CODE - com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
"urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code" (7), a grant_type to request an access token and optionally a refresh token, using Device Flow.
deviceAuthorization(DeviceAuthorizationRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/device/authorization API.
DeviceAuthorizationRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/device/authorization API.
DeviceAuthorizationRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
DeviceAuthorizationResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/device/authorization API.
DeviceAuthorizationResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
DeviceAuthorizationResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the authorization server implementation should take.
deviceComplete(DeviceCompleteRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/device/complete API.
DeviceCompleteRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/device/complete API.
DeviceCompleteRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
DeviceCompleteRequest.Result - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
Types of results of end-user authentication and authorization.
DeviceCompleteResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/device/complete API.
DeviceCompleteResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteResponse
DeviceCompleteResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the authorization server implementation should take.
deviceVerification(DeviceVerificationRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/device/verification API.
DeviceVerificationRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/device/verification API.
DeviceVerificationRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationRequest
DeviceVerificationResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/device/verification API.
DeviceVerificationResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
DeviceVerificationResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the authorization server implementation should take.
DIFFERENT_SUBJECT - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
The authorization request from the client application requested a specific value for sub claim, but the current end-user (in the case of prompt=none) or the end-user after the authentication is different from the specified value.
DIR - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"dir" (7); Direct use of a shared symmetric key as the CEK.
Display - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Values for display.
DISTRIBUTED - com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
"distributed" (3).
Document - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance
The class that represents id_document/document.
Document() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
DocumentConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for id_document/document.
DocumentConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
DpopToken - Class in com.authlete.common.web
Utility class for DPoP Token.
dynamicClientDelete(ClientRegistrationRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Delete a dynamically registered client (= call Authlete's /client/registration/delete API).
dynamicClientGet(ClientRegistrationRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get a dynamically registered client (= call Authlete's /client/registration/get API).
dynamicClientRegister(ClientRegistrationRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Register a client (= call Authlete's /client/registration API).
dynamicClientUpdate(ClientRegistrationRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Update a dynamically registered client (= call Authlete's /client/registration/update API).
DynamicScope - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Dynamic Scope.
DynamicScope() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.DynamicScope
The default constructor.
DynamicScope(String, String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.DynamicScope
A constructor with a scope name and a scope value.


ECDH_ES - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"ECDH-ES" (8); Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Static key agreement using Concat KDF.
ECDH_ES_A128KW - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"ECDH-ES+A128KW" (9); ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and CEK wrapped with "A128KW".
ECDH_ES_A192KW - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"ECDH-ES+A192KW" (10); ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and CEK wrapped with "A192KW".
ECDH_ES_A256KW - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"ECDH-ES+A256KW" (11); ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and CEK wrapped with "A256KW".
echo(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/misc/echo API.
EdDSA - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"EdDSA" (14); EdDSA signature algorithms.
EMAIL - com.authlete.common.types.ClaimsScope
This scope ("email") requests the following claims.
EMAIL - com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
"email", which requests "email" and "email_verified" claims.
EMAIL - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
End-User's preferred e-mail address.
EMAIL_VERIFIED - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
True if the End-User's e-mail address has been verified; otherwise false.
EMBEDDED - com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType
"embedded" (1).
encode(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.web.URLCoder
URL-encode the input with UTF-8.
ENTERPRISE - com.authlete.common.types.Plan
Enterprise plan.
EntityType - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Entity type identifiers in the context of the OpenID Federation 1.0.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DynamicScope
equals(Object) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.Version
EQUALS - com.authlete.common.types.ClaimRuleOperation
The rule will pass if the claim is present and its value equals the claim rule's comparison value.
ErrorCode - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Values for error from OAuth 2.0 endpoints.
ES256 - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"ES256" (7); ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256.
ES256K - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"ES256K" (13); ECDSA using secp256k1 curve and SHA-256.
ES384 - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"ES384" (8); ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384.
ES512 - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"ES512" (9); ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512.
escape(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.MutableJsonPointer
Escape special characters in the given string according to the rules defined in the Section 3.
Evidence - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance
The class that represents elements in verified_claims/verification/evidence.
Evidence(String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.Evidence
The constructor.
EvidenceArray - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance
The class that represents verified_claims/verification/evidence.
EvidenceArray() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.EvidenceArray
EvidenceArrayConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for verified_claims/verification/evidence.
EvidenceArrayConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceArrayConstraint
EvidenceConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for elements in verified_claims/verification/evidence.
EvidenceConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceConstraint
EXCEEDS_MAX_AGE - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
The authorization request from the client application contained prompt=none, but the time specified by max_age request parameter or by default_max_age configuration parameter has passed since the time at which the end-user logged in.
exists() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.BaseConstraint
exists() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ClaimsConstraint
exists() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.Constraint
Check if the key that represents the constraint exists.
exists() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceArrayConstraint
EXP - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.IdTokenClaims
Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing.
EXPIRED - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse.Action
The user code has expired.
expired_login_hint_token - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The provided login_hint_token has expired.
EXPIRED_LOGIN_HINT_TOKEN - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason
The login_hint_token included in the backchannel authentication request is not valid because it has expired.
expired_token - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The token has expired.
EXPLICIT - com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType
"explicit" (2).
EXTERNAL - com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType
"external" (2).
extract(Object, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimConstraint
Create a VerifiedClaimConstraint instance from an object in the given map.
extract(List<?>, int, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceConstraint
Create an instance of a subclass of EvidenceConstraint from an object in the given list.
extract(List<?>, int, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Evidence
Create an instance of a subclass of Evidence from an object in the given list.
extract(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IDDocumentConstraint
Create an IDDocumentConstraint instance from the given object.
extract(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.QESConstraint
Create a QESConstraint instance from the given object.
extract(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.UtilityBillConstraint
Create a UtilityBillConstraint instance from the given object.
extract(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsContainerConstraint
Create a VerifiedClaimsContainerConstraint instance from the given object.
extract(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Create an IDDocument instance from the given object.
extract(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Create a QES instance from the given object.
extract(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.UtilityBill
Create a UtilityBill instance from the given object.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Claims
Create a Claims instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ClaimsConstraint
Create a ClaimsConstraint instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
Create a DocumentConstraint instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceArrayConstraint
Create an EvidenceArrayConstraint instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IssuerConstraint
Create an IssuerConstraint instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.LeafConstraint
Create a LeafConstraint instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Create a ProviderConstraint instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.TimeConstraint
Create a TimeConstraint instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerificationConstraint
Create a VerificationConstraint instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsConstraint
Create a VerifiedClaimsConstraint instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifierConstraint
Create a VerifierConstraint instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Create a Document instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.EvidenceArray
Create an EvidenceArray instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Issuer
Create an Issuer instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Create a Provider instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Create a Verification instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.VerifiedClaims
Create a VerifiedClaims instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verifier
Create a Verifier instance from an object in the given map.
extract(Map<String, Object>, List<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.ida.DatasetExtractor
Repeat to call the DatasetExtractor.extract(Map, Map) method for each element in originalDatasets until the method succeeds in generating a dataset that meets conditions of the request.
extract(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.ida.DatasetExtractor
Extract a dataset that meets conditions of the request from the original dataset.
extractNames(Scope[]) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Extract scope names.


FACEBOOK - com.authlete.common.types.Sns
"facebook" (1).
FAILED - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus.Result
The token batch process has not completed successfully due to an issue encountered during execution.
FAMILY_NAME - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
Surname(s) or last name(s) of the End-User.
FAPI - com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile
FAPI1_ADVANCED - com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
"fapi1_advanced" (2).
FAPI1_BASELINE - com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
"fapi1_baseline" (1).
FAPI2_MESSAGE_SIGNING_AUTH_REQ - com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
"fapi2_message_signing_auth_req" (4).
FAPI2_MESSAGE_SIGNING_AUTH_RES - com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
"fapi2_message_signing_auth_res" (5).
FAPI2_MESSAGE_SIGNING_INTROSPECTION_RES - com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
"fapi2_message_signing_introspection_res" (6).
FAPI2_MESSAGE_SIGNING_RESOURCE_REQ - com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
"fapi2_message_signing_resource_req" (7).
FAPI2_MESSAGE_SIGNING_RESOURCE_RES - com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
"fapi2_message_signing_resource_res" (8).
FAPI2_SECURITY - com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
"fapi2_security" (3).
FapiMode - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
FAPI mode.
FapiUtils - Class in com.authlete.common.util
Utilities for Financial-grade API (FAPI).
FapiUtils() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.FapiUtils
FEDERATION_ENTITY - com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
"federation_entity" (6).
federationConfiguration(FederationConfigurationRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /federation/configuration API.
FederationConfigurationRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /federation/configuration API.
FederationConfigurationRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationRequest
FederationConfigurationResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /federation/configuration API.
FederationConfigurationResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationResponse
FederationConfigurationResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the implementation of the entity configuration endpoint should take after getting a response from Authlete's /federation/configuration API.
federationRegistration(FederationRegistrationRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /federation/registration API.
FederationRegistrationRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /federation/registration API.
FederationRegistrationRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationRequest
FederationRegistrationResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /federation/registration API.
FederationRegistrationResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse
FederationRegistrationResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the implementation of the federation registration endpoint should take.
FILESYSTEM - com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesLoader.FileLocation
File system.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse.Action
The implementation of the backchannel authentication endpoint should return a 403 Forbidden response to the client application.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action
The feature of Verifiable Credentials is not enabled in the service configuration.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse.Action
The feature of Verifiable Credentials is not enabled in the service configuration.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse.Action
The feature of Verifiable Credentials is not enabled in the service configuration.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse.Action
The feature of Verifiable Credentials is not enabled in the service configuration.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateResponse.Action
The feature of Verifiable Credentials is not enabled in the service configuration.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse.Action
The feature of Verifiable Credentials is not enabled in the service configuration.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action
The feature of Verifiable Credentials is not enabled in the service configuration.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse.Action
The feature of Verifiable Credentials is not enabled in the service configuration.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse.Action
The access token cannot be used to manage the grant ID.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse.Action
The access token does not cover the required scopes.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse.Action
The client application is not allowed to use the pushed authorization request endpoint.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse.Action
The request from the caller was not allowed.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse.Action
The request from the caller was not allowed.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse.Action
The access token does not cover the required scopes.
FORBIDDEN - com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse.Action
The access token does not cover the required scopes.
FORM - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse.Action
The service implementation should return "200 OK" to the client application with an HTML which triggers redirection.
FORM - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse.Action
The service implementation should return "200 OK" to the client application with an HTML which triggers redirection.
FORM - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse.Action
The authorization request was wrong and the service implementation should notify the client application of the error by "200 OK" with an HTML which triggers redirection by JavaScript.
FORM_POST - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
"form_post" (3); response_mode to request authorization response parameters be encoded as HTML form values.
FORM_POST_JWT - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
"form_post.jwt" (7); response_mode to request authorization response parameters be encoded as JWT and embedded in the HTML form in the response body.
format() - Method in class com.authlete.common.web.BasicCredentials
Create a value suitable as the value of Authorization header.
formUrlEncode(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.web.URLCoder
Convert the given map to a string in x-www-form-urlencoded format.
FRAGMENT - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
"fragment" (2); response_mode to request authorization response parameters be encoded in the fragment.
FRAGMENT_JWT - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
"fragment.jwt" (6); response_mode to request authorization response parameters be encoded as JWT and embedded in the fragment part of the redirect URI.
FREE - com.authlete.common.types.Plan
Free plan.
fromJson(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
Look up and fetch an access right value based on its (lowercased) name from a JSON object.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsContainerConstraint
Create a VerifiedClaimsContainerConstraint instance from the given JSON.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetails
Build an AuthzDetails instance from a JSON string.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Build an AuthzDetailsElement instance from a JSON string.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Grant
Build a Grant instance from a JSON string.
fromJson(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.Utils
Convert the given JSON string into an object using Gson.
fromStringArray(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.BaseJsonSerializer


GENDER - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
End-User's gender.
generate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
Generate a user code.
generateInteractionId() - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.FapiUtils
Generate a value suitable for the x-fapi-interaction-id HTTP header.
get(Enum<?>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getString(key).
get(Enum<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getBoolean(key, defaultValue).
get(Enum<?>, float) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getFloat(key, defaultValue).
get(Enum<?>, int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getInt(key, defaultValue).
get(Enum<?>, long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getLong(key, defaultValue).
get(Enum<?>, Class<TEnum>, TEnum) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getEnum(key, enumClass, defaultValue).
get(Enum<?>, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getString(key, defaultValue).
get(Enum<?>, TEnum) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getEnum(key, (Class<TEnum>)defaultValue.getClass(), defaultValue).
get(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getString(key).
get(String, boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getBoolean(key, defaultValue).
get(String, float) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getFloat(key, defaultValue).
get(String, int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getInt(key, defaultValue).
get(String, long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getLong(key, defaultValue).
get(String, Class<TEnum>, TEnum) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getEnum(key, enumClass, defaultValue).
get(String, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getString(key, defaultValue).
get(String, TEnum) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getEnum(key, (Class<TEnum>)defaultValue.getClass(), defaultValue).
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the access token returned by the SNS which the end-user used for social login.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the representation of an access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Get the access token.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the representation of an access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the issued access token.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueRequest
Get the access token that was presented at the batch credential endpoint.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseRequest
Get the access token that came along with the batch credential request.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseRequest
Get the access token that came along with the deferred credential request.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueRequest
Get the access token that was presented at the credential endpoint.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseRequest
Get the access token that came along with the credential request.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the access token returned by the SNS which the developer used for social login.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Get the access token which has come along with the grant management request from the client application.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
Get the access token.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the access token.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the newly issued access token.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Get the representation of an access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the newly issued access token.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the representation of an access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the newly issued access token.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get the access token to update.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Get the access token which has been specified by TokenUpdateRequest.
getAccessTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the duration of the access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getAccessTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Get the duration of the access token in seconds.
getAccessTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the duration of the access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getAccessTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the duration of the access token in seconds.
getAccessTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientExtension
Get the value of the duration of access tokens per client in seconds.
getAccessTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the duration of the access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getAccessTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the duration of access tokens in seconds; the value of expires_in in access token responses.
getAccessTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the duration of a newly created access token in seconds.
getAccessTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Get the duration of the access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getAccessTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the duration of the access token in seconds.
getAccessTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the duration of the access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getAccessTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the duration of the access token in seconds.
getAccessTokenExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Get the timestamp at which the access token will expire.
getAccessTokenExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Get the date in milliseconds since the Unix epoch at which the access token will expire.
getAccessTokenExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the date in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01) at which the access token will expire.
getAccessTokenExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the date in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01) at which the access token will expire.
getAccessTokenExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get the new date at which the access token will expire.
getAccessTokenExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Get the date at which the access token will expire.
getAccessTokenHash() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Get the hash of the access token.
getAccessTokenHash() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get the hash of the access token value.
getAccessTokenIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRevokeRequest
Get the identifier of an access token to revoke.
getAccessTokenResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the target resources of the access token.
getAccessTokenResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the target resources of the access token.
getAccessTokenResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the target resources of the access token being issued.
getAccessTokens() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
Get the list of access tokens that match the query conditions.
getAccessTokenSignAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the signature algorithm of access tokens.
getAccessTokenSignatureKeyId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the key ID to identify a JWK used for signing access tokens.
getAccessTokenType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the access token type; the value of token_type in access token responses.
getAcr() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the value of "acr" which is the authentication context class reference value which the end-user authentication satisfied.
getAcr() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the reference of the authentication context class which the end-user authentication satisfied.
getAcr() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the Authentication Context Class Reference of the user authentication performed during the course of issuing the credential offer.
getAcr() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the Authentication Context Class Reference of the user authentication performed during the course of issuing the credential offer.
getAcr() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the reference of the authentication context class which the end-user authentication satisfied.
getAcr() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the Authentication Context Class Reference of the user authentication that the authorization server performed during the course of issuing the access token.
getAcr() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the Authentication Context Class Reference of the user authentication that the authorization server performed during the course of issuing the access token.
getAcrs() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the list of ACRs (Authentication Context Class References) requested by the client application.
getAcrs() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the list of ACR values requested by the backchannel authentication request.
getAcrs() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the list of ACR values requested by the device authorization request.
getAcrs() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the list of ACR values requested by the device authorization request.
getAcrValues() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the list of Authentication Context Class Reference values one of which the user authentication performed during the course of issuing the access token must satisfy.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse
Get the next action that the service implementation should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse
Get the next action that the service implementation should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Get the next action that the service implementation should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the next action that the service implementation should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse
Get the result of the /auth/authorization/ticket/info API call.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse
Get the result of the /auth/authorization/ticket/update API call.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the next action that the OpenID provider should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse
Get the next action that the backchannel authentication endpoint should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse
Get the next action that the OpenID provider implementation should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the next action that the implementation of the backchannel authentication endpoint should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse
Get the next action that the implementation of client registration endpoint should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse
Get the next action that the implementation of the batch credential endpoint should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse
Get the next action that the batch credential endpoint should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse
Get the next action that the implementation of the deferred credential endpoint should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse
Get the next action that the deferred credential endpoint should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksResponse
Get the next action that the implementation of the credential issuer's JWK Set document endpoint should take after getting a response from Authlete's /vci/jwks API.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse
Get the next action that the implementation of the credential issuer metadata endpoint should take after getting a response from Authlete's /vci/metadata API.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse
Get the next action that the implementation of the JWT issuer metadata endpoint should take after getting a response from Authlete's /vci/jwtissuer API.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateResponse
Get the result of the /vci/offer/create API call.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse
Get the result of the /vci/offer/info API call.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse
Get the next action that the implementation of the credential endpoint should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse
Get the next action that the credential endpoint should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the next action that the implementation of the device authorization endpoint should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteResponse
Get the next action that the authorization server implementation should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the next action that the authorization server should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationResponse
Get the next action that the implementation of the entity configuration endpoint should take after getting a response from Authlete's /federation/configuration API.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse
Get the next action that the implementation of the federation registration endpoint should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse
Get the next action that the authorization server should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskListResponse
Get the result of the API call.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskResponse
Get the result of the API call.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueResponse
Get the next action that the implementation of the token endpoint should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the next action the service implementation should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse
Get the next action that the authorization server should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse
Get the next action that the resource server should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse
Get the next action that the service implementation should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse
Get the next action that the introspection endpoint of your authorization server should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the code indicating how the response should be interpreted.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailResponse
Get the next action that the service implementation should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the next action that the service implementation should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the next action that the service implementation should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Get the code indicating how the response should be interpreted.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse
Get the next action that the service implementation should take.
getAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the next action the service implementation should take.
getActions() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Get the actions.
getActorToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the value of the actor_token request parameter.
getActorTokenInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the information about the token specified by the actor_token request parameter.
getActorTokenType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the value of the actor_token_type request parameter.
getAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Get the algorithm of the key on the HSM.
getAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskCreateRequest
Get the algorithm of the key on the HSM.
getAllowableClockSkew() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the allowable clock skew between the server and clients in seconds.
getApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the API key.
getApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Get the API key of the service owner.
getApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.SnsCredentials
Get the API key.
getApiSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the API secret.
getApiSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Get the API secret of the service owner.
getApiSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.SnsCredentials
Get the API secret.
getApiVersion() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteConfiguration
Get the Authlete API version.
getApiVersion() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteEnvConfiguration
getApiVersion() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
Get the Authlete API version.
getApiVersion() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
getApplicationType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the application type.
getArray() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StringArray
Get the string array this instance holds.
getAsArrayFromObject(JsonObject, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.BaseJsonDeserializer
getAssertion() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the value of the assertion request parameter.
getAsStringArrayFromObject(JsonObject, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.BaseJsonDeserializer
getAsStringFromArray(JsonArray, int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.BaseJsonDeserializer
getAsStringFromObject(JsonObject, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.BaseJsonDeserializer
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.types.User
Get the value of an attribute of the user.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get attributes.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Get attributes.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get attributes.
getAudiences() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the values of the audience request parameters that are contained in the token exchange request (cf. RFC 8693).
getAuthenticationCallbackApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the API key to access the authentication callback endpoint.
getAuthenticationCallbackApiSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the API secret to access the authentication callback endpoint.
getAuthenticationCallbackEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the authentication callback endpoint.
getAuthorityHints() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the identifiers of entities that can issue entity statements for this service.
getAuthorizationCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Get the newly issued authorization code.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Grant
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the authorization details associated with the access token.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Get the authorization details associated with the token.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Get the authorization details.
getAuthorizationDetailsTypes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the authorization details types that this client may use as values of the "type" field in "authorization_details".
getAuthorizationEncryptionAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting authorization responses.
getAuthorizationEncryptionEnc() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting authorization responses.
getAuthorizationEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the authorization endpoint.
getAuthorizationResponseDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the duration of authorization response JWTs.
getAuthorizationServers() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Get the identifiers of the authorization servers that the credential issuer relies on for authorization.
getAuthorizationSignAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWS alg algorithm for signing authorization responses.
getAuthorizationSignatureKeyId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the key ID to identify a JWK used for signing authorization responses using an asymmetric key.
getAuthReqId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the value of the "auth_req_id" which is associated with the ticket.
getAuthReqId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse
Get the issued authentication request ID.
getAuthTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the value of "authTime" which is the time when the authentication of the end-user occurred.
getAuthTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the time at which the end-user was authenticated.
getAuthTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the time when the user authentication was performed during the course of issuing the credential offer.
getAuthTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the time when the user authentication was performed during the course of issuing the credential offer.
getAuthTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the time at which the end-user was authenticated.
getAuthTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the time when the user authentication was performed during the course of issuing the access token.
getAuthTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the time when the user authentication was performed during the course of issuing the access token.
getBackchannelAuthenticationEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the backchannel authentication endpoint.
getBackchannelAuthReqIdDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the duration of backchannel authentication request IDs issued from the backchannel authentication endpoint in seconds.
getBackchannelPollingInterval() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the minimum interval between polling requests to the token endpoint from client applications in seconds.
getBaseUrl() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteConfiguration
Get the base URL.
getBaseUrl() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteEnvConfiguration
getBaseUrl() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
Get the base URL.
getBaseUrl() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
getBatchCredentialEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Get the URL of the batch credential endpoint.
getBatchKind() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Get the kind of the batch.
getBcDeliveryMode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the backchannel token delivery mode.
getBcNotificationEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the backchannel client notification endpoint.
getBcRequestSignAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the signature algorithm of the request to the backchannel authentication endpoint.
getBindingKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialRequestInfo
Get the binding key specified by the proof in the credential request.
getBindingKeys() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialRequestInfo
Get the binding keys specified by the proofs in the credential request.
getBindingMessage() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the binding message included in the backchannel authentication request.
getBoolean(Enum<?>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getBoolean(key.name()).
getBoolean(Enum<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getBoolean(key.name(), defaultValue).
getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getBoolean(key, false).
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.StringBasedTypedProperties
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Get the value of the property identified by the key as boolean.
getByName(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimsScope
Get a ClaimsScope instance by a name.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest.Result
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest.Result
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus.BatchKind
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus.Result
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ApplicationType
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AssertionTarget
Get the enum object with the given numerical value, or null if not found.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimRuleOperation
Get the enum object with the given numerical value, or null if not found.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAssertionType
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientType
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.CodeChallengeMethod
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Display
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Plan
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Sns
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.SubjectType
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserCodeCharset
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getByValue(short) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
Find an instance of this enum by a value.
getCertificateThumbprint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the client certificate thumbprint used to validate the access token.
getCertificateThumbprint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the thumbprint of the MTLS certificate bound to this token.
getCertificateThumbprint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get the thumbprint of the MTLS certificate bound to this token.
getCharacters() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserCodeCharset
Get the characters in this characters set.
getCharacters() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
Get the characters that may appear in generated user codes.
getClaim(String, String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.types.User
Get the value of a claim of the user.
getClaimName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClaimRule
Get the name of the claim that this rule applies to.
getClaimNames() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the names of the claims which were requested indirectly via some special scopes.
getClaimNames() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the names of the claims which were requested indirectly via some special scopes.
getClaimNames() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the names of the claims which were requested indirectly via some special scopes.
getClaimRules() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AssertionProcessor
Get the claim rules that will be applied to any assertions processed by this processor.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsConstraint
Get the constraint for claims.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.VerifiedClaims
Get the verified claims.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the list of claims requested by a client application.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackResponse
Get the claims of the authenticated user in JSON format.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest
Get the space-delimited names of claims to request.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the value of "claims" which is the claims of the subject in JSON format.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the list of claims that the client application requests to be embedded in the ID token.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get additional claims which will be embedded in the ID token.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get additional claims which will be embedded in the ID token.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Grant
Get the claims.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
Get additional claims that should be embedded in the payload part of the ID token.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Get the claims of the subject in JSON format.
getClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the list of claims that the client application requests to be embedded in the userinfo response.
getClaims() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimsScope
Get the list of claim names which are requested by this scope.
getClaimsAtUserInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the list of claims that the client application requests to be embedded in userinfo responses.
getClaimsForTx() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get values of claims requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
getClaimsForTx() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Get values of claims requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
getClaimsLocales() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the list of locales for claims.
getClaimsLocales() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest
Get the space-delimited locales for claims.
getClaimsLocales() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the list of preferred languages and scripts for claim values contained in the ID token.
getClient() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the information about the client application which has made the authorization request.
getClient() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse
Get the information about the client which has been registered successfully.
getClient() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse
Get the information about the client that has been registered by the client registration request.
getClient() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
Get the client information associated with the value of 'clientIdentifier' parameter in the original request.
getClient(long) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get a client (= call Authlete's /client/get/{clientId} API).
getClient(String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get a client (= call Authlete's /client/get/{clientId} API).
getClientAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the attributes of the client.
getClientAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the attributes of the client.
getClientAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the attributes of the client.
getClientAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the attributes of the client.
getClientAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the attributes of the client that the access token has been issued to.
getClientAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the attributes of the client.
getClientAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the attributes of the client.
getClientAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the attributes of the client that the access token has been issued to.
getClientAuthMethod() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the client authentication method that should be performed at the backchannel authentication endpoint.
getClientAuthMethod() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the client authentication method that should be performed at the device authorization endpoint.
getClientAuthMethod() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse
Get the client authentication method that should be performed at the pushed authorization request endpoint.
getClientAuthMethod() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the client authentication method that should be performed at the token endpoint.
getClientAuthorizationList(ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get a list of client applications authorized by the end-user.
getClientCertificate() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteConfiguration
Get the certificate used for MTLS bound access tokens in PEM format.
getClientCertificate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteEnvConfiguration
getClientCertificate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
getClientCertificate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
getClientCertificate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Get the client certificate used in the TLS connection between the client application and the backchannel authentication endpoint of the OpenID provider.
getClientCertificate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Get the client certificate used in the TLS connection between the client application and the device authorization endpoint of the authorization server.
getClientCertificate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Get the client certificate used in the TLS connection established between the client application and the grant management endpoint.
getClientCertificate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the client certificate used in the mutual TLS connection established between the client application and the protected resource endpoint.
getClientCertificate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Get the client certificate used in the TLS connection between the client application and the pushed authorization request endpoint.
getClientCertificate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Get the client certificate used in the TLS connection between the client application and the revocation endpoint.
getClientCertificate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the client certificate from the MTLS of the token request from the client application.
getClientCertificate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Get the client certificate used in the TLS connection established between the client application and the userinfo endpoint.
getClientCertificatePath() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Get the client certificate path presented by the client during client authentication.
getClientCertificatePath() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Get the client certificate path presented by the client during client authentication.
getClientCertificatePath() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Get the client certificate path presented by the client during client authentication.
getClientCertificatePath() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Get the client certificate path presented by the client during client authentication.
getClientCertificatePath() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the certificate path presented by the client during client authentication.
getClientEntityId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the entity ID of the client.
getClientEntityId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the entity ID of the client.
getClientEntityId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the entity ID of the client.
getClientEntityId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the entity ID of the client.
getClientEntityId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the entity ID of the client.
getClientEntityId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Get the entity ID of the client.
getClientEntityId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the entity ID of the client.
getClientEntityId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the entity ID of the client.
getClientEntityId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the entity ID of the client.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Get the ID of the client associated with the access token.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the ID of the client application that triggered this authentication request.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the client ID of the client application that has made the backchannel authentication request.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Get the client ID extracted from Authorization header of the backchannel authentication request from the client application.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the client ID of the client application that has made the backchannel authentication request.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the client ID.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationRequest
Get the client's ID.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Get the client ID extracted from Authorization header of the device authorization request from the client application.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the client ID of the client application that has made the device authorization request.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the client ID of the client application to which the user code has been issued.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
Get the client ID.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the client ID.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Get the client ID extracted from the Authorization header of the request to the pushed authorization request endpoint.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Get the client ID extracted from Authorization header of the token revocation request from the client application.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the client ID that will be associated with a newly created access token.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the client ID associated with the newly issued access token.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Get the client ID.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the client ID.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the client ID extracted from Authorization header of the token request from the client application.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the client ID.
getClientId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the client ID.
getClientIdAlias() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the client ID alias of the client application that has made the backchannel authentication request.
getClientIdAlias() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the client ID alias of the client application that has made the backchannel authentication request.
getClientIdAlias() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the alias of the client ID.
getClientIdAlias() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the client ID alias of the client application that has made the device authorization request.
getClientIdAlias() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the client ID alias of the client application to which the user code has been issued.
getClientIdAlias() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the client ID alias when the authorization request or the token request for the access token was made.
getClientIdAlias() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Get the alias of the client ID.
getClientIdAlias() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the client ID alias.
getClientIdAlias() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the client ID alias when the token request was made.
getClientIdAlias() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the client ID alias when the authorization request for the access token was made.
getClientIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the client identifier used in the backchannel authentication request.
getClientIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the client identifier used in the backchannel authentication request.
getClientIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the client identifier used in the device authorization request.
getClientIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the client identifier used in the device authorization request for the user code.
getClientIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyRequest
Get the identifier of the client application whose keys are required for verification of the JOSE object.
getClientIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the client Identifier that will be associated with a newly created access token.
getClientIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the client Identifier associated with the newly issued access token.
getClientIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRevokeRequest
Get the identifier of a client.
getClientList() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of client applications that belong to the service (= call Authlete's /client/get/list API).
getClientList(int, int) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of client applications that belong to the service (= call Authlete's /client/get/list API with start and end parameters).
getClientList(String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of client applications that belong to the developer (= call Authlete's /client/get/list API with developer parameter).
getClientList(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of client applications (= call Authlete's /client/get/list API with developer, start and end parameters).
getClientName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the name of the client application which has made the backchannel authentication request.
getClientName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the name of the client application which has made the backchannel authentication request.
getClientName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the client name.
getClientName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the name of the client application which has made the device authorization request.
getClientName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the name of the client application to which the user code has been issued.
getClientNames() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the client names each of which has a language tag.
getClientNotificationEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the client notification endpoint to which a notification needs to be sent.
getClientNotificationToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the client notification token which needs to be embedded as a Bearer token in the Authorization header in the notification.
getClientNotificationToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the client notification token included in the backchannel authentication request.
getClientRegistrationTypes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the client registration types that the client has declared it may use.
getClients() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientListResponse
Get the list of clients that match the query conditions.
getClientSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Get the client secret extracted from Authorization header of the backchannel authentication request from the client application.
getClientSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the client secret.
getClientSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretUpdateRequest
Get the client secret.
getClientSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Get the client secret extracted from Authorization header of the device authorization request from the client application.
getClientSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Get the client secret extracted from the Authorization header of the request to the pushed authorization request endpoint.
getClientSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Get the client secret extracted from Authorization header of the token revocation request from the client application.
getClientSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the client secret extracted from Authorization header of the token request from the client application.
getClientsPerDeveloper() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the number of client applications that one developer can create.
getClientType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the client type.
getClientUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the URI of the home page.
getClientUris() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the URIs of the home pages for specific languages.
getClockSkew() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyRequest
Get the allowable clock skew in seconds.
getCnonce() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the c_nonce associated with the access token.
getCnonce() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the c_nonce.
getCnonceDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the duration of c_nonce in seconds.
getCnonceDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the duration of the c_nonce in seconds.
getCnonceExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the time at which the c_nonce expires in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01).
getCnonceExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the time at which the c_nonce expires in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01).
getComparisonValue() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClaimRule
Get the value to compare the claim value to, if the operation is EQUALS.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class com.authlete.common.api.Settings
Get the timeout value in milliseconds for socket connection.
getConsentedClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the claims that the user has consented for the client application to know.
getConsentedClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the claims that the user has consented for the client application to know.
getConsentedClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the claims that the user has consented for the client application to know.
getConsentedClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the claims that the user has consented for the client application to know.
getConsentedClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the claims that the user has consented for the client application to know.
getContacts() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the email addresses of contacts.
getContentDigest() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse
Get the Content-Digest header value to add to the response message.
getContentDigest() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse
Get the Content-Digest header value to add to the response message.
getContext() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationRequest
Get the arbitrary text to be attached to the ticket that will be issued from the /auth/authorization API.
getContext() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfo
Get the arbitrary text attached to the ticket.
getContext() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the general-purpose arbitrary string associated with the credential offer.
getContext() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the general-purpose arbitrary string.
getCount() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceCreatableResponse
Get the current number of services that the service owner has.
getCount() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRevokeResponse
Get the number of revoked tokens.
getCountry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IssuerConstraint
Get the constraint for country.
getCountry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Get the constraint for country.
getCountry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Issuer
Get the country or organization that issued the document.
getCountry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Get the country of the provider's address
getCountry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
Get the country name component.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.QESConstraint
Get the constraint for created_at.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Get the time when the signature was created.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Get the timestamp at which the access token was first created.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the time at which this client was created.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the time at which this service was created.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Get the time when this status was created.
getCredentialConfigurationIds() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the value of the credential_configuration_ids array.
getCredentialConfigurationIds() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the value of the credential_configuration_ids property of the credential offer.
getCredentialDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuanceOrder
Get the duration of the credential in seconds.
getCredentialDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the default duration of verifiable credentials in seconds.
getCredentialEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Get the URL of the credential endpoint.
getCredentialIssuer() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Get the identifier of the credential issuer.
getCredentialIssuer() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the identifier of the credential issuer.
getCredentialIssuerMetadata() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the credential issuer metadata.
getCredentialJwks() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the JWK Set document containing private keys that are used to sign verifiable credentials.
getCredentialJwksUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URL at which the JWK Set document of the credential issuer is exposed.
getCredentialOffer() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the credential offer in the JSON format.
getCredentialOfferDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the default duration of credential offers in seconds.
getCredentialOfferEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the URL of the credential offer endpoint at which this client (wallet) receives a credential offer from the credential issuer.
getCredentialOfferInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the information about the credential offer identified by the "issuer_state" request parameter.
getCredentialPayload() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuanceOrder
Get the additional payload that will be added into a credential to be issued.
getCredentialResponseEncryptionAlgValuesSupported() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Get the supported JWE alg algorithms for credential response encryption.
getCredentialResponseEncryptionEncValuesSupported() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Get the supported JWE enc algorithms for credential response encryption.
getCredentialsSupported() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Get the information about supported credential configurations in the JSON format.
getCredentialTransactionDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the duration of transaction ID in seconds that may be issued as a result of a credential request or a batch credential request.
getCustomMetadata() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the custom client metadata in JSON format.
getDataTypes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Get the data types.
getDate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.UtilityBillConstraint
Get the constraint for date.
getDate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.UtilityBill
Get the date when the utility bill was issued.
getDateOfExpiry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
Get the constraint for date_of_expiry.
getDateOfExpiry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Get the date of expiry of the document.
getDateOfIssuance() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
Get the constraint for date_of_issuance.
getDateOfIssuance() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Get the date of issuance of the document.
getDefaultAcrs() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the default list of authentication context class references.
getDefaultApi() - Static method in class com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiFactory
Get the default instance of AuthleteApi.
getDefaultMaxAge() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the default value of the maximum authentication age in seconds.
getDeferredCredentialEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Get the URL of the deferred credential endpoint.
getDeliveryMode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the backchannel token delivery mode.
getDeliveryMode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the backchannel token delivery mode of the client application.
getDerivedSectorIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the sector identifier host component as derived from either the sector_identifier_uri or the registered redirect_uri.
getDescription() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest
Get the custom description about the authorization failure.
getDescription() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the description.
getDescriptions() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the descriptions for specific languages.
getDescriptions() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Get descriptions for various languages.
getDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialRequestInfo
Get the details of the credential request.
getDeveloper() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the unique ID of the developer of this client application.
getDeveloper() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
Get the developer of client applications.
getDeveloper() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientListResponse
Get the developer specified in the query.
getDeveloperAuthenticationCallbackApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the API key to access the developer authentication callback endpoint.
getDeveloperAuthenticationCallbackApiSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the API secret to access the developer authentication callback endpoint.
getDeveloperAuthenticationCallbackEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the developer authentication callback endpoint.
getDeveloperSnsCredentials() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the list of SNS credentials that Authlete uses to support social login at the developer console.
getDeviceAuthorizationEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the device authorization endpoint.
getDeviceCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the device verification code.
getDeviceFlowCodeDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the duration of device verification codes and end-user verification codes issued from the device authorization endpoint in seconds.
getDeviceFlowPollingInterval() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the minimum interval between polling requests to the token endpoint from client applications in seconds in device flow.
getDeviceVerificationUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the verification URI for the device flow.
getDeviceVerificationUriComplete() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the verification URI for the device flow with a placeholder for a user code.
getDigestAlgorithm() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the digest algorithm that this client requests the server to use when it computes digest values of external attachments, which may be referenced from within ID tokens or userinfo responses (or any place that can have the verified_claims claim).
getDisplay() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the display mode which the client application requests by "display" request parameter.
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackResponse
Get the display name of the authenticated developer.
getDocument() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IDDocumentConstraint
Get the constraint for document.
getDocument() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Get the ID document used to perform the ID verification.
getDpop() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Get the value of the DPoP header of the grant management request.
getDpop() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the DPoP header presented by the client during the request to the resource server.
getDpop() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Get the DPoP header presented by the client during the request to the PAR endpoint.
getDpop() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the DPoP header presented by the client during the request to the token endpoint.
getDpop() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Get the DPoP header presented by the client during the request to the userinfo endpoint.
getDpopKey() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteConfiguration
Get the public/private key pair used for DPoP signatures in JWK format.
getDpopKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteEnvConfiguration
getDpopKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
getDpopKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
getDpopKeyThumbprint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the thumbprint of the public key used for DPoP presentation of this token.
getDpopKeyThumbprint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get the thumbprint of the public key used for DPoP presentation of this token.
getDpopNonce() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse
Get the expected nonce value for DPoP proof JWT, which should be used as the value of the DPoP-Nonce HTTP header.
getDpopNonce() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the expected nonce value for DPoP proof JWT, which should be used as the value of the DPoP-Nonce HTTP header.
getDpopNonce() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse
Get the expected nonce value for DPoP proof JWT, which should be used as the value of the DPoP-Nonce HTTP header.
getDpopNonce() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the expected nonce value for DPoP proof JWT, which should be used as the value of the DPoP-Nonce HTTP header.
getDpopNonce() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the expected nonce value for DPoP proof JWT, which should be used as the value of the DPoP-Nonce HTTP header.
getDpopNonceDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the duration of nonce values for DPoP proof JWTs in seconds.
getDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the duration of the credential offer in seconds.
getDynamicScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the dynamic scopes which the client application requested by the scope request parameter.
getDynamicScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the dynamic scopes which the client application requested by the scope request parameter.
getDynamicScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the dynamic scopes which the client application requested by the scope request parameter.
getDynamicScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the dynamic scopes which the client application requested by the scope request parameter.
getElements() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetails
Get the elements of this authorization details.
getEmail() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Get the email address of the service owner.
getEnd() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
Get the end index of search results (exclusive).
getEnd() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientListResponse
Get the end index (exclusive) for the result set of the query.
getEnd() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceListResponse
Get the end index (exclusive) for the result set of the query.
getEnd() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
Get the end index (exclusive) for the result set of the query.
getEndSessionEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the end session endpoint for the service.
getEntityConfiguration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationRequest
Get the entity configuration of a relying party.
getEntityId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the entity ID of this client.
getEntityId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TrustAnchor
Get the entity ID of the trust anchor.
getEntityTypes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationRequest
Get the entity types for which the entity configuration is created.
getEnum(Enum<?>, Class<TEnum>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getEnum(key.name(), enumClass).
getEnum(Enum<?>, Class<TEnum>, TEnum) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getEnum(key.name(), enumClass, defaultValue).
getEnum(Enum<?>, TEnum) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getEnum(key, (Class<TEnum>)defaultValue.getClass(), defaultValue).
getEnum(String, Class<TEnum>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getEnum(key, enumClass, null).
getEnum(String, Class<TEnum>, TEnum) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Get the value of the property identified by the key as Enum.
getEnum(String, TEnum) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getEnum(key, (Class<TEnum>)defaultValue.getClass(), defaultValue).
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Get the error code.
getErrorDescription() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the description of the error.
getErrorDescription() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest
Get the description of the error.
getErrorDescription() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the description of the error.
getErrorDescription() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Get the error description.
getErrorDescriptions() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyResponse
Get the list of error messages.
getErrorUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the URI of a document which describes the error in detail.
getErrorUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest
Get the URI of a document which describes the error in detail.
getErrorUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the URI of a document which describes the error in detail.
getEvidence() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerificationConstraint
Get the constraint for evidence.
getEvidence() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Get the evidence the OP used to verify the user's identity.
getExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the time at which the credential offer will expire.
getExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the date in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01) at which the user code will expire.
getExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the time at which the access token expires in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01).
getExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the date at which the newly issued access token will expire.
getExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Get the expiration date/time in seconds since the Unix epoch.
getExpiresIn() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the lifetime of the access token in seconds.
getExpiresIn() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse
Get the duration of the issued authentication request ID in seconds.
getExpiresIn() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the lifetime of the access token in seconds.
getExpiresIn() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the duration of the issued device verification code and end-user verification code in seconds.
getExpiresIn() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the duration of the newly issued access token in seconds.
getExtension() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the extended information about this client.
getFapiModes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the FAPI modes for this client.
getFapiModes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the FAPI modes for this service.
getFederationConfigurationDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the duration of the entity configuration in seconds.
getFederationJwks() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the JWK Set document containing keys that are used to sign (1) self-signed entity statement of this service and (2) the response from signed_jwks_uri.
getFederationRegistrationEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the federation registration endpoint.
getFederationSignatureKeyId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the key ID to identify a JWK that should be used to sign the entity configuration and the signed JWK Set.
getFloat(Enum<?>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getFloat(key.name()).
getFloat(Enum<?>, float) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getFloat(key.name(), defaultValue).
getFloat(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getFloat(key, 0.0F).
getFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.StringBasedTypedProperties
getFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Get the value of the property identified by the key as float.
getFormat() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialRequestInfo
Get the value of the format parameter in the credential request.
getFormatted() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Get the constraint for formatted.
getFormatted() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Get the formatted address of the provider.
getFormatted() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
Get the full mailing address, formatted for display or use on a mailing label.
getFromObject(JsonObject, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.BaseJsonDeserializer
getGmAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the value of the grant_management_action request parameter.
getGmAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the value of the grant_management_action request parameter.
getGmAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the value of the grant_management_action request parameter.
getGmAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the value of the grant_management_action request parameter of the device authorization request.
getGmAction() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Get the grant management action of the grant management request.
getGrant() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the content of the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter.
getGrant() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the content of the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter.
getGrant() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the content of the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter.
getGrant() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the content of the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter of the device authorization request.
getGrant() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the grant that this access token has inherited.
getGrantedScopes(long, String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the set of scopes that a user has granted to a client application (call Authlete's /client/granted_scopes/get/{clientId} API).
getGrantId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the value of the grant_id request parameter.
getGrantId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the value of the grant_id parameter in the response.
getGrantId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the value of the grant_id request parameter.
getGrantId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the value of the grant_id request parameter.
getGrantId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the value of the grant_id request parameter of the device authorization request.
getGrantId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Get the grant ID of the grant management request.
getGrantId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the grant ID which this access token is tied to.
getGrantId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the value of the grant_id parameter in the token response.
getGrantManagementEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URL of the grant management endpoint.
getGrantSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the subject of the user who has given the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter.
getGrantSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the subject of the user who has given the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter.
getGrantSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the subject of the user who has given the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter.
getGrantSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the subject of the user who has given the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter of the device authorization request.
getGrantType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Get the grant type of the access token when the access token was created.
getGrantType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the grant type that was used for issuance of the access token.
getGrantType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the grant type for a newly created access token.
getGrantType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the grant type for the newly issued access token.
getGrantType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the grant type of the token request.
getGrantTypes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get grant_type values that the client is declaring that it will restrict itself to using.
getHandle() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Get the handle for the key on the HSM.
getHashAlg() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
Get the hash algorithm used by this signature algorithm.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the HTTP headers included in the resource request.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureRequest
Get the HTTP response headers, all will be included in the signature.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Get the HTTP response headers, all will be included in the signature.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Get the HTTP headers included in the userinfo request.
getHint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the value of the hint for end-user identification.
getHintType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the type of the hint for end-user identification which was included in the backchannel authentication request.
getHsk() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskResponse
Get the information about the key on the HSM.
getHsks() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskListResponse
Get the information about the keys on the HSM.
getHsks() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get information about keys managed on HSMs (Hardware Security Modules).
getHsmName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Get the name of the HSM.
getHsmName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskCreateRequest
Get the name of the HSM.
getHtm() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Get the HTTP method of the grant management request.
getHtm() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the HTTP method of the request from the client to the protected resource endpoint.
getHtm() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Get the HTTP method of the pushed authorization request.
getHtm() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the HTTP method of the token request.
getHtm() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Get the HTTP method of the userinfo request.
getHttpAcceptHeader() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Get the value of the HTTP Accept header in the introspection request.
getHtu() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Get the URL of the grant management endpoint.
getHtu() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the URL of the protected resource endpoint.
getHtu() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Get the URL of the PAR endpoint.
getHtu() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the URL of the token endpoint.
getHtu() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Get the URL of the userinfo endpoint.
getId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the ID of the end-user to authenticate.
getId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the ID of the developer to authenticate.
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Get the identifier of a specific resource.
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the identifier of the credential offer.
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoRequest
Get the identifier of the credential offer.
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialRequestInfo
Get the identifier of the credential request.
getIdtHeaderParams() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get JSON that represents additional JWS header parameters for ID tokens that may be issued based on the authorization request.
getIdtHeaderParams() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get JSON that represents additional JWS header parameters for the ID token.
getIdtHeaderParams() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get JSON that represents additional JWS header parameters for the ID token that may be issued from the token endpoint.
getIdtHeaderParams() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
Get additional parameters that should be embedded in the JWS header of the ID token.
getIdToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Get the newly issued ID token.
getIdToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the issued ID token.
getIdToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueResponse
Get the reissued ID token.
getIdToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the ID token.
getIdTokenAudType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the type of the aud claim of the ID token being issued.
getIdTokenAudType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the type of the aud claim of the ID token being issued.
getIdTokenAudType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the type of the aud claim of the ID token being issued.
getIdTokenAudType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
Get the type of the "aud" claim of the ID token being issued.
getIdTokenAudType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the type of the aud claim in ID tokens.
getIdTokenClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the value of the "id_token" property in the "claims" request parameter or in the "claims" property in a request object.
getIdTokenClaims() - Static method in class com.authlete.common.types.IdTokenClaims
Get the claim list described in "OpenID Connect Core 1.0, 2. ID Token".
getIdTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the duration of the ID token in seconds.
getIdTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the duration of ID tokens in seconds.
getIdTokenEncryptionAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting the ID token issued to this client.
getIdTokenEncryptionEnc() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting the ID token issued to this client.
getIdTokenSignAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWS alg algorithm for signing the ID token issued to this client.
getIdTokenSignatureKeyId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the key ID to identify a JWK used for ID token signature using an asymmetric key.
getInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse
Get the information about the ticket.
getInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateRequest
Get the information about the ticket.
getInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse
Get the information about the ticket.
getInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse
Get information about the credential requests in the batch credential request.
getInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse
Get information about the credential request bound to the transaction ID.
getInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateResponse
Get information about the credential offer.
getInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse
Get information about the credential offer.
getInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse
Get information about the credential request.
getInt(Enum<?>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getInt(key.name()).
getInt(Enum<?>, int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getInt(key.name(), defaultValue).
getInt(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getInt(key, 0).
getInt(String, int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.StringBasedTypedProperties
getInt(String, int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Get the value of the property identified by the key as int.
getInterval() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse
Get the minimum amount of time in seconds that the client must wait for between polling requests to the token endpoint.
getInterval() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the minimum amount of time in seconds that the client must wait for between polling requests to the token endpoint.
getIntrospectionEncryptionAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Get the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting the introspection response.
getIntrospectionEncryptionEnc() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Get the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting the introspection response.
getIntrospectionEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the introspection endpoint.
getIntrospectionSignAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Get the JWS alg algorithm for signing the introspection response.
getIntrospectionSignatureKeyId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the key ID of the key for signing introspection responses.
getInvalidClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyResponse
Get the list of invalid claims.
getIssuableCredentials() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the information about the issuable credentials that can be obtained by presenting the access token that will be issued as a result of the authorization request.
getIssuableCredentials() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the credentials that can be obtained by presenting the access token.
getIssuer() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
Get the constraint for issuer.
getIssuer() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.QESConstraint
Get the constraint for issuer.
getIssuer() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Get the issuer of the document.
getIssuer() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Get the certification authority that issued the signer's certificate.
getIssuer() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the issuer identifier of this OpenID provider.
getIssuerState() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the value of the issuer_state property in the authorization_code object in the grants object.
getJose() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyRequest
Get the JOSE object that will be verified.
getJson() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationRequest
Get client metadata in JSON format that complies with RFC 7591 (OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol).
getJwks() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AssertionProcessor
Get the JSON Web Key set used to check the assertion's signatures, serialized as a JSON string.
getJwks() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JSON Web Key Set.
getJwks() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the JSON Web Key Set of the service.
getJwks() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TrustAnchor
Get the JWK Set document containing public keys of the trust anchor.
getJwksUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the URI of the JSON Web Key Set of the client application.
getJwksUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the service's JSON Web Key Set.
getJwtAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Get the newly issued access token in JWT format.
getJwtAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the newly issued access token in JWT format.
getJwtAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the newly issued access token in JWT format.
getJwtAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the newly issued access token in JWT format.
getJwtAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the newly issued access token in JWT format.
getJwtAtClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
getJwtAtClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
getJwtAtClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
getJwtAtClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
getJwtAtClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
getJwtAtClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
getJwtAtClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Get the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
getJwtAtClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
getKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Pair
Get the key of this pair.
getKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Property
Get the key.
getKid() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Get the key ID for the key on the HSM.
getKid() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskCreateRequest
Get the key ID for the key on the HSM.
getKty() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Get the key type of the key on the HSM.
getKty() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskCreateRequest
Get the key type.
getLastRefreshedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Get the timestamp at which the access token was last refreshed using the refresh token.
getLatestGrantedScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
Get the scopes granted to the client application by the last authorization process by the user (who is identified by the subject).
getLength() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
Get the length of generated user codes.
getLimit() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceCreatableResponse
Get the maximum number of services that can be created in the plan.
getLocality() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Get the constraint for locality.
getLocality() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Get the locality of the provider's address.
getLocality() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
Get the city or locality component.
getLocations() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Get the resources and/or resource servers.
getLoginHint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the value of login hint, which is specified by the client application using "login_hint" request parameter.
getLoginId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest
Get the login ID of the end-user to authenticate.
getLoginId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Get the login ID of the service owner.
getLoginUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the URL that can initiate a login for this client application.
getLogoUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the URI of the logo image.
getLogoUris() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the logo URIs each of which has a language tag.
getLong(Enum<?>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getLong(key.name()).
getLong(Enum<?>, long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getLong(key.name(), defaultValue).
getLong(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getLong(key, 0L).
getLong(String, long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.StringBasedTypedProperties
getLong(String, long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Get the value of the property identified by the key as long.
getLowestPrompt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
getMajor() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.Version
Get the major number.
getMandatoryClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyRequest
Get the mandatory claims that are required to be included in the JOSE object.
getMaxAge() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.TimeConstraint
Get the value of "max_age".
getMaxAge() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the maximum authentication age which is the allowable elapsed time in seconds since the last time the end-user was actively authenticated by the service implementation.
getMaxAge() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the maximum authentication age which is the maximum allowable elapsed time since the user authentication was performed during the course of issuing the access token.
getMergedGrantedScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
Get the scopes granted to the client application by all the past authorization processes.
getMessage() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
getMessage() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureRequest
Get the HTTP message response body.
getMessage() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
getMetadata() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get metadata.
getMethod() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IDDocumentConstraint
Get the constraint for method.
getMethod() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Get the method used to verify this ID document.
getMinor() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.Version
Get the minor number.
getMissingClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyResponse
Get the list of missing claims; the claims that are not included in the payload part of the JOSE object although they are listed in the mandatoryClaims request parameter.
getModifiedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the time at which this client was last modified.
getModifiedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
Get the timestamp in milliseconds since Unix epoch at which this record was modified.
getModifiedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the time at which this service was last modified.
getModifiedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Get the time when this status was last modified.
getMtlsEndpointAliases() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the MTLS endpoint aliases.
getName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IssuerConstraint
Get the constraint for name.
getName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Get the constraint for name.
getName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Issuer
Get the name of the issuer.
getName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Get the name of the provider.
getName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DynamicScope
Get the scope name.
getName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.NamedUri
Get the name of the URI.
getName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Get the scope name.
getName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Get the service owner name.
getName() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimsScope
Get the scope name in lower-case letters.
getName() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.types.HSM
The name of the HSM.
getName() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
Get the name of this algorithm.
getName() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
Get the name of this encryption method.
getName() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
Get the name of this algorithm.
getNewClientSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretRefreshResponse
Get the new client secret.
getNewClientSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretUpdateResponse
Get the new client secret.
getNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
Get the constraint for number.
getNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Get the number of the document.
getNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AssertionProcessor
Get the object number for this assertion processor.
getNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the client number.
getNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the service number.
getNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Get the service owner number.
getOauthClientAttestation() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Get the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation HTTP header.
getOauthClientAttestation() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Get the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation HTTP header.
getOauthClientAttestation() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Get the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation HTTP header.
getOauthClientAttestation() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Get the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation HTTP header.
getOauthClientAttestation() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation HTTP header.
getOauthClientAttestationPop() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Get the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation-PoP HTTP header.
getOauthClientAttestationPop() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Get the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation-PoP HTTP header.
getOauthClientAttestationPop() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Get the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation-PoP HTTP header.
getOauthClientAttestationPop() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Get the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation-PoP HTTP header.
getOauthClientAttestationPop() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation-PoP HTTP header.
getOldClientSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretRefreshResponse
Get the old client secret.
getOldClientSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretUpdateResponse
Get the old client secret.
getOperation() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClaimRule
Get the operation that this rule will apply to any claims it processes.
getOrder() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueRequest
Get the credential order that provides an instruction for issuing a credential.
getOrder() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueRequest
Get the credential order that provides an instruction for issuing a credential.
getOrders() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueRequest
Get the credential orders that provide instructions for issuance of credentials and/or transaction IDs.
getOrganization() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifierConstraint
Get the constraint for organization.
getOrganization() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verifier
Get the organization which performed the verification on behalf of the OP.
getOrganizationName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the human-readable name representing the organization that manages this client.
getOrganizationName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the human-readable name representing the organization that operates this service.
getOtherFields() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Get the other fields (than the pre-defined ones such as type and locations) as a string in the JSON format.
getOtherFieldsAsMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Get the other fields (than type, locations, actions and identifier) as a Map object.
getParameters() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationRequest
Get the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint of the service implementation received from the client application.
getParameters() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Get the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the backchannel authentication endpoint of the OpenID provider implementation received from the client application.
getParameters() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Get the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the device authorization endpoint of the authorization server implementation received from the client application.
getParameters() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Get the request parameters that the pushed authorization request endpoint received from the client application.
getParameters() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Get the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the OAuth 2.0 token revocation endpoint of the service implementation received from the client application.
getParameters() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Get the value of parameters that represents the request parameters which the introspection endpoint of the authorization server received.
getParameters() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint of the service implementation received from the client application.
getPassword() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the password of the end-user to authenticate.
getPassword() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest
Get the password of the end-user to authenticate.
getPassword() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the password of the developer to authenticate.
getPassword() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the value of "password" request parameter.
getPassword() - Method in class com.authlete.common.web.BasicCredentials
Get the password.
getPatch() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceConfigurationRequest
Get the JSON Patch (RFC 6902 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch) to be applied.
getPatch() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.Version
Get the patch number.
getPlan() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceCreatableResponse
Get the plan of the service owner.
getPlan() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Get the plan.
getPolicyUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the URI of the policy page which describes how the client application uses the profile data of the end-user.
getPolicyUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI that this OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the client to read about the OP's requirements on how the Relying Party can use the data provided by the OP.
getPolicyUris() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the URIs of the policy pages for specific languages.
getPostalCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Get the constraint for postal_code.
getPostalCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Get the postal code of the provider's address.
getPostalCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
Get the zip code or postal code component.
getPreAuthorizedCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the value of the pre-authorized_code property in the urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code object in the grants object.
getPredefinedTransformedClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the transformed claims predefined by this service in JSON format.
getPrivileges() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Get the types or levels of privilege.
getPrompts() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the list of prompts contained in the authorization request (= the value of prompt request parameter).
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Get the properties associated with the access token.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the extra properties to associate with an access token and/or an authorization code which will be issued by this request.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the extra properties associated with the access token.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the extra properties associated with the credential offer.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the extra properties associated with the credential offer.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the extra properties associated with the access token that will be issued.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the extra properties associated with the access token.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the extra properties to associate with an access token which will be issued by this request.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the properties associated with the access token.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Get the extra properties associated with the token.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Get the extra properties to associate with an access token which will be issued by this request.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the extra properties associated with the access token.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the extra properties to associate with an access token which may be issued by this request.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the extra properties associated with the access token.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get a new set of properties assigned to the access token.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Get the properties associated with the access token.
getProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the extra properties associated with the access token.
getProvider() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.UtilityBillConstraint
Get the constraint for provider.
getProvider() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.UtilityBill
Get the provider that issued the utility bill.
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Get the public key that corresponds to the key on the HSM.
getPublicKey(Hsk, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.types.HSM
Get the public key that corresponds to the key on the HSM.
getPublicKeyForEncryption() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Get the public key for encrypting the introspection response with an asymmetric algorithm.
getPurpose() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimConstraint
Get the value of "purpose".
getPurpose() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the value of the purpose request parameter.
getPushedAuthReqDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the duration of pushed authorization requests.
getPushedAuthReqEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the pushed authorization request endpoint.
getRandom() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
Get the Random instance used for user code generation.
getRawTokenResponse() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the raw response from the token endpoint of the SNS.
getRawTokenResponse() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the raw response from the token endpoint of the SNS.
getReadTimeout() - Method in class com.authlete.common.api.Settings
Get the read timeout in milliseconds.
getReason() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest
Get the value of "reason" which is the reason of the failure of the authorization request.
getReason() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest
Get the reason of the failure of the backchannel authentication request.
getReason() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailRequest
Get the value of "reason" which is the reason of the failure of the token request.
getRedirectUris() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the redirect URIs.
getReferenceTokens() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.MutableJsonPointer
Get the list of reference tokens.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the refresh token returned by the SNS which the end-user used for social login.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the issued refresh token.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the refresh token returned by the SNS which the developer used for social login.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
Get the refresh token.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the refresh token.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the newly issued refresh token.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the refresh token.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the newly issued refresh token.
getRefreshTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the duration of the refresh token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getRefreshTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the duration of the refresh token in seconds.
getRefreshTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientExtension
Get the value of the duration of refresh tokens per client in seconds.
getRefreshTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the duration of the refresh token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getRefreshTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the duration of refresh tokens in seconds.
getRefreshTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the duration of a newly created refresh token in seconds.
getRefreshTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Get the duration of the refresh token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getRefreshTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the duration of the refresh token in seconds.
getRefreshTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the duration of the refresh token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
getRefreshTokenDuration() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the duration of the refresh token in seconds.
getRefreshTokenExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Get the timestamp at which the refresh token will expire.
getRefreshTokenExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the date in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01) at which the refresh token will expire.
getRefreshTokenExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the date in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01) at which the refresh token will expire.
getRefreshTokenExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get the new date at which the refresh token will expire.
getRefreshTokenExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Get the date at which the refresh token will expire.
getRefreshTokenHash() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Get the hash of the refresh token.
getRefreshTokenIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRevokeRequest
Get the identifier of a refresh token to revoke.
getRefreshTokenScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Get the scopes associated with the refresh token.
getRefreshTokenScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the scopes associated with the refresh token.
getRefreshTokenScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the scopes associated with the refresh token.
getRefreshTokenScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the scopes associated with the refresh token.
getRegion() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Get the constraint for region.
getRegion() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Get the region of the provider's address.
getRegion() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
Get the state, province, prefecture, or region component.
getRegistrationAccessTokenHash() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the hash of the registration access token for this client.
getRegistrationEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the registration endpoint.
getRegistrationManagementEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the registration management endpoint.
getRequestableScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientExtension
Get the set of scopes that this client application can request when "Requestable Scopes per Client" is enabled (= when ClientExtension.isRequestableScopesEnabled() returns true).
getRequestableScopes(long) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the requestable scopes assigned to a client (= call Authlete's /client/extension/requestable_scopes/get/{clientId} API).
getRequestContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseRequest
Get the message body of the batch credential request.
getRequestContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseRequest
Get the message body of the deferred credential request.
getRequestContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseRequest
Get the message body of the credential request.
getRequestContext() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the request context of the backchannel authentication request.
getRequestedClaimsForTx() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get names of claims that are requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
getRequestedClaimsForTx() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get names of claims that are requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
getRequestedExpiry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the requested expiry for the authentication request ID (auth_req_id).
getRequestedIdTokenClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the names of the claims that the authorization request (which resulted in generation of the access token) requested to be embedded in ID tokens.
getRequestedTokenType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the value of the requested_token_type request parameter.
getRequestedVerifiedClaimsForTx() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get names of verified claims that are requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
getRequestedVerifiedClaimsForTx() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get names of verified claims that are requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
getRequestEncryptionAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting request objects.
getRequestEncryptionEnc() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting request objects.
getRequestId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Get the request ID associated with the status.
getRequestId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateBatchResponse
Get the request ID.
getRequestId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateBatchStatusRequest
Get the request ID associated with the batch status to retrieve.
getRequestIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuanceOrder
Get the identifier that has been assigned to the credential request by the preceding Authlete API.
getRequestObjectPayload() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the payload part of the request object.
getRequestSignAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWS alg algorithm for signing request objects.
getRequestSignature() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureRequest
Get the Signature header value from the request.
getRequestSignature() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Get the Signature header value from the request.
getRequestUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse
Get the request URI created to represent the pushed authorization request.
getRequestUris() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the request URIs that this client declares it may use.
getRequiredComponents() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
getResource() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantScope
Get the resource.
getResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the resources specified by the resource request parameters or by the resource property in the request object.
getResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the resources specified by the resource request parameters or by the resource property in the request object in the preceding backchannel authentication request.
getResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the resources specified by the resource request parameters or by the resource property in the request object.
getResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the resources specified by the resource request parameters.
getResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the resources specified by the resource request parameters in the preceding device authorization request.
getResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the resource indicators that the access token should cover.
getResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the target resources.
getResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the resources.
getResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Get the resources associated with the token.
getResources() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the resources specified by the resource request parameters in the token request.
getResourceSignatureKeyId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the key ID of a JWK containing the private key used by this service to sign responses from the resource server, such as the userinfo endpoint and responses sent to the RS signing endpoint.
getResponseBody() - Method in exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Get the response body contained in the response from Authlete server.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse
Get the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse
Get the response content which can be used to generate a response to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Get the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the response content which can be used to generate a response to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the content of the notification.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse
Get the content of the response body of the response to the client.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse
Get the content of the response body of the response to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the content that can be used to generate a response to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse
Get the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse
Get the content of the response that the implementation of the batch credential endpoint should return.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse
Get the content of the response that should be returned to the request sender.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse
Get the content of the response that the implementation of the deferred credential endpoint should return.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse
Get the content of the response that should be returned to the request sender.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksResponse
Get the content of the response that should be returned from the JWK Set document endpoint.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse
Get the content that the implementation of the credential issuer metadata endpoint should use when it constructs a response.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse
Get the content that the implementation of the JWT issuer metadata endpoint should use when it constructs a response.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse
Get the content of the response that the implementation of the credential endpoint should return.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse
Get the content of the response that should be returned to the request sender.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the content that can be used to generate a response to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationResponse
Get the content that the implementation of the entity configuration endpoint should use when it constructs a response to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse
Get the content that the implementation of the federation registration endpoint should use when it constructs a response to the API caller.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse
Get the response content which can be used to build a response to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueResponse
Get the response content that can be used as the message body of the token response that should be returned from the token endpoint.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the response content which can be used as a part of the response to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse
Get the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse
Get the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse
Get the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the resource server.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailResponse
Get the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse
Get the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
getResponseContent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the response content which can be used as a part of the response to the client application.
getResponseHeaders() - Method in exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Get the response headers contained in the response from Authlete server.
getResponseModes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the response modes that this client may use.
getResponseTypes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get response_type values that the client is declaring that it will restrict itself to using.
getResult() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the result of end-user authentication and authorization.
getResult() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the result of end-user authentication and authorization.
getResult() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Get the result of the token batch.
getResultCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ApiResponse
Get the code of the result of an Authlete API call.
getResultMessage() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ApiResponse
Get the message of the result of an Authlete API call.
getRevocationEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the token revocation endpoint.
getRsSignedRequestKeyId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the key ID of the JWK containing the public key used to verify HTTP message signatures signed by this client.
getRsUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Get the URI of the resource server making the introspection request.
getScope() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantScope
Get the space-delimited scopes.
getScopeDetails() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the details of the scopes.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Get the scopes associated with the access token.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get scopes to associate with an authorization code and/or an access token.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the scopes which the client application requests by "scope" request parameter.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get scopes associated with the access token.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the scopes requested by the backchannel authentication request.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationUpdateRequest
Get the new set of scopes assigned to existing access tokens.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the scopes requested by the device authorization request.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get scopes associated with the access token.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the scopes requested by the device authorization request for the user code.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Grant
Get the grant scopes.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the scopes which are required to access the protected resource endpoint.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the scopes covered by the access token.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the scopes that will be associated with a newly created access token.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the scopes associated with the newly issued access token.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Get the scopes.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the scopes covered by the access token.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the scopes covered by the access token.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get the new set of scopes assigned to the access token.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Get the scopes associated with the access token.
getScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the scopes covered by the access token.
getSectorIdentifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Since Authlete 2.2. Use Client.getSectorIdentifierUri() instead.
getSectorIdentifierUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the value of the sector identifier URI.
getSelfSignedCertificateKeyId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the key ID of a JWK containing a self-signed certificate of this client.
getSerialNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.QESConstraint
Get the constraint for serial_number.
getSerialNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Get the serial number of the certificate.
getService() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the information about the service.
getService(long) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get a service (= call Authlete's /service/get/{apiKey} API).
getServiceAccessToken() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteConfiguration
Get the service API access token
getServiceAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteEnvConfiguration
getServiceAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
getServiceAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
getServiceApiKey() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteConfiguration
Get the service API key.
getServiceApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteEnvConfiguration
getServiceApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
Get the service API key.
getServiceApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
getServiceApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the API key of the target service.
getServiceApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the API key of the target service.
getServiceApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
Get the API key of the service.
getServiceApiSecret() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteConfiguration
Get the service API secret.
getServiceApiSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteEnvConfiguration
getServiceApiSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
Get the service API secret.
getServiceApiSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
getServiceAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
getServiceAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
getServiceAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
getServiceAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
getServiceAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
getServiceAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
getServiceAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
getServiceAttributes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
getServiceConfiguration() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the configuration of the service in JSON format that complies with OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0.
getServiceConfiguration(boolean) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the configuration of the service in JSON format that complies with OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0.
getServiceConfiguration(ServiceConfigurationRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the configuration of the service in JSON format that complies with OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0.
getServiceDocumentation() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of a page containing human-readable information that developers might want or need to know when using this OpenID Provider.
getServiceJwks() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the JWK Set of a service.
getServiceJwks(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the JWK Set of a service.
getServiceList() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of services that belong to the service owner (= call Authlete's /service/get/list API).
getServiceList(int, int) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of services that belong to the service owner (= call Authlete's /service/get/list API with start and end parameters).
getServiceName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the service name.
getServiceNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AssertionProcessor
Get the number of the service that this assertion processor is attached to.
getServiceNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the number of the service which this client belongs to.
getServiceOwnerAccessToken() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteConfiguration
Get the service owner API access token
getServiceOwnerAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteEnvConfiguration
getServiceOwnerAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
getServiceOwnerAccessToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
getServiceOwnerApiKey() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteConfiguration
Get the service owner API key.
getServiceOwnerApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteEnvConfiguration
getServiceOwnerApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
Get the service owner API key.
getServiceOwnerApiKey() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
getServiceOwnerApiSecret() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteConfiguration
Get the service owner API secret.
getServiceOwnerApiSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteEnvConfiguration
getServiceOwnerApiSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
Get the service owner API secret.
getServiceOwnerApiSecret() - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
getServiceOwnerNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the service owner number.
getServices() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceListResponse
Get the list of services.
getSettings() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the reference to the settings of this AuthleteApi implementation.
getSharedKeyForEncryption() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Get the shared key for encrypting the introspection response with a symmetric algorithm.
getSharedKeyForSign() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Get the shared key for signing the introspection response with a symmetric algorithm.
getSignature() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse
Get the Signature header value to add to the response message.
getSignature() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse
Get the Signature header value to add to the response message.
getSignatureInput() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse
Get the Signature-Input header value to add to the response message.
getSignatureInput() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse
Get the Signature-Input header value to add to the response message.
getSignedJwksUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the URI of the endpoint that returns this client's JWK Set document in the JWT format.
getSignedJwksUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the endpoint that returns this service's JWK Set document in the JWT format.
getSigningKeyId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuanceOrder
Get the key ID of the private key that should be used for signing the credential.
getSns() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the SNS that the end-user used for social login.
getSns() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Get the SNS that the developer used for social login.
getSns() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.SnsCredentials
Get the SNS.
getSnsCredentials() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the list of SNS credentials that Authlete uses to support social login.
getSoftwareId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the unique identifier string assigned by the client developer or software publisher used by registration endpoints to identify the client software to be dynamically registered.
getSoftwareVersion() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the version identifier string for the client software identified by the software ID.
getStandardClaims() - Static method in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
Get the claim list described in "OpenID Connect Core 1.0, 5.1. Standard Claims".
getStart() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
Get the start index of search results (inclusive).
getStart() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientListResponse
Get the start index (inclusive) for the result set of the query.
getStart() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceListResponse
Get the start index (inclusive) for the result set of the query.
getStart() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
Get the start index (inclusive) for the result set of the query.
getStatus() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureRequest
Get the HTTP status code of the response.
getStatus() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateBatchStatusResponse
Get the batch status.
getStatusCode() - Method in exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Get the HTTP status code contained in the response from Authlete server.
getStatusMessage() - Method in exception com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException
Get the HTTP status message contained in the response from Authlete server.
getStreetAddress() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Get the constraint for street_address.
getStreetAddress() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Get the street address of the provider's address.
getStreetAddress() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
Get the full street address component, which MAY include house number, street name, Post Office Box, and multi-line extended street address information.
getString(Enum<?>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getString(key.name()).
getString(Enum<?>, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getString(key.name(), defaultValue).
getString(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to getString(key, null).
getString(String, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesWrapper
getString(String, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Get the value of the property identified by the key as String.
getSub() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the value of the sub claim that should be used in the ID token which is to be issued.
getSub() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the value of the sub claim that should be used in the ID token.
getSub() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the value of the "sub" claim contained in the ID token hint included in the backchannel authentication request.
getSub() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the value of the sub claim that should be used in the ID token.
getSub() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
Get the value that should be used as the value of the "sub" claim of the ID token.
getSub() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Get the value of the sub claim.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Get the subject (= unique user ID) associated with the access token.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackResponse
Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the authenticated user.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the value of "subject" which is the subject (= a user account managed by the service) who has granted authorization to the client application.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the subject (= end-user's unique ID) that the client application requests.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizedClientListResponse
Get the identifier of the user who has granted authorization to the client applications.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user who has granted authorization to the client application.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationDeleteRequest
Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user who has granted authorization to the client application.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationUpdateRequest
Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user who has granted authorization to the client application.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the subject associated with the credential offer.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the subject associated with the credential offer.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackResponse
Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the authenticated developer.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user who has granted authorization to the client application.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the user who has granted authorization to the client.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the subject (= end-user ID managed by the service implementation) which is required to access the protected resource endpoint.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the subject (= resource owner's ID).
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the user who will be associated with a newly created access token.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the user associated with the newly issued access token.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Get the subject (= resource owner's unique identifier).
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Get the value of "subject" which is the unique identifier of the authenticated user.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the subject (= resource owner's ID) of the access token.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
Get the value of 'subject' parameter in the original request.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the subject (= resource owner's ID) of the access token.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRevokeRequest
Get the subject of a resource owner.
getSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the subject (= resource owner's ID).
getSubject() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.types.User
Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the user.
getSubjectToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the value of the subject_token request parameter.
getSubjectTokenInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the information about the token specified by the subject_token request parameter.
getSubjectTokenType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the value of the subject_token_type request parameter.
getSubjectType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the subject type that this client application requests.
getSupportedAcrs() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported ACRs (authentication context class references).
getSupportedAttachments() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get attachment types supported by this service.
getSupportedAuthorizationDetailsTypes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported authorization details types that can be used as values of the "type" field in "authorization_details".
getSupportedBackchannelTokenDeliveryModes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported backchannel token delivery modes.
getSupportedClaimLocales() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported claim locales.
getSupportedClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported claims.
getSupportedClaimTypes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported claim types.
getSupportedClientRegistrationTypes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the client registration types supported by this service.
getSupportedCustomClientMetadata() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get custom client metadata supported by this service.
getSupportedDeveloperSnses() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the list of supported SNSes for social login at the developer console.
getSupportedDigestAlgorithms() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get supported algorithms used to compute digest values of external attachments.
getSupportedDisplays() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported values of display parameter passed to the authorization endpoint.
getSupportedDocuments() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get document types supported by this service.
getSupportedDocumentsCheckMethods() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get document check methods supported by this service.
getSupportedDocumentsMethods() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get validation and verification processes supported by this service.
getSupportedDocumentsValidationMethods() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
getSupportedDocumentsVerificationMethods() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
getSupportedElectronicRecords() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get electronic record types supported by this service.
getSupportedEvidence() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get evidence supported by this service.
getSupportedGrantTypes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported grant types.
getSupportedIdentityDocuments() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
getSupportedIntrospectionAuthMethods() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get client authentication methods supported at the introspection endpoint.
getSupportedPromptValues() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported prompt values.
getSupportedResponseTypes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported response types.
getSupportedRevocationAuthMethods() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get client authentication methods supported at the revocation endpoint.
getSupportedScopes() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported scopes.
getSupportedServiceProfiles() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported service profiles.
getSupportedSnses() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the list of supported SNSes for social login at the authorization endpoint.
getSupportedTokenAuthMethods() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported client authentication methods at the token endpoint.
getSupportedTrustFrameworks() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get trust frameworks supported by this service.
getSupportedUiLocales() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported UI locales.
getSupportedVerificationMethods() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
getSupportedVerifiedClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get verified claims supported by this service.
getTag() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TaggedValue
Get the tag.
getTarget() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AssertionProcessor
Get the part of the service that this assertion processor will be applied to.
getTargetUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the target URI of the resource request, including the query part, if any.
getTargetUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Get the target URI of the userinfo request, including the query part, if any.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest
Get the value of "ticket" which is the ticket issued by Authlete's /auth/authorization API to the service implementation.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest
Get the value of "ticket" which is the ticket issued by Authlete's /auth/authorization API to the service implementation.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get the value of "ticket" which is the ticket issued by Authlete's /auth/authorization API to the service implementation.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the ticket which has been issued to the service implementation from Authlete's /auth/authorization API.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoRequest
Get the ticket that has been issued from the /auth/authorization API.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateRequest
Get the ticket that has been issued from the /auth/authorization API.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Get the ticket which is necessary to call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/complete API.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest
Get the ticket which should be deleted on a call of Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueRequest
Get the ticket which is necessary to call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/issue API.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the ticket that is necessary for the implementation of the backchannel authentication endpoint to call /api/backchannel/authentication/* API.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailRequest
Get the value of "ticket" which is the ticket issued by Authlete's /auth/token API to the service implementation.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Get the value of "ticket" which is the ticket issued by Authlete's /auth/token API to the service implementation.
getTicket() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the ticket issued from Authlete's /auth/token endpoint.
getTicketInfo() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Get the information attached to the ticket that was presented to the /auth/authorization/issue API.
getTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IDDocumentConstraint
Get the constraint for time.
getTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerificationConstraint
Get the constraint for time.
getTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Get the date when this ID document was verified.
getTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Get the date and time when identity verification took place.
getTlsClientAuthSanDns() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the string representation of the expected DNS subject alternative name of the certificate this client will use in mutual TLS authentication.
getTlsClientAuthSanEmail() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the string representation of the expected email address subject alternative name of the certificate this client will use in mutual TLS authentication.
getTlsClientAuthSanIp() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the string representation of the expected IP address subject alternative name of the certificate this client will use in mutual TLS authentication.
getTlsClientAuthSanUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the string representation of the expected URI subject alternative name of the certificate this client will use in mutual TLS authentication.
getTlsClientAuthSubjectDn() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the string representation of the expected subject distinguished name of the certificate this client will use in mutual TLS authentication.
getToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationRequest
Get the client registration access token which was passed with this update request.
getToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the access token to introspect.
getToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Get the access token which has come along with the userinfo request from the client application.
getToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Get the access token which has come along with the userinfo request from the client application.
getToken() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the access token that came along with the userinfo request.
getTokenAuthMethod() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the client authentication method for the token endpoint.
getTokenAuthSignAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWS alg algorithm for signing the JWT used to authenticate the client at the token endpoint.
getTokenBatchNotificationEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the endpoint that receives token batch results.
getTokenCount() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Get the number of access tokens processed by the batch.
getTokenCreateBatchStatus(String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/token/create/batch/status API.
getTokenEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the token endpoint.
getTokenId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the unique token identifier.
getTokenId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get the token identifier.
getTokenId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Get the token identifier.
getTokenList() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of access tokens that are associated with the service (= call Authlete's /auth/token/get/list API).
getTokenList(int, int) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of access tokens that are associated with the service (= call Authlete's /auth/token/get/list API with start and end parameters).
getTokenList(int, int, TokenStatus) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of access tokens that are associated with the service (= call Authlete's /auth/token/get/list API with start and end parameters).
getTokenList(TokenStatus) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of access tokens that are associated with the service (= call Authlete's /auth/token/get/list API).
getTokenList(String, String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of access tokens (= call Authlete's /auth/token/get/list API with clientIdentifier and subject).
getTokenList(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of access tokens (= call Authlete's /auth/token/get/list API with clientIdentifier, subject, start and end parameters).
getTokenList(String, String, int, int, TokenStatus) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of access tokens (= call Authlete's /auth/token/get/list API with clientIdentifier, subject, start and end parameters).
getTokenList(String, String, TokenStatus) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Get the list of access tokens (= call Authlete's /auth/token/get/list API with clientIdentifier and subject).
getTokenType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the token type of the access token.
getTokenType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Get the token type associated with the access token.
getTosUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the URI of the "Terms Of Service" page.
getTosUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI that the OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the client to read about the OP's terms of service.
getTosUris() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the URIs of the "Terms Of Service" pages for specific languages.
getTotalCount() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientListResponse
Get the total count of client applications either of the service (when developer is null) or of the developer (when developer is not null).
getTotalCount() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceListResponse
Get the total count of services.
getTotalCount() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
Get the total count of access tokens.
getTransactionId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse
Get the issued transaction ID.
getTransformedClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the value of the "transformed_claims" property in the "claims" request parameter or in the "claims" property in a request object.
getTransformedClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the value of the "transformed_claims" property in the "claims" request parameter of an authorization request or in the "claims" property in a request object.
getTrustAnchorId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the entity ID of the trust anchor of the trust chain that was used when this client was registered or updated by the mechanism defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
getTrustAnchors() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the trust anchors that are referenced when this service resolves trust chains of relying parties.
getTrustChain() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the trust chain that was used when this client was registered or updated by the mechanism defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
getTrustChain() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationRequest
Get the trust chain of a relying party.
getTrustChainExpiresAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the expiration time of the trust chain that was used when this client was registered or updated by the mechanism defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
getTrustChainUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the time at which the trust chain was updated by the mechanism defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
getTrustedRootCertificates() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the list of root certificates trusted by this service for PKI-based client mutual TLS authentication.
getTrustFramework() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerificationConstraint
Get the constraint for trust_framework.
getTrustFramework() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Get the trust framework governing the identity verification process and the identity assurance level of the OP.
getTxCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the transaction code that should be associated with the credential offer.
getTxCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the transaction code.
getTxCodeDescription() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the description of the transaction code.
getTxCodeDescription() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the description of the transaction code.
getTxCodeInputMode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the input mode of the transaction code.
getTxCodeInputMode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the input mode of the transaction code.
getTxn() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifierConstraint
Get the constraint for txn.
getTxn() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verifier
Get the identifier referring to the identity verification transaction.
getType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
Get the constraint for type.
getType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceConstraint
Get the constraint for type.
getType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Get the type of the document.
getType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Evidence
Get the type of this evidence.
getType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Get the type of this element.
getUiLocales() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the list of preferred languages and scripts for the user interface.
getUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
getUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.NamedUri
Get the value of the URI.
getUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
getUse() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Get the use of the key on the HSM.
getUse() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskCreateRequest
Get the use of the key on the HSM.
getUserCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the user code included in the backchannel authentication request.
getUserCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the end-user verification code.
getUserCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Get the user code input by the end-user.
getUserCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationRequest
Get the user code.
getUserCodeCharset() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the character set for end-user verification codes (user_code) for Device Flow.
getUserCodeLength() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the length of end-user verification codes (user_code) for Device Flow.
getUserId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.web.BasicCredentials
Get the user ID.
getUserInfoClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the value of the "userinfo" property in the "claims" request parameter or in the "claims" property in a request object.
getUserInfoClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the value of the "userinfo" property in the "claims" request parameter or in the "claims" property in an authorization request object.
getUserInfoEncryptionAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting UserInfo responses.
getUserInfoEncryptionEnc() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting UserInfo responses.
getUserInfoEndpoint() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the URI of the user info endpoint.
getUserInfoSignAlg() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the JWS alg algorithm for signing UserInfo responses.
getUserInfoSignatureKeyId() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the key ID to identify a JWK used for user info signature using an asymmetric key.
getUsername() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the value of "username" request parameter.
getUserPinLength() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
getValue() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.LeafConstraint
Get the value of "value".
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest.Result
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest.Result
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DynamicScope
Get the scope value.
getValue() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Pair
Get the value of this pair.
getValue() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Property
Get the value.
getValue() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TaggedValue
Get the value.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus.BatchKind
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus.Result
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ApplicationType
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AssertionTarget
Get the numerical value for this target.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimRuleOperation
Get the numerical value for this operation.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAssertionType
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientType
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.CodeChallengeMethod
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Display
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Plan
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Sns
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.SubjectType
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserCodeCharset
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValue() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
Get the integer representation of this enum instance.
getValues() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.LeafConstraint
Get the value of "values".
getVerification() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsConstraint
Get the constraint for verification.
getVerification() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.VerifiedClaims
Get information about the verification.
getVerificationProcess() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerificationConstraint
Get the constraint for verification_process.
getVerificationProcess() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Get the identity verification process.
getVerificationUri() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the end-user verification URI.
getVerificationUriComplete() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the end-user verification URI that includes the end-user verification code.
getVerifiedClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsContainerConstraint
Get the constraint for verified_claims.
getVerifiedClaimsForTx() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Get values of verified claims requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
getVerifiedClaimsForTx() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Get values of verified claims requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
getVerifiedClaimsValidationSchemaSet() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the name of the validation schema set that is used to validate the content of "verified_claims".
getVerifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IDDocumentConstraint
Get the constraint for verifier.
getVerifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Get the legal entity that performed the identity verification.
getVersion() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
Get the Authlete version since which this grant type has been supported.
getVersion() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
Get the Authlete version since which this response type has been supported.
getWarnings() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the warnings raised during processing the backchannel authentication request.
getWarnings() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the warnings raised during processing the device authorization request.
GIVEN_NAME - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
Given name(s) or first name(s) of the End-User.
gm(GMRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/gm API.
GMAction - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Grant Management Action.
GMRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/gm API.
GMRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
GMResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/gm API.
GMResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse
GMResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action the service implementation should take.
Grant - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Grant() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.Grant
GrantDeserializer - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
JSON deserializer for Grant.
GrantDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantDeserializer
GrantedScopesGetResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /client/granted_scopes/get/{clientId} API.
GrantedScopesGetResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
GrantScope - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Scope representation in a grant.
GrantScope() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantScope
The default constructor with no argument.
GrantScope(String, String[]) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantScope
A constructor with initial property values.
GrantSerializer - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
JSON serializer for Grant.
GrantSerializer() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantSerializer
GrantType - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Values for grant_type.
greaterThan(Version) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.Version
Judge whether this version is greater than the given version.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(Version) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.Version
Judge whether this version is greater than or equal to the given version.


HashAlg - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Hash algorithm.
hashCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DynamicScope
hashCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.Version
HokMethod - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Values for Holder-of-Key method.
HS256 - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"HS256" (1); HMAC using SHA-256.
HS384 - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"HS384" (2); HMAC using SHA-384.
HS512 - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"HS512" (3); HMAC using SHA-512.
Hsk - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Hardware-secured key.
Hsk() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
hskCreate(HskCreateRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/hsk/create API.
HskCreateRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/hsk/create API.
HskCreateRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.HskCreateRequest
hskDelete(String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/hsk/delete/{handle} API.
hskGet(String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/hsk/get/{handle} API.
hskGetList() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/hsk/get/list API.
HskListResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/hsk/get/list API.
HskListResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.HskListResponse
HskListResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The result of the API call.
HskResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/hsk/create API, /api/hsk/delete/{handle} API and /api/hsk/get/{handle} API.
HskResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.HskResponse
HskResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The result of the API call.
HSM - Interface in com.authlete.common.types
Hardware Security Module.


IAT - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.IdTokenClaims
Time at which the ID Token was issued.
ID_TOKEN - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
"id_token" (3), a response_type to request an ID token.
ID_TOKEN - com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
Token type URI for an ID Token; "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token".
ID_TOKEN_HINT - com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
"id_token_hint"; An ID token previously issued to the client.
ID_TOKEN_REISSUABLE - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse.Action
The token request from the client was a valid token request using the refresh token flow and an ID token can be reissued.
ID_TOKEN_TOKEN - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
"id_token token" (6), a response_type to request an ID token and an access token.
IDDocument - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance
The class that represents id_document.
IDDocument() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
The constructor that construct evidence whose type is "id_document".
IDDocumentConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for id_document.
IDDocumentConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IDDocumentConstraint
IdentityAssuranceException - Exception in com.authlete.common.assurance
An exception that indicates the structure does not conform to the specification (OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0).
IdentityAssuranceException() - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.assurance.IdentityAssuranceException
The default constructor.
IdentityAssuranceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.assurance.IdentityAssuranceException
The constructor with a message.
IdentityAssuranceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.assurance.IdentityAssuranceException
The constructor with a message and a cause.
IdentityAssuranceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.authlete.common.assurance.IdentityAssuranceException
The constructor with a cause.
IdTokenClaims - Class in com.authlete.common.types
Claims used within the ID Token for all OAuth 2.0 flows used by OpenID Connect.
idTokenReissue(IDTokenReissueRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /idtoken/reissue API.
IDTokenReissueRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A request to Authlete's /idtoken/reissue API.
IDTokenReissueRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
IDTokenReissueResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A response from Authlete's /idtoken/reissue API.
IDTokenReissueResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueResponse
IDTokenReissueResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the implementation of the token endpoint should take.
IMPLICIT - com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
"implicit" (2), representing Implicit Flow.
insufficient_scope - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token.
insufficient_user_authentication - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The authentication event associated with the access token does not meet the authentication requirements of the resource server.
INTERACTION - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse.Action
The authorization request was valid and the service implementation should display UI to ask for authorization from the end-user.
interaction_required - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The Authorization Server requires End-User interaction of some form to proceed.
INTERACTION_REQUIRED - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
The authorization server needs interaction with the end-user.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse.Action
The request from the service implementation was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete, so the service implementation should return "500 Internal Server Error".
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse.Action
The request from the service implementation was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete, so the service implementation should return "500 Internal Server Error" to the client application.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse.Action
The request from the service implementation was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete, so the service implementation should return "500 Internal Server Error" to the client application.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse.Action
The request from the service implementation was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse.Action
The implementation of the backchannel authentication endpoint should return a 500 Internal Server Error response to the client application.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse.Action
The implementation of the backchannel authentication endpoint should return a 500 Internal Server Error response to the client application.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse.Action
The API call from the authorization server implementation was wrong or an error occurred on Authlete side.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse.Action
The request from the endpoint implementation was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksResponse.Action
An unexpected error occurred on Authlete side or the service has not been set up properly yet.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse.Action
An unexpected error occurred on Authlete side or the service has not been set up properly yet.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse.Action
An unexpected error occurred on Authlete side or the service has not been set up properly yet.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse.Action
The API call from the authorization server implementation was wrong or an error occurred on Authlete side.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationResponse.Action
An unexpected error occurred on Authlete side or the service has not been set up properly yet.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse.Action
Something wrong happened.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueResponse.Action
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse.Action
The request from the service implementation was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse.Action
The API call was wrong or an error occurred on Authlete side.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse.Action
The request from the service implementation was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse.Action
The request from the service was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse.Action
The request from your system to Authlete (StandardIntrospectionRequest) was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailResponse.Action
The request from the service implementation was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse.Action
The request from the service implementation was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse.Action
The request from the service was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse.Action
The request from the service implementation was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse.Action
The request from the service implementation was wrong or an error occurred in Authlete.
introspection(IntrospectionRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/introspection API.
IntrospectionRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/introspection API.
IntrospectionRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
IntrospectionResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/introspection API.
IntrospectionResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
IntrospectionResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action the service implementation should take.
INVALID - com.authlete.common.types.TokenStatus
All invalid (expired) tokens.
invalid_authorization_details - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The type field of one or more elements in the authorization_details request parameter is not supported.
invalid_binding_message - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The binding message is invalid or unacceptable for use in the context of the given request.
INVALID_BINDING_MESSAGE - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason
The binding message is invalid or unacceptable for use in the context of the given backchannel authentication request.
invalid_client - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
Client authentication failed (e.g., unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method).
INVALID_CLIENT - com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse.Action
Authentication of the client application failed.
INVALID_CLIENT - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse.Action
Authentication of the client application failed.
invalid_client_metadata - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The value of one of the client metadata fields is invalid and the server has rejected the client registration request.
invalid_credential_request - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The credential request is invalid.
invalid_dpop_proof - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The DPoP proof JWT included in the DPoP HTTP header is invalid.
invalid_encryption_parameters - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The encryption parameters in the credential request are either invalid or missing.
invalid_grant - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The provided authorization grant (e.g., authorization code, resource owner credentials) or refresh token is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client.
invalid_grant_id - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The grant_id included in the request is unknown or invalid.
invalid_proof - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The proof in the credential request is invalid.
invalid_redirect_uri - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The value of one or more redirect URIs is invalid.
invalid_request - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed.
INVALID_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteResponse.Action
The API call is invalid.
INVALID_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.HskListResponse.Action
The API call was wrong.
INVALID_REQUEST - com.authlete.common.dto.HskResponse.Action
The API call was wrong.
invalid_request_object - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The request parameter contains an invalid Request Object.
invalid_request_uri - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The request_uri in the Authorization Request returns an error or contains invalid data.
INVALID_RESOURCE_OWNER_CREDENTIALS - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailRequest.Reason
The resource owner's credentials (username and password) contained in the token request whose flow is "Resource Owner Password Credentials") are invalid.
invalid_scope - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed.
invalid_software_statement - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The software statement presented is invalid.
invalid_target - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The requested resource is invalid, missing, unknown, or malformed.
INVALID_TARGET - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
The requested resource is invalid, missing, unknown, or malformed.
INVALID_TARGET - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason
The requested resource is invalid, missing, unknown, or malformed.
INVALID_TARGET - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailRequest.Reason
The requested resource is invalid, missing, unknown, or malformed.
INVALID_TICKET - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse.Action
The ticket included in the API call is invalid.
invalid_token - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The access token provided is expired, revoked, malformed, or invalid for other reasons.
invalid_transaction_id - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The transaction ID contained in the deferred credential request is invalid.
invalid_user_code - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The provided user code is invalid.
INVALID_USER_CODE - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason
The user code included in the authentication request is invalid.
isAccessTokenExpiresAtUpdatedOnScopeUpdate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get the flag which indicates whether /auth/token/update API attempts to update the expiration date of the access token when the scopes linked to the access token are changed by this request.
isAccessTokenForExternalAttachmentEmbedded() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether Authlete generates access tokens for external attachments and embeds them in ID tokens and userinfo responses.
isAccessTokenPersistent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get whether the access token expires or not.
isAccessTokenPersistent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get whether the access token expires or not.
isAccessTokenValueUpdated() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get whether to update the value of the access token in the data store.
isAcrEssential() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the end-user authentication must satisfy one of the requested ACRs.
isAliasPreferred() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.ClientMetadataControl
Get the flag whether to use the client ID alias as the value of the client_id property when available.
isAllClaimsRequested() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsConstraint
isAsymmetric() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
Check if this algorithm is an asymmetric one.
isAsymmetric() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
Check if this algorithm is an asymmetric one.
isAsymmetric(JWEAlg) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
Check if the given JWE algorithm is an asymmetric one.
isAsymmetric(JWSAlg) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
Check if the given JWS algorithm is an asymmetric one.
isAuthenticated() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackResponse
Get the authentication result.
isAuthenticated() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse
Get the result of the authentication.
isAuthenticated() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackResponse
Get the authentication result.
isAuthorizationCodeGrantIncluded() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the flag to include the authorization_code object in the grants object.
isAuthorizationCodeGrantIncluded() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the flag indicating whether the authorization_code object is included in the grants object.
isAuthTimeRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag which indicates whether this client requires auth_time claim to be embedded in the ID token.
isAutomaticallyRegistered() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag indicating whether this client was registered by the "automatic" client registration of OpenID Federation.
isBackchannelBindingMessageRequiredInFapi() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the boolean flag which indicates whether the binding_message request parameter is always required whenever a backchannel authentication request is judged as a request for Financial-grade API.
isBackchannelUserCodeParameterSupported() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the boolean flag which indicates whether the "user_code" request parameter is supported at the backchannel authentication endpoint.
isBcUserCodeRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the boolean flag which indicates whether a user code is required when this client makes a backchannel authentication request.
isCertificateBased() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
Check if this instance represents a certificate-based client authentication method.
isClaimShortcutRestrictive() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether claims specified by shortcut scopes (e.g.
isClientEntityIdUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the value of the client_id request parameter included in the authorization request is the entity ID of the client.
isClientEntityIdUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used in the backchannel authentication request as a client ID.
isClientEntityIdUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used in the backchannel authentication request as a client ID.
isClientEntityIdUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used in the device authorization request as a client ID.
isClientEntityIdUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used in the device authorization request as a client ID.
isClientEntityIdUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used when the request for the access token was made.
isClientEntityIdUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the flag which indicates whether to emulate that the entity ID is used as a client ID when a new access token is created.
isClientEntityIdUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Get the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used when the request for the token was made.
isClientEntityIdUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used when the request for the access token was made.
isClientEntityIdUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used when the request for the access token was made.
isClientEntityIdUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used when the request for the access token was made.
isClientIdAliasEnabled() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias is enabled or not.
isClientIdAliasEnabled() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the 'Client ID Alias' feature is enabled or not.
isClientIdAliasUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the value of the client_id request parameter included in the authorization request is the client ID alias.
isClientIdAliasUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used in the backchannel authentication request.
isClientIdAliasUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used in the backchannel authentication request.
isClientIdAliasUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used in the device authorization request.
isClientIdAliasUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used in the device authorization request for the user code.
isClientIdAliasUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used when the authorization request or the token request for the access token was made.
isClientIdAliasUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the flag which indicates whether to emulate that the client ID alias is used instead of the original numeric client ID when a new access token is created.
isClientIdAliasUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Get the flag indicating whether the alias of the client ID was used when the token was created.
isClientIdAliasUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used when the token request was made.
isClientIdAliasUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used when the token request was made.
isClientIdAliasUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used when the authorization request for the access token was made.
isClientLocked() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientLockFlagUpdateRequest
Get the value to which this request updates the lock flag of a client application.
isClientSpecific() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
Return true if this access right requires a specific service and client to be applied.
isCreatable() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceCreatableResponse
Check whether the service owner can create a new service.
isCredentialResponseEncryptionRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag indicating whether credential responses to this client must be always encrypted or not.
isCustomIncluded() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.ClientMetadataControl
Get the flag indicating whether to include custom metadata.
isDcrDuplicateSoftwareIdBlocked() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether to block DCR (Dynamic Client Registration) requests whose software_id has already been used previously.
isDcrScopeUsedAsRequestable() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether the scope request parameter in dynamic client registration and update requests (RFC 7591 and RFC 7592) is used as scopes that the client can request.
isDefaultEntry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Get the flag that indicates whether this scope is included in the default scope list.
isDirectAuthorizationEndpointEnabled() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the direct authorization endpoint is enabled or not.
isDirectIntrospectionEndpointEnabled() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the direct introspection endpoint is enabled or not.
isDirectJwksEndpointEnabled() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the direct jwks endpoint is enabled or not.
isDirectRevocationEndpointEnabled() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the direct revocation endpoint is enabled or not.
isDirectTokenEndpointEnabled() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the direct token endpoint is enabled or not.
isDirectUserInfoEndpointEnabled() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the direct userinfo endpoint is enabled or not.
isDpopNonceRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Get the flag indicating whether to check if the DPoP proof JWT includes the expected nonce value.
isDpopNonceRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the flag indicating whether to check if the DPoP proof JWT includes the expected nonce value.
isDpopNonceRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Get the flag indicating whether to check if the DPoP proof JWT includes the expected nonce value.
isDpopNonceRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether to require DPoP proof JWTs to include the nonce claim whenever they are presented.
isDpopNonceRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Get the flag indicating whether to check if the DPoP proof JWT includes the expected nonce value.
isDpopNonceRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Get the flag indicating whether to check if the DPoP proof JWT includes the expected nonce value.
isDpopRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag indicating whether this client requires DPoP access tokens.
isDynamicallyRegistered() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag which indicates whether this client has been registered dynamically.
isDynamicRegistrationSupported() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the dynamic client registration is supported.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Check if all properties of this instance are null.
isEntityIdPreferred() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.ClientMetadataControl
Get the flag whether to use the entity ID as the value of the client_id property when available.
isErrorDescriptionOmitted() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the error_description response parameter is omitted.
isErrorUriOmitted() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the error_uri response parameter is omitted.
isEssential() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.LeafConstraint
Get the value of "essential"
isExistent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the access token exists.
isExplicitlyRegistered() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag indicating whether this client was registered by the "explicit" client registration of OpenID Federation.
isFalseIncluded() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapControl
Get the flag indicating whether properties should be included even when their values are false.
isFederationEnabled() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether this service supports OpenID Federation 1.0.
isForCredentialIssuance() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the flag indicating whether the token is for credential issuance.
isForExternalAttachment() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the token is for an external attachment.
isForExternalAttachment() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the flag which indicates whether the access token is for an external attachment.
isForExternalAttachment() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the access token is for an external attachment.
isForExternalAttachment() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get the flag which indicates whether the access token is for an external attachment.
isForExternalAttachment() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the access token is for an external attachment.
isFormPostRequired() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
Check whether this response mode requires response parameters be embedded in the HTML form in the response body.
isFragmentRequired() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
Check whether this response mode requires response parameters be embedded in the fragment part of the redirect URI.
isFrontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag indicating whether encryption of request object is required when the request object is passed through the front channel.
isFrontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether encryption of request object is required when the request object is passed through the front channel.
isGrantManagementActionRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether every authorization request (and any request serving as an authorization request such as CIBA backchannel authentication request and device authorization request) must include the grant_management_action request parameter.
isHidden() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Property
Check if this property is hidden from client applications.
isHsmEnabled() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether HSM (Hardware Security Module) support is enabled for this service.
isIdTokenClaim(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.types.IdTokenClaims
Check if the given claim name is in the list described in "OpenID Connect Core 1.0, 2. ID Token".
isIdTokenReissuable() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether to enable the feature of ID token reissuance in the refresh token flow.
isIssSuppressed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether generation of the iss response parameter is suppressed.
isIssuanceDeferred() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuanceOrder
Get the flag indicating whether to defer credential issuance.
isIssuerStateIncluded() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the flag to include the issuer_state property in the authorization_code object in the grants object.
isIssuerStateIncluded() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the flag indicating whether the issuer_state property is included in the authorization_code object in the grants object.
isJwtBased() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
Check if this instance represents a JWT-based client authentication method.
isJwtGrantByIdentifiableClientsOnly() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether to prohibit unidentifiable clients from using the grant type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" (RFC 7523).
isJwtGrantEncryptedJwtRejected() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether to reject token requests that use an encrypted JWT as an authorization grant with the grant type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" (RFC 7523).
isJwtGrantUnsignedJwtRejected() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether to reject token requests that use an unsigned JWT as an authorization grant with the grant type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" (RFC 7523).
isJwtRequired() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
Check whether this response mode requires response parameters be packed into a JWT.
isLocked() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag which indicates whether this client is locked.
isLoopbackRedirectionUriVariable() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether the port number component of redirection URIs can be variable when the host component indicates loopback.
isMissingClientIdAllowed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether token requests from public clients without the client_id request parameter are allowed when the client can be guessed from authorization_code or refresh_token.
isMtlsEndpointAliasesUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag indicating whether the client intends to prefer mutual TLS endpoints over non-MTLS endpoints.
isMutualTlsValidatePkiCertChain() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Determine whether this service validates certificate chains during PKI-based client mutual TLS authentication.
isNbfOptional() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether the nbf claim in the request object is optional even when the authorization request is regarded as a FAPI-Part2 request.
isNull() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.BaseConstraint
isNull() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ClaimsConstraint
isNull() - Method in interface com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.Constraint
Check if the value of the constraint is null.
isNull() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceArrayConstraint
isNullIncluded() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapControl
Get the flag indicating whether properties should be included even when their values are null.
isOpenidDroppedOnRefreshWithoutOfflineAccess() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether to remove the openid scope from a new access token issued by the refresh token flow if the presented refresh token does not contain the offline_access scope.
isParRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag indicating whether this client is required to use the pushed authorization request endpoint.
isParRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether this service requires that clients use the pushed authorization request endpoint.
isPkceRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag indicating whether PKCE (RFC 7636) is required whenever this client makes an authorization request by the authorization code flow.
isPkceRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the use of Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is always required for authorization requests by Authorization Code Flow.
isPkceS256Required() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag indicating whether S256 must be used as the code challenge method whenever this client uses PKCE (RFC 7636).
isPkceS256Required() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether S256 is always required as the code challenge method whenever PKCE (RFC 7636) is used.
isPreAuthorizedCodeGrantIncluded() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Get the flag to include the urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code object in the grants object.
isPreAuthorizedCodeGrantIncluded() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Get the flag indicating whether the urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code object is included in the grants object.
isPreAuthorizedGrantAnonymousAccessSupported() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether token requests using the pre-authorized code grant flow by unidentifiable clients are allowed.
isPretty() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksRequest
Get the flag indicating whether the JWK Set document is written in the pretty format or not.
isPretty() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataRequest
Get the flag indicating whether the metadata is written in the pretty format or not.
isPretty() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataRequest
Get the flag indicating whether the metadata is written in the pretty format or not.
isPretty() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceConfigurationRequest
Get the flag indicating whether the JSON returned from the API is formatted in a human-friendly way.
isPreviousRefreshTokenUsed() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the flag indicating whether the previous refresh token that had been kept in the database for a short time was used.
isQueryRequired() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
Check whether this response mode requires response parameters be embedded in the query part of the redirect URI.
isRefreshable() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the access token can be refreshed using the associated refresh token.
isRefreshTokenDurationKept() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the remaining duration of the used refresh token is taken over to the newly issued refresh token.
isRefreshTokenDurationReset() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether duration of refresh tokens are reset when they are used even if the refreshTokenKept property of this service (cf. Service.isRefreshTokenKept()) is true (= even if "Refresh Token Continuous Use" is "Kept").
isRefreshTokenExpiresAtUpdatedOnScopeUpdate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Get the flag which indicates whether /auth/token/update API attempts to update the expiration date of the refresh token when the scopes linked to the refresh token are changed by this request.
isRefreshTokenIdempotent() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether refresh token requests with the same refresh token can be made multiple times in quick succession and they can obtain the same renewed refresh token within the short period.
isRefreshTokenKept() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether a refresh token remains valid or gets renewed after its use.
isRequestableScopesEnabled() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientExtension
Check whether "Requestable Scopes per Client" is enabled or not.
isRequestBodyContained() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Get the flag indicating whether the resource request contains a request body.
isRequestBodyContained() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Get the flag indicating whether the userinfo request contains a request body.
isRequestObjectAudienceChecked() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether Authlete checks whether the aud claim of request objects matches the issuer identifier of this service.
isRequestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag indicating whether the JWE alg of encrypted request object must match the request_object_encryption_alg client metadata.
isRequestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether the JWE alg of encrypted request object must match the request_object_encryption_alg client metadata of the client that has sent the request object.
isRequestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag indicating whether the JWE enc of encrypted request object must match the request_object_encryption_enc client metadata.
isRequestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether the JWE enc of encrypted request object must match the request_object_encryption_enc client metadata of the client that has sent the request object.
isRequestObjectRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag indicating whether authorization requests from this client are always required to utilize a request object by using either request or request_uri request parameter.
isRequestObjectRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether this service requires that authorization requests always utilize a request object by using either request or request_uri request parameter.
isRequireCredentialResponseEncryption() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Get the boolean flag indicating whether credential response encryption is required.
isResponseSigningRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the flag indicating whether the HTTP response from the protected resource endpoint must include an HTTP message signature (RFC 9421 HTTP Message Signatures) in compliance with FAPI 2.0 Message Signing.
isRsRequestSigned() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
isRsResponseSigned() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get whether the service signs responses from the resource server.
ISS - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.IdTokenClaims
Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response.
isScopeRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether requests that request no scope are rejected or not.
isSecretBased() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
Check if this instance represents a client-secret-based client authentication method.
isSecretIncluded() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.ClientMetadataControl
Get the flag indicating whether to include the client_secret property.
isServiceSpecific() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
Return true if this access right requires a specific service to be applied.
isSignatureValid() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyResponse
Get the result of the signature verification.
isSignedByClient() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyRequest
Get the flag which indicates whether the signature of the JOSE object has been signed by a client application with the client's private key or a shared symmetric key.
isSingleAccessTokenPerSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag which indicates whether the number of access tokens per subject (and per client) is at most one or can be more.
isSingleAccessTokenPerSubject() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag which indicates whether the number of access tokens per subject (and per client) is at most one or can be more.
isStandardClaim(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
Check if the given claim name is in the list described in "OpenID Connect Core 1.0, 5.1. Standard Claims".
issuance_pending - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The credential issuance is still pending.
Issuer - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance
The class that represents id_document/document/issuer.
Issuer() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.Issuer
IssuerConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for id_document/document/issuer.
IssuerConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IssuerConstraint
isSufficient() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the access token covers the required scopes.
isSupported(JWEAlg) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.JoseUtils
Check whether the given JWE algorithm is supported by Authlete.
isSymmetric() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
Check if this algorithm is a symmetric one.
isSymmetric() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
Check if this algorithm is a symmetric one.
isSymmetric(JWEAlg) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
Check if the given JWE algorithm is a symmetric one.
isSymmetric(JWSAlg) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
Check if the given JWS algorithm is a symmetric one.
isTlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Does this client use TLS client certificate bound access tokens?
isTlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Does this service support issuing TLS client certificate bound access tokens?
isTokenExchangeByConfidentialClientsOnly() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether to prohibit public clients from making token exchange requests (cf. RFC 8693).
isTokenExchangeByIdentifiableClientsOnly() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether to prohibit unidentifiable clients from making token exchange requests (cf. RFC 8693).
isTokenExchangeByPermittedClientsOnly() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether to prohibit clients which have no explicit permission from making token exchange requests (cf. RFC 8693).
isTokenExchangeEncryptedJwtRejected() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether to reject token exchange requests which use encrypted JWTs as input tokens.
isTokenExchangePermitted() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientExtension
Get the flag indicating whether the client is explicitly given a permission to make token exchange requests (cf. RFC 8693).
isTokenExchangeUnsignedJwtRejected() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether to reject token exchange requests which use unsigned JWTs as input tokens.
isTokenExpirationLinked() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether the expiration date of an access token never exceeds that of the corresponding refresh token.
isTraditionalRequestObjectProcessingApplied() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether a request object is processed based on rules defined in OpenID Connect Core 1.0 or JAR (JWT Secured Authorization Request).
isTransformedClaimAware() - Method in class com.authlete.common.ida.DatasetExtractor
Get the flag which indicates whether transformed claims are recognized.
isUnauthorizedOnClientConfigSupported() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether Authlete's /api/client/registration API uses UNAUTHORIZED as a value of the action response parameter when appropriate.
isUsable() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether the access token is usable (= exists and has not expired).
isUserCodeRequired() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Get the flag which indicates whether a user code is required.
isValid() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyResponse
Get the result of the verification on the JOSE object.
isVerifiableCredentialsEnabled() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the flag indicating whether the feature of Verifiable Credentials for this service is enabled or not.
isWithHiddenProperties() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Get the flag which indicates whether to include hidden properties associated with the token in the output.
isZeroIncluded() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapControl
Get the flag indicating whether properties should be included even when their values are zero.


join(String[], String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.Utils
Concatenate string with the specified delimiter.
JoseUtils - Class in com.authlete.common.util
Utilities for JOSE (JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption).
JoseVerifyRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/jose/verify API.
JoseVerifyRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyRequest
JoseVerifyResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/jose/verify API.
JoseVerifyResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyResponse
JSON - com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse.Action
The access token was valid and a userinfo response was generated successfully in JSON format.
JWEAlg - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
"alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWE.
JWEEnc - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
"enc" (Encryption Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWE.
JWSAlg - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
"alg" (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWS.
JWT - com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse.Action
The request from the resource server was valid and a JWT is returned to the resource server as the introspection response.
JWT - com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse.Action
The access token was valid and a userinfo response token was generated successfully in JWT format.
JWT - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
"jwt" (4); response_mode to request authorization response parameters be encoded as JWT and embedded in the default part.
JWT - com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
JSON Web Token (JWT) Token Type; "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt".
JWT_BEARER - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse.Action
The token request from the client was a valid token request with the grant type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer".
JWT_BEARER - com.authlete.common.types.ClientAssertionType
JWT_BEARER - com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
"urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" (9), a grant_type using a JWT as an authorization grant.
JWT_CLIENT_ATTESTATION - com.authlete.common.types.ClientAssertionType


LeafConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the basic set of constraints defined in "5.5.1.
LeafConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.LeafConstraint
lessThan(Version) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.Version
Judge whether this version is less than the given version.
lessThanOrEqualTo(Version) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.Version
Judge whether this version is less than or equal to the given version.
LITE - com.authlete.common.types.Plan
Lite plan.
load(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesLoader
Load properties from a file.
load(String, PropertiesLoader.FileLocation) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesLoader
Load properties from a file.
load(String, PropertiesLoader.FileLocation[]) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesLoader
Load properties from a file.
loadAttributes(Iterable<Pair>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Load attributes from an iterable.
loadAttributes(Iterable<Pair>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Load attributes from an iterable.
LOCALE - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
End-User's locale, represented as a BCP47 [RFC5646] language tag.
LOCATION - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse.Action
The service implementation should return "302 Found" to the client application with "Location" header.
LOCATION - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse.Action
The service implementation should return "302 Found" to the client application with "Location" header.
LOCATION - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse.Action
The authorization request was wrong and the service implementation should notify the client application of the error by "302 Found".
LOGIN - com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
"login" (1).
LOGIN_HINT - com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
"login_hint"; An arbitrary string whose interpretation varies depending on contexts.
LOGIN_HINT_TOKEN - com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
"login_hint_token"; A token whose format is deployment or profile specific.
login_required - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The Authorization Server requires End-User authentication.
LOGO_URI - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.ClientClaims


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.CLI
The entry point of this command line interface.
MapControl - Class in com.authlete.common.util
Flags to control contents of a map.
MapControl() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.MapControl
MapUtils - Class in com.authlete.common.util
Utility for Map.
MapUtils() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.MapUtils
MAX_AGE_NOT_SUPPORTED - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
The authorization request from the client application contained max_age parameter with a non-zero value or the client's configuration has a non-zero value for default_max_age configuration parameter, but the service implementation cannot behave properly based on the max age value mainly because the service implementation does not manage authentication time of end-users.
MERGE - com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
"merge" (5).
MIDDLE_NAME - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
Middle name(s) of the End-User.
missing_trust_anchor - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
No trusted Trust Anchor could be found.
missing_user_code - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
A user code is not included in the backchannel authentication request.
MISSING_USER_CODE - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason
A user code is required but the backchannel authentication request does not contain it.
MODIFY_CLIENT - com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
can modify existing clients on this service or client
MODIFY_SERVICE - com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
can modify this service
MTLS - com.authlete.common.types.HokMethod
MutableJsonPointer - Class in com.authlete.common.util
Mutable JSON Pointer.
MutableJsonPointer() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.MutableJsonPointer
The default constructor.
MutableJsonPointer(MutableJsonPointer) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.MutableJsonPointer
A copy constructor.
MutableJsonPointer(String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.MutableJsonPointer
A constructor that receives a JSON pointer.


NAME - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
End-User's full name in displayable form including all name parts, possibly including titles and suffixes, ordered according to the End-User's locale and preferences.
NameComparator() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope.NameComparator
NamedUri - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Named URI.
NamedUri() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.NamedUri
NATIVE - com.authlete.common.types.ApplicationType
"native" (2).
NICKNAME - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
Casual name of the End-User that may or may not be the same as the given_name.
NO_ACTION - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse.Action
The OpenID provider implementation does not have to take any immediate action for this API response.
NO_CONTENT - com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse.Action
The access token is valid and the grant has been revoked successfully.
NO_INTERACTION - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse.Action
The authorization request was valid and the service implementation should issue an authorization code, an ID token and/or an access token without interaction with the end-user.
NONCE - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.IdTokenClaims
String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token, and to mitigate replay attacks.
NONE - com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
"none" (0).
NONE - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"none" (0); No digital signature or MAC performed.
NONE - com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
"none" (0).
NONE - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
"none" (0), a response_type to request no access credentials.
NORMAL - com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
"normal" (1).
NOT_AUTHENTICATED - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
The end-user was not authenticated.
NOT_EXIST - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse.Action
The user code does not exist.
NOT_FOUND - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse.Action
The ticket was not found.
NOT_FOUND - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse.Action
The ticket was not found.
NOT_FOUND - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksResponse.Action
The feature of Verifiable Credentials is not enabled.
NOT_FOUND - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse.Action
The feature of Verifiable Credentials is not enabled.
NOT_FOUND - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse.Action
The feature of Verifiable Credentials is not enabled.
NOT_FOUND - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse.Action
The credential offer specified by the identifier was not found.
NOT_FOUND - com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationResponse.Action
The feature of OpenID Federation 1.0 is not enabled in this service.
NOT_FOUND - com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse.Action
The feature of "OpenID Federation 1.0" is not enabled on the Authlete server or by the service, so the federation registration endpoint does not work.
NOT_FOUND - com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse.Action
The grant ID was not found.
NOT_FOUND - com.authlete.common.dto.HskResponse.Action
There is no record that corresponds to the specified handle.
NOT_FOUND - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse.Action
The specified access token does not exist.
NOT_LOGGED_IN - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
The authorization request from the client application contained prompt=none, but any end-user has not logged in.
NOTIFICATION - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse.Action
The OpenID provider implementation must send a notification to the client's notification endpoint.
NUMERIC - com.authlete.common.types.UserCodeCharset
"0123456789", 10 digit characters from '0' to '9'.


OAUTB - com.authlete.common.types.HokMethod
OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER - com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
"oauth_authorization_server" (3).
OAUTH_CLIENT - com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
"oauth_client" (4).
OAUTH_RESOURCE - com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
"oauth_resource" (5).
OFFLINE_ACCESS - com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
"offline_access", which requests that an OAuth 2.0 Refresh Token be issued that can be used to obtain an Access Token that grants access to the End-User's UserInfo Endpoint even when the End-User is not present (not logged in).
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse.Action
The result of authentication was obtained.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse.Action
Information about the ticket has been obtained successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse.Action
Information about the ticket has been updated successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse.Action
The implementation of the backchannel authentication endpoint should return a 200 OK response to the client application.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse.Action
The request was valid and the client application has been returned.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action
Credentials and/or transaction IDs were issued successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse.Action
The batch credential request is valid.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse.Action
A credential was issued successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse.Action
The deferred credential request is valid.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksResponse.Action
The JWK Set document of the credential issuer has been prepared successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse.Action
Credential issuer metadata has been prepared successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse.Action
JWT issuer metadata has been prepared successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse.Action
Information about the credential offer has been obtained successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action
A credential was issued successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse.Action
The credential request is valid.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse.Action
The device authorization request is valid.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationResponse.Action
An entity configuration has been prepared successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse.Action
The client registration request was processed successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse.Action
The access token is valid and information about the grant has been retrieved successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueResponse.Action
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse.Action
The access token is valid.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse.Action
The signature was successfully applied to the request.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse.Action
The request from the client was valid.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse.Action
The request from the resource server was valid.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse.Action
An access token and optionally a refresh token were issued successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse.Action
The token request from the client was valid.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse.Action
The token request from the client was valid.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse.Action
The access token was updated successfully.
OK - com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse.Action
The access token is valid.
OK_JWT - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action
Credentials and/or transaction IDs were issued successfully and the batch credential response should be encrypted.
OK_JWT - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse.Action
A credential was issued successfully and the deferred credential response should be encrypted.
OK_JWT - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action
A credential was issued successfully and the credential response should be encrypted.
OPEN_BANKING - com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile
OPENID - com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
"openid", which must be contained in every OpenID Connect Authentication Request.
OPENID_CREDENTIAL_ISSUER - com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
"openid_credential_issuer" (7).
OPENID_PROVIDER - com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
"openid_provider" (2).
OPENID_RELYING_PARTY - com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
"openid_relying_party" (1).


PAGE - com.authlete.common.types.Display
"page" (1).
Pair - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A pair of a string key and a string value.
Pair() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.Pair
Constructor with a null key and a null value.
Pair(String, String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.Pair
Constructor with an initial key and an initial value.
PAIRWISE - com.authlete.common.types.SubjectType
"pairwise" (2).
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteApiVersion
Parse the given string as AuthleteApiVersion.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ApplicationType
Convert String to ApplicationType.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType
Convert String to AttachmentType.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
Convert String to ClaimType.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAssertionType
Convert String to ClientAssertionType.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
Convert String to ClientAuthMethod.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType
Convert String to ClientRegistrationType.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientType
Convert String to ClientType.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.CodeChallengeMethod
Convert String to CodeChallengeMethod.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
Convert String to DeliveryMode.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Display
Convert String to Display.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
Convert String to MetadataType.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
Convert String to FapiMode.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
Convert String to GMAction.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
Convert String to GrantType.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
Convert String to JWEAlg.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
Convert String to JWEEnc.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
Convert String to JWSAlg.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
Convert String to Prompt.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
Convert String to ResponseMode.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
Parse a space-separated response_type values.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile
Convert String to ServiceProfile.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Sns
Convert String to Sns.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
Convert String to StandardScope.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.SubjectType
Convert String to SubjectType.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
Convert String to TokenType.
parse(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
Convert String to HintType.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.web.BasicCredentials
Parse Authorization header for Basic authentication.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.web.BearerToken
Extract the access token embedded in the input string.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.web.DpopToken
Extract the DPoP access token embedded in the input string.
PASSWORD - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse.Action
The token request from the client application was valid and the grant type is "password".
PASSWORD - com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
"password" (3), a grant_type to request an access token using a resource owner's username and password.
PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE - com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse.Action
The size of the pushed authorization request is too large.
PBES2_HS256_A128KW - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"PBES2-HS256+A128KW" (15); PBES2 with HMAC SHA-256 and "A128KW".
PBES2_HS384_A192KW - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"PBES2-HS384+A192KW" (16); PBES2 with HMAC SHA-384 and "A192KW".
PBES2_HS512_A256KW - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"PBES2-HS512+A256KW" (17); PBES2 with HMAC SHA-512 and "A256KW".
PHONE - com.authlete.common.types.ClaimsScope
This scope ("phone") requests the following claims.
PHONE - com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
"phone", which requests "phone_number" and "phone_number_verified" claims.
PHONE_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
End-User's preferred telephone number.
PHONE_NUMBER_VERIFIED - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
True if the End-User's phone number has been verified; otherwise false.
PICTURE - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
URL of the End-User's profile picture.
PING - com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
Ping mode, a backchannel token delivery mode where a client is notified via its client notification endpoint and then gets tokens from the token endpoint.
PLAIN - com.authlete.common.types.CodeChallengeMethod
plain, meaning code_challenge = code_verifier.
Plan - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
POLICY_URI - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.ClientClaims
POLL - com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
Poll mode, a backchannel token delivery mode where a client polls the token endpoint until it gets tokens.
POPUP - com.authlete.common.types.Display
"popup" (2).
PRE_AUTHORIZED_CODE - com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
"urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code" (10), a grant_type to request an access token and optionally a refresh token, using Pre-Authorized Code Flow.
PREFERRED_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
Shorthand name by which the End-User wishes to be referred to at the RP, such as janedoe or j.doe.
PREMIUM - com.authlete.common.types.Plan
Premium plan.
PRESENT - com.authlete.common.types.ClaimRuleOperation
The rule will pass if the claim is present and has a value.
PRIVATE_KEY_JWT - com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
"private_key_jwt" (4).
PROFILE - com.authlete.common.types.ClaimsScope
This scope ("profile") requests the following claims.
PROFILE - com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
"profile", which requests the following claims: "name", "family_name", "given_name", "middle_name", "nickname", "preferred_username", "profile", "picture", "website", "gender", "birthdate", "zoneinfo", "locale" and "updated_at".
PROFILE - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
URL of the End-User's profile page.
PROHIBITED - com.authlete.common.types.ClaimRuleOperation
The rule will fail if the claim is present and has a value.
Prompt - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Values for prompt.
PropertiesLoader - Class in com.authlete.common.util
Properties loader.
PropertiesLoader() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesLoader
PropertiesLoader.FileLocation - Enum in com.authlete.common.util
File location types.
PropertiesWrapper - Class in com.authlete.common.util
Properties wrapper.
PropertiesWrapper(Properties) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesWrapper
Constructor with a Properties instance to be wrapped.
Property - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Property that consists of a string key and a string value.
Property() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.Property
Constructor with a null key and a null value.
Property(String, String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.Property
Constructor with a pair of key and value.
Property(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.Property
Constructor with a pair of key and value, and a flag to mark this property as hidden or not.
Provider - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance
The class that represents utility_bill/provider.
Provider() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
ProviderConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for utility_bill/provider.
ProviderConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
PS256 - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"PS256" (10); RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256.
PS384 - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"PS384" (11); RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 and MGF1 with SHA-384.
PS512 - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"PS512" (12); RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 and MGF1 with SHA-512.
PUBLIC - com.authlete.common.types.ClientType
"public" (1).
PUBLIC - com.authlete.common.types.SubjectType
"public" (1).
PUSH - com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
Push mode, a backchannel token delivery mode where a client receives tokens at its client notification endpoint.
pushAuthorizationRequest(PushedAuthReqRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /api/pushed_auth_req API.
PushedAuthReqRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/pushed_auth_req API.
PushedAuthReqRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
PushedAuthReqResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/pushed_auth_req API.
PushedAuthReqResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse
PushedAuthReqResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action the authorization server should take.
put(Map<String, Object>, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapUtils
Put the given key-value pair into the target map when the value is true or falseIncluded is true.
put(Map<String, Object>, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapUtils
Put the given key-value pair into the target map when the value is not 0 or zeroIncluded is true.
put(Map<String, Object>, String, long, boolean) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapUtils
Put the given key-value pair into the target map when the value is not 0 or zeroIncluded is true.
put(Map<String, Object>, String, TaggedValue[], boolean) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapUtils
Put "{baseKey}#{tag}" properties into the target map.
put(Map<String, Object>, String, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapUtils
Put the given key-value pair into the target map when the value is not null or nullIncluded is true.
put(Map<String, Object>, String, T[], boolean) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapUtils
Put the given key-array pair into the target map when the array is not null or nullIncluded is true.
put(Map<String, Object>, String, T, boolean) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapUtils
Put the given key-value pair into the target map when the value is not null or nullIncluded is true.
put(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, MapControl) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapUtils
Put the entries in the map into the target map.
putClaim(String, VerifiedClaimConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ClaimsConstraint
Put a claim constraint to this object.
putClaim(String, Object) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Claims
Put a claim to this object.
putJsonArray(Map<String, Object>, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapUtils
Convert the given json into a List instance and put the instance into the target map with the key.
putJsonObject(Map<String, Object>, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapUtils
Convert the given json into a Map instance and put the instance into the target map with the key.


QES - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance
The class that represents qes.
QES() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
The constructor that construct evidence whose type is "qes".
QESConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for qes.
QESConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.QESConstraint
QUERY - com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
"query" (2).
QUERY - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
"query" (1); response_mode to request authorization response parameters be encoded in the query string.
QUERY_JWT - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
"query.jwt" (5); response_mode to request authorization response parameters be encoded as JWT and embedded in the query part of the redirect URI.


REFRESH_TOKEN - com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
"refresh_token" (5), a grant_type to request an access token, and optionally an ID token and/or a refresh token, using a refresh token.
REFRESH_TOKEN - com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
Token type URI for an OAuth 2.0 refresh token; "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:refresh_token".
refreshClientSecret(long) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Refresh the client secret of a client.
refreshClientSecret(String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Refresh the client secret of a client.
registration_not_supported - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The OP does not support use of the registration parameter defined in Section 7.2.1.
remove() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.MutableJsonPointer
Remove the last reference token from the end.
remove(Enum<?>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to remove(key.name()).
remove(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesWrapper
remove(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Remove the property identified by the key.
removeClaims() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.VerifiedClaims
Remove "claims" from this object.
removeCountry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Issuer
Remove "country" from this object.
removeCountry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Remove "country" from this object.
removeCreatedAt() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Remove "created_at" from this object.
removeDate() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.UtilityBill
Remove "date" from this object.
removeDateOfExpiry() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Remove "date_of_expiry" from this object.
removeDateOfIssuance() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Remove "date_of_issuance" from this object.
removeDocument() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Remove "document" from this object.
removeEvidence() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Remove "evidence" from this object.
removeFormatted() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Remove "formatted" from this object.
removeIssuer() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Remove "issuer" from this object.
removeIssuer() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Remove "issuer" from this object.
removeLocality() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Remove "locality" from this object.
removeMethod() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Remove "method" from this object.
removeName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Issuer
Remove "name" from this object.
removeName() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Remove "name" from this object.
removeNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Remove "number" from this object.
removeOrganization() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verifier
Remove "organization" from this object.
removePostalCode() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Remove "postal_code" from this object.
removeProvider() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.UtilityBill
Remove "provider" from this object.
removeRegion() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Remove "region" from this object.
removeSerialNumber() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Remove "serial_number" from this object.
removeStreetAddress() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Remove "street_address" from this object.
removeTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Remove "time" from this object.
removeTime() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Remove "time" from this object.
removeTrustFramework() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Remove "trust_framework" from this object.
removeTxn() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verifier
Remove "txn" from this object.
removeType() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Remove "type" from this object.
removeVerification() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.VerifiedClaims
Remove "verification" from this object.
removeVerificationProcess() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Remove "verification_process" from this object.
removeVerifier() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Remove "verifier" from this object.
REPLACE - com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
"replace" (3).
request_not_supported - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The OP does not support use of the request parameter defined in Section 6.
request_uri_not_supported - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The OP does not support use of the request_uri parameter defined in Section 6.
requiresImplicitFlow() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
Check if this response type requires the Implicit Flow.
ResourceServerSignatureRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/rs/sign API.
ResourceServerSignatureRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureRequest
ResourceServerSignatureResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/rs/sign API.
ResourceServerSignatureResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse
ResourceServerSignatureResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action the resource server implementation should take.
ResponseMode - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Values for response_mode.
ResponseType - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Values for response_type.
revocation(RevocationRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/revocation API.
RevocationRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/revocation API.
RevocationRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
RevocationResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/revocation API.
RevocationResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse
RevocationResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the service implementation should take.
REVOKE - com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
"revoke" (4).
RS256 - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"RS256" (4); RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256.
RS384 - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"RS384" (5); RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-384.
RS512 - com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
"RS512" (6); RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-512.
RSA_OAEP - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"RSA-OAEP" (2); RSAES OAEP using default parameters.
RSA_OAEP_256 - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"RSA-OAEP-256" (3); RSAES OAEP using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256.
RSA1_5 - com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
"RSA1_5" (1); RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5.


S256 - com.authlete.common.types.CodeChallengeMethod
S256, meaning code_challenge = BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(code_verifier))).
SAML1 - com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
Token type URI for a base64url-encoded SAML 1.1 assertion; "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml1".
SAML2 - com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
Token type URI for a base64url-encoded SAML 2.0 assertion; "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2".
Scope - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Information about a scope of a service.
Scope() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Scope.NameComparator - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Comparator based on scope names.
SELECT_ACCOUNT - com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
"select_account" (3).
SELF_SIGNED_TLS_CLIENT_AUTH - com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
"self_signed_tls_client_auth" (6).
serialize(AuthzDetailsElement, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElementSerializer
serialize(AuthzDetails, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsSerializer
serialize(Grant, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantSerializer
server_error - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
Server error.
SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse.Action
An error occurred either because the ticket included in the API call was invalid or because an error occurred on Authlete side.
SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason
The backchannel authentication request cannot be processed successfully due to a server-side error.
SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.HskListResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
SERVER_ERROR - com.authlete.common.dto.HskResponse.Action
An error occurred on Authlete side.
Service - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Information about a service.
Service() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
ServiceConfigurationRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
The request parameters of Authlete's /service/configuration API.
ServiceConfigurationRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceConfigurationRequest
ServiceCreatableResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/service/creatable API.
ServiceCreatableResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceCreatableResponse
ServiceListResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /service/get/list API.
ServiceListResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceListResponse
ServiceOwner - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Information about a service owner.
ServiceOwner() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
ServiceProfile - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Service profile.
set(Enum<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setBoolean(key, value).
set(Enum<?>, float) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setFloat(key, value).
set(Enum<?>, int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setInt(key, value).
set(Enum<?>, long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setLong(key, value).
set(Enum<?>, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setString(key, value).
set(Enum<?>, TEnum) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setEnum(key, value).
set(String, boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setBoolean(key, value).
set(String, float) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setFloat(key, value).
set(String, int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setInt(key, value).
set(String, long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setLong(key, value).
set(String, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setString(key, value).
set(String, TEnum) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setEnum(key, value).
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the access token returned by the SNS which the end-user used for social login.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the representation of an access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Set the access token.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the representation of an access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the issued access token.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueRequest
Set the access token that was presented at the batch credential endpoint.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseRequest
Set the access token that came along with the batch credential request.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseRequest
Set the access token that came along with the deferred credential request.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueRequest
Set the access token that was presented at the credential endpoint.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseRequest
Set the access token that came along with the credential request.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the access token returned by the SNS which the developer used for social login.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Set the access token that has come along with the grant management request from the client application.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
Set the access token.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the access token.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the newly issued access token.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Set the representation of an access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the newly issued access token.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the representation of an access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the newly issued access token.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set an existing access token to update.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Set the access token which has been specified by TokenUpdateRequest.
setAccessTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the duration of the access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setAccessTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Set the duration of the access token in seconds.
setAccessTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the duration of the access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setAccessTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the duration of the access token in seconds.
setAccessTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientExtension
Set the value of the duration of access tokens per client in seconds.
setAccessTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the duration of the access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setAccessTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the duration of access tokens in seconds; the value of expires_in in access token responses.
setAccessTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the duration of a newly created access token in seconds.
setAccessTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Set the duration of the access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setAccessTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the duration of the access token in seconds.
setAccessTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the duration of the access token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setAccessTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the duration of the access token in seconds.
setAccessTokenExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Set the timestamp at which the access token will expire.
setAccessTokenExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Set the date in milliseconds since the Unix epoch at which the access token will expire.
setAccessTokenExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the date in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01) at which the access token will expire.
setAccessTokenExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the date in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01) at which the access token will expire.
setAccessTokenExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set the new date at which the access token will expire.
setAccessTokenExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Set the date at which the access token will expire.
setAccessTokenExpiresAtUpdatedOnScopeUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set the flag which indicates whether /auth/token/update API attempts to update the expiration date of the access token when the scopes linked to the access token are changed by this request.
setAccessTokenForExternalAttachmentEmbedded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether Authlete generates access tokens for external attachments and embeds them in ID tokens and userinfo responses.
setAccessTokenHash(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Set the hash of the access token.
setAccessTokenHash(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set the hash of the access token value.
setAccessTokenIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRevokeRequest
Set the identifier of an access token to revoke.
setAccessTokenPersistent(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set whether the access token expires or not.
setAccessTokenPersistent(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set whether the access token expires or not.
setAccessTokenResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the target resources of the access token.
setAccessTokenResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the target resources of the access token.
setAccessTokenResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the target resources of the access token being issued.
setAccessTokens(AccessToken[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
Set the list of access tokens that match the query conditions.
setAccessTokenSignAlg(JWSAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the signature algorithm of access tokens.
setAccessTokenSignatureKeyId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the key ID to identify a JWK used for signing access tokens.
setAccessTokenType(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the access token type; the value of token_type in access token responses.
setAccessTokenValueUpdated(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set whether to update the value of the access token in the data store.
setAcr(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the value of "acr" which is the authentication context class reference value which the end-user authentication satisfied.
setAcr(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the reference of the authentication context class which the end-user authentication satisfied.
setAcr(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the Authentication Context Class Reference of the user authentication performed during the course of issuing the credential offer.
setAcr(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the Authentication Context Class Reference of the user authentication performed during the course of issuing the credential offer.
setAcr(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the reference of the authentication context class which the end-user authentication satisfied.
setAcr(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the Authentication Context Class Reference of the user authentication that the authorization server performed during the course of issuing the access token.
setAcr(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the Authentication Context Class Reference of the user authentication that the authorization server performed during the course of issuing the access token.
setAcrEssential(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the end-user authentication must satisfy one of the requested ACRs.
setAcrs(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the list of ACRs (Authentication Context Class References) requested by the client application.
setAcrs(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the list of ACR values requested by the backchannel authentication request.
setAcrs(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the list of ACR values requested by the device authorization request.
setAcrs(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the list of ACR values requested by the device authorization request.
setAcrValues(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the list of Authentication Context Class Reference values one of which the user authentication performed during the course of issuing the access token must satisfy.
setAction(AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse
Set the next action that the service implementation should take.
setAction(AuthorizationFailResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse
Set the next action that the service implementation should take.
setAction(AuthorizationIssueResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Set the next action that the service implementation should take.
setAction(AuthorizationResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the next action that the service implementation should take.
setAction(AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse
Set the result of the /auth/authorization/ticket/info API call.
setAction(AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse
Set the result of the /auth/authorization/ticket/update API call.
setAction(BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the next action that the OpenID provider should take.
setAction(BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse
Set the next action that the backchannel authentication endpoint should take.
setAction(BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse
Set the next action that the OpenID provider implementation should take.
setAction(BackchannelAuthenticationResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the next action that the implementation of the backchannel authentication endpoint should take.
setAction(ClientRegistrationResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse
Set the next action that the implementation of client registration endpoint should take.
setAction(CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse
Set the next action that the implementation of the batch credential endpoint should take.
setAction(CredentialBatchParseResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse
Set the next action that the batch credential endpoint should take.
setAction(CredentialDeferredIssueResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse
Set the next action that the implementation of the deferred credential endpoint should take.
setAction(CredentialDeferredParseResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse
Set the next action that the deferred credential endpoint should take.
setAction(CredentialIssuerJwksResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksResponse
Set the next action that the implementation of the credential issuer's JWK Set document endpoint should take after getting a response from Authlete's /vci/jwks API.
setAction(CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse
Set the next action that the implementation of the credential issuer metadata endpoint should take after getting a response from Authlete's /vci/metadata API.
setAction(CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse
Set the next action that the implementation of the JWT issuer metadata endpoint should take after getting a response from Authlete's /vci/jwtissuer API.
setAction(CredentialOfferCreateResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateResponse
Set the result of the /vci/offer/create API call.
setAction(CredentialOfferInfoResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse
Set the result of the /vci/offer/info API call.
setAction(CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse
Set the next action that the implementation of the credential endpoint should take.
setAction(CredentialSingleParseResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse
Set the next action that the credential endpoint should take.
setAction(DeviceAuthorizationResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the next action that the implementation of the device authorization endpoint should take.
setAction(DeviceCompleteResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteResponse
Set the next action that the authorization server implementation should take.
setAction(DeviceVerificationResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the next action that the authorization server should take.
setAction(FederationConfigurationResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationResponse
Set the next action that the implementation of the entity configuration endpoint should take after getting a response from Authlete's /federation/configuration API.
setAction(FederationRegistrationResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse
Set the next action that the implementation of the federation registration endpoint should take.
setAction(GMResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse
Set the next action that the authorization server should take.
setAction(HskListResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskListResponse
Set the result of the API call.
setAction(HskResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskResponse
Set the result of the API call.
setAction(IDTokenReissueResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueResponse
Set the next action that the implementation of the token endpoint should take.
setAction(IntrospectionResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the next action the service implementation should take.
setAction(PushedAuthReqResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse
Set the next action that the authorization server should take.
setAction(ResourceServerSignatureResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse
Set the next action that the resource server should take.
setAction(RevocationResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse
Set the next action that the service implementation should take.
setAction(StandardIntrospectionResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse
Set the next action that the introspection endpoint of the authorization server should take.
setAction(TokenCreateResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the code indicating how the response should be interpreted.
setAction(TokenFailResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailResponse
Set the next action that the service implementation should take.
setAction(TokenIssueResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the next action that the service implementation should take.
setAction(TokenResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the next action that the service implementation should take.
setAction(TokenUpdateResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Set the code indicating how the response should be interpreted.
setAction(UserInfoIssueResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse
Set the next action that the service implementation should take.
setAction(UserInfoResponse.Action) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the next action the service implementation should take.
setActions(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Set the actions.
setActorToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the value of the actor_token request parameter.
setActorTokenInfo(TokenInfo) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the information about the token specified by the actor_token request parameter.
setActorTokenType(TokenType) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the value of the actor_token_type request parameter.
setAlg(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Set the algorithm of the key on the HSM.
setAlg(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskCreateRequest
Set the algorithm of the key on the HSM.
setAliasPreferred(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.ClientMetadataControl
Set the flag whether to use the client ID alias as the value of the client_id property when available.
setAllowableClockSkew(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the allowable clock skew between the server and clients in seconds.
setApiKey(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the API key.
setApiKey(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Set the API key of the service owner.
setApiKey(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.SnsCredentials
Set the API key.
setApiSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the API secret.
setApiSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Set the API secret of the service owner.
setApiSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.SnsCredentials
Set the API secret.
setApiVersion(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
Set the Authlete API version.
setApplicationType(ApplicationType) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the application type.
setArray(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StringArray
Set a string array to let this instance hold.
setAssertion(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the value of the assertion request parameter.
setAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set attributes.
setAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Set attributes.
setAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set attributes.
setAttributes(Iterable<Pair>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Set attributes.
setAudiences(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the values of the audience request parameters that are contained in the token exchange request (cf. RFC 8693).
setAuthenticated(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackResponse
Set the authentication result.
setAuthenticated(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse
Set the result of the authentication.
setAuthenticated(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackResponse
Set the authentication result.
setAuthenticationCallbackApiKey(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the API key to access the authentication callback endpoint.
setAuthenticationCallbackApiSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the API secret to access the authentication callback endpoint.
setAuthenticationCallbackEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the authentication callback endpoint.
setAuthorityHints(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the identifiers of entities that can issue entity statements for this service.
setAuthorizationCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Set the newly issued authorization code.
setAuthorizationCodeGrantIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the flag to include the authorization_code object in the grants object.
setAuthorizationCodeGrantIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the flag indicating whether the authorization_code object is included in the grants object.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Grant
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the authorization details associated with the access token.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Set the authorization details associated with the token.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetails(AuthzDetails) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Set the authorization details.
setAuthorizationDetailsTypes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the authorization details types that this client may use as values of the "type" field in "authorization_details".
setAuthorizationEncryptionAlg(JWEAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting authorization responses.
setAuthorizationEncryptionEnc(JWEEnc) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting authorization responses.
setAuthorizationEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the authorization endpoint.
setAuthorizationResponseDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the duration of authorization response JWTs.
setAuthorizationServers(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Set the identifiers of the authorization servers that the credential issuer relies on for authorization.
setAuthorizationSignAlg(JWSAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWS alg algorithm for signing authorization responses.
setAuthorizationSignatureKeyId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the key ID to identify a JWK used for signing authorization responses using an asymmetric key.
setAuthReqId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the value of the "auth_req_id" which is associated with the ticket.
setAuthReqId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse
Set the issued authentication request ID.
setAuthTime(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the value of "authTime" which is the time when the authentication of the end-user occurred.
setAuthTime(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the time at which the end-user was authenticated.
setAuthTime(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the time when the user authentication was performed during the course of issuing the credential offer.
setAuthTime(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the time when the user authentication was performed during the course of issuing the credential offer.
setAuthTime(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the time at which the end-user was authenticated.
setAuthTime(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the time when the user authentication was performed during the course of issuing the access token.
setAuthTime(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the time when the user authentication was performed during the course of issuing the access token.
setAuthTimeRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag which indicates whether this client requires auth_time claim to be embedded in the ID token.
setAutomaticallyRegistered(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag indicating whether this client was registered by the "automatic" client registration of OpenID Federation.
setBackchannelAuthenticationEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the backchannel authentication endpoint.
setBackchannelAuthReqIdDuration(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the duration of backchannel authentication request IDs issued from the backchannel authentication endpoint in seconds.
setBackchannelBindingMessageRequiredInFapi(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the boolean flag which indicates whether the binding_message request parameter is always required whenever a backchannel authentication request is judged as a request for Financial-grade API.
setBackchannelPollingInterval(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the minimum interval between polling requests to the token endpoint from client applications in seconds.
setBackchannelUserCodeParameterSupported(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the boolean flag which indicates whether the "user_code" request parameter is supported at the backchannel authentication endpoint.
setBaseUrl(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
Set the base URL.
setBatchCredentialEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Set the URL of the batch credential endpoint.
setBatchKind(TokenBatchStatus.BatchKind) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Set the kind of the batch.
setBcDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the backchannel token delivery mode.
setBcNotificationEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the backchannel client notification endpoint.
setBcRequestSignAlg(JWSAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the signature algorithm of the request to the backchannel authentication endpoint.
setBcUserCodeRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the boolean flag which indicates whether a user code is required when this client makes a backchannel authentication request.
setBindingKey(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialRequestInfo
Set the binding key specified by the proof in the credential request.
setBindingKeys(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialRequestInfo
Set the binding keys specified by the proofs in the credential request.
setBindingMessage(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the binding message included in the backchannel authentication request.
setBoolean(Enum<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setBoolean(key.name(), value).
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.StringBasedTypedProperties
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Set the value to the property identified by the key.
setCertificateThumbprint(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the client certificate thumbprint used to validate the access token.
setCertificateThumbprint(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the thumbprint of the MTLS certificate bound to this token.
setCertificateThumbprint(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set the thumbprint of the MTLS certificate bound to this token.
setCharacters(UserCodeCharset) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
Set characters that may appear in generated user codes.
setCharacters(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
Set characters that may appear in generated user codes.
setClaimName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClaimRule
Set the name of the claim that this rule applies to.
setClaimNames(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the names of the claims which were requested indirectly via some special scopes.
setClaimNames(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the names of the claims which were requested indirectly via some special scopes.
setClaimNames(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the names of the claims which were requested indirectly via some special scopes.
setClaimRules(ClaimRule[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AssertionProcessor
Set the claim rules that will be applied to any assertions processed by this processor.
setClaims(Claims) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.VerifiedClaims
Set the verified claims.
setClaims(ClaimsConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsConstraint
Set the constraint for claims.
setClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackResponse
Set the claims of the authenticated user in JSON format.
setClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest
Set the space-delimited names of claims to request.
setClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the value of "claims" which is the claims of the subject in JSON format.
setClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set additional claims which will be embedded in the ID token.
setClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set additional claims which will be embedded in the ID token.
setClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
Set additional claims that should be embedded in the payload part of the ID token.
setClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Set the claims of the subject in JSON format.
setClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the list of claims requested by a client application.
setClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the list of claims that the client application requests to be embedded in the ID token.
setClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Grant
Set the claims
setClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the list of claims that the client application requests to be embedded in the ID token.
setClaims(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the value of "claims" which is the claims of the subject.
setClaims(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set additional claims which will be embedded in the ID token.
setClaims(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set additional claims which will be embedded in the ID token.
setClaims(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Set the value of "claims" which is the claims of the subject.
setClaimsAtUserInfo(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the list of claims that the client application requests to be embedded in userinfo responses.
setClaimsForTx(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set values of claims requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
setClaimsForTx(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Set values of claims requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
setClaimsForTx(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the value of "claimsForTx" which is the claims of the subject.
setClaimsForTx(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Set the value of "claimsForTx" which is the claims of the subject.
setClaimShortcutRestrictive(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether claims specified by shortcut scopes (e.g.
setClaimsLocales(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest
Set the space-delimited locales for claims.
setClaimsLocales(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the list of locales for claims.
setClaimsLocales(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the list of preferred languages and scripts for claim values contained in the ID token.
setClient(Client) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the information about the client application which has made the authorization request.
setClient(Client) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse
Set the information about the newly registered client.
setClient(Client) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse
Set the information about the client that has been registered by the client registration request.
setClient(Client) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
Set the client information associated with the value of 'clientIdentifier' parameter in the original request.
setClientAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the attributes of the client.
setClientAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the attributes of the client.
setClientAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the attributes of the client.
setClientAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the attributes of the client.
setClientAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the attributes of the client that the access token has been issued to.
setClientAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the attributes of the client.
setClientAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the attributes of the client.
setClientAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the attributes of the client that the access token has been issued to.
setClientAuthMethod(ClientAuthMethod) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the client authentication method that should be performed at the backchannel authentication endpoint.
setClientAuthMethod(ClientAuthMethod) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the client authentication method that should be performed at the device authorization endpoint.
setClientAuthMethod(ClientAuthMethod) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse
Set the client authentication method that should be performed at the pushed authorization request endpoint.
setClientAuthMethod(ClientAuthMethod) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the client authentication method that should be performed at the token endpoint.
setClientCertificate(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
Set the client's MTLS certificate in PEM format.
setClientCertificate(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Set the client certificate used in the TLS connection between the client application and the backchannel authentication endpoint of the OpenID provider.
setClientCertificate(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Set the client certificate used in the TLS connection between the client application and the device authorization endpoint of the authorization server.
setClientCertificate(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Set the client certificate used in the TLS connection established between the client application and the grant management endpoint.
setClientCertificate(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the client certificate used in the mutual TLS connection established between the client application and the protected resource endpoint.
setClientCertificate(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Set the client certificate used in the TLS connection between the client application and the pushed authorization request endpoint.
setClientCertificate(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Set the client certificate used in the TLS connection between the client application and the revocation endpoint.
setClientCertificate(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the client certificate from the MTLS of the token request from the client application.
setClientCertificate(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Set the client certificate used in the TLS connection established between the client application and the userinfo endpoint.
setClientCertificatePath(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Set the client certificate path presented by the client during client authentication.
setClientCertificatePath(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Set the client certificate path presented by the client during client authentication.
setClientCertificatePath(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Set the client certificate path presented by the client during client authentication.
setClientCertificatePath(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Set the client certificate path presented by the client during client authentication.
setClientCertificatePath(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the certificate path presented by the client during client authentication.
setClientEntityId(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the entity ID of the client.
setClientEntityId(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the entity ID of the client.
setClientEntityId(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the entity ID of the client.
setClientEntityId(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the entity ID of the client.
setClientEntityId(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the entity ID of the client.
setClientEntityId(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Set the entity ID of the client.
setClientEntityId(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the entity ID of the client.
setClientEntityId(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the entity ID of the client.
setClientEntityId(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the entity ID of the client.
setClientEntityIdUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the value of the client_id request parameter included in the authorization request is the entity ID of the client.
setClientEntityIdUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used in the backchannel authentication request as a client ID.
setClientEntityIdUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used in the backchannel authentication request as a client ID.
setClientEntityIdUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used in the device authorization request as a client ID.
setClientEntityIdUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used in the device authorization request as a client ID.
setClientEntityIdUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used when the request for the access token was made.
setClientEntityIdUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the flag which indicates whether to emulate that the entity ID is used as a client ID when a new access token is created.
setClientEntityIdUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Set the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used when the request for the token was made.
setClientEntityIdUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used when the request for the access token was made.
setClientEntityIdUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used when the request for the access token was made.
setClientEntityIdUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the entity ID of the client was used when the request for the access token was made.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Set the ID of the client associated with the access token.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the ID of the client application that triggered this authentication request.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the client ID of the client application that has made the backchannel authentication request.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the client ID of the client application that has made the backchannel authentication request.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the client ID.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the client ID of the client application that has made the device authorization request.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the client ID of the client application to which the user code has been issued.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
Set the client ID.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the client ID.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the client ID that will be associated with a newly created access token.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the client ID associated with the newly issued access token.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Set the client ID.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the client ID.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the client ID.
setClientId(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the client ID.
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Set the client ID extracted from Authorization header of the backchannel authentication request from the client application.
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationRequest
Set the client's ID.
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Set the client ID extracted from Authorization header of the device authorization request from the client application.
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Set the client ID extracted from the Authorization header of the request to the pushed authorization request endpoint.
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Set the client ID extracted from Authorization header of the token revocation request from the client application.
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the client ID extracted from Authorization header of the token request from the client application.
setClientIdAlias(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the client ID alias of the client application that has made the backchannel authentication request.
setClientIdAlias(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the client ID alias of the client application that has made the backchannel authentication request.
setClientIdAlias(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the alias of the client ID.
setClientIdAlias(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the client ID alias of the client application that has made the device authorization request.
setClientIdAlias(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the client ID alias of the client application to which the user code has been issued.
setClientIdAlias(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the client ID alias when the authorization request or the token request for the access token was made.
setClientIdAlias(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Set the alias of the client ID.
setClientIdAlias(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the client ID alias.
setClientIdAlias(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the client ID alias when the token request was made.
setClientIdAlias(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the client ID alias when the authorization request for the access token was made.
setClientIdAliasEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Enable/disable the client ID alias.
setClientIdAliasEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Enable/disable the 'Client ID Alias' feature.
setClientIdAliasUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the value of the client_id request parameter included in the authorization request is the client ID alias.
setClientIdAliasUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used in the backchannel authentication request.
setClientIdAliasUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used in the backchannel authentication request.
setClientIdAliasUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used in the device authorization request.
setClientIdAliasUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used in the device authorization request for the user code.
setClientIdAliasUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used when the authorization request or the token request for the access token was made.
setClientIdAliasUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the flag which indicates whether to emulate that the client ID alias is used instead of the original numeric client ID when a new access token is created.
setClientIdAliasUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Set the flag indicating whether the alias of the client ID was used when the token was created.
setClientIdAliasUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used when the token request was made.
setClientIdAliasUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used when the token request was made.
setClientIdAliasUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the client ID alias was used when the authorization request for the access token was made.
setClientIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyRequest
Set the identifier of the client application whose keys are required for verification of the JOSE object.
setClientIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the client Identifier that will be associated with a newly created access token.
setClientIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the client Identifier associated with the newly issued access token.
setClientIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRevokeRequest
Set the identifier of a client.
setClientLocked(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientLockFlagUpdateRequest
Set the value to which this request updates the lock flag of a client application.
setClientName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the name of the client application which has made the backchannel authentication request.
setClientName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the name of the client application which has made the backchannel authentication request.
setClientName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the client name.
setClientName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the name of the client application which has made the device authorization request.
setClientName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the name of the client application to which the user code has been issued.
setClientNames(TaggedValue[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the client names each of which has a language tag.
setClientNotificationEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the client notification endpoint to which a notification needs to be sent.
setClientNotificationToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the client notification token which needs to be embedded as a Bearer token in the Authorization header in the notification.
setClientNotificationToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the client notification token included in the backchannel authentication request.
setClientRegistrationTypes(ClientRegistrationType[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the client registration types that the client has declared it may use.
setClients(Client[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientListResponse
Set the list of clients that match the query conditions.
setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Set the client secret extracted from Authorization header of the backchannel authentication request from the client application.
setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the client secret.
setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretUpdateRequest
Set the client secret.
setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Set the client secret extracted from Authorization header of the device authorization request from the client application.
setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Set the client secret extracted from the Authorization header of the request to the pushed authorization request endpoint.
setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Set the client secret extracted from Authorization header of the token revocation request from the client application.
setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the client secret extracted from Authorization header of the token request from the client application.
setClientsPerDeveloper(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the number of client applications that one developer can create.
setClientType(ClientType) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the client type.
setClientUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the URI of the home page.
setClientUris(TaggedValue[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the URIs of the home pages for specific languages.
setClockSkew(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyRequest
Set allowable clock skew in seconds.
setCnonce(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the c_nonce associated with the access token.
setCnonce(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the c_nonce.
setCnonceDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the duration of c_nonce in seconds.
setCnonceDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the duration of the c_nonce in seconds.
setCnonceExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the time at which the c_nonce expires in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01).
setCnonceExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the time at which the c_nonce expires in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01).
setComparisonValue(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClaimRule
Set the value to compare the claim value to, if the operation is EQUALS.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.api.Settings
Set the timeout value in milliseconds for socket connection.
setConsentedClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the claims that the user has consented for the client application to know.
setConsentedClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the claims that the user has consented for the client application to know.
setConsentedClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the claims that the user has consented for the client application to know.
setConsentedClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the claims that the user has consented for the client application to know.
setConsentedClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the claims that the user has consented for the client application to know.
setContacts(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the email addresses of contacts.
setContentDigest(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse
Set the Content-Digest header value to add to the response message.
setContentDigest(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse
Set the Content-Digest header value to add to the response message.
setContext(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationRequest
Set the arbitrary text to be attached to the ticket that will be issued from the /auth/authorization API.
setContext(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfo
Set the arbitrary text attached to the ticket.
setContext(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the general-purpose arbitrary string associated with the credential offer.
setContext(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the general-purpose arbitrary string.
setCount(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceCreatableResponse
Set the current number of services that the service owner has.
setCount(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRevokeResponse
Set the number of revoked tokens.
setCountry(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IssuerConstraint
Set the constraint for country.
setCountry(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Set the constraint for country.
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Issuer
Set the country or organization that issued the document.
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Set the country of the provider's address
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
Set the country name component.
setCreatable(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceCreatableResponse
Set the flag to indicate whether the service owner can create a new service.
setCreatedAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Set the timestamp at which the access token was first created.
setCreatedAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the time at which this client was created.
setCreatedAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the time at which this service was created.
setCreatedAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Set the time when this status was created.
setCreatedAt(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.QESConstraint
Set the constraint for created_at.
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Set the time when the signature was created.
setCredentialConfigurationIds(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the value of the credential_configuration_ids array.
setCredentialConfigurationIds(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the value of the credential_configuration_ids property of the credential offer.
setCredentialDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuanceOrder
Set the duration of the credential in seconds.
setCredentialDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the default duration of verifiable credentials in seconds.
setCredentialEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Set the URL of the credential endpoint.
setCredentialIssuer(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Set the identifier of the credential issuer.
setCredentialIssuer(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the identifier of the credential issuer.
setCredentialIssuerMetadata(CredentialIssuerMetadata) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the credential issuer metadata.
setCredentialJwks(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the JWK Set document containing private keys that are used to sign verifiable credentials.
setCredentialJwksUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URL at which the JWK Set document of the credential issuer is exposed.
setCredentialOffer(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the credential offer in the JSON format.
setCredentialOfferDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the default duration of credential offers in seconds.
setCredentialOfferEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the URL of the credential offer endpoint at which this client (wallet) receives a credential offer from the credential issuer.
setCredentialOfferInfo(CredentialOfferInfo) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the information about the credential offer identified by the "issuer_state" request parameter.
setCredentialPayload(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuanceOrder
Set the additional payload that will be added into a credential to be issued.
setCredentialResponseEncryptionAlgValuesSupported(JWEAlg[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Set the supported JWE alg algorithms for credential response encryption.
setCredentialResponseEncryptionEncValuesSupported(JWEEnc[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Set the supported JWE enc algorithms for credential response encryption.
setCredentialResponseEncryptionRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag indicating whether credential responses to this client must be always encrypted or not.
setCredentialsSupported(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Set the information about supported credential configurations in the JSON format.
setCredentialTransactionDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the duration of transaction ID in seconds that may be issued as a result of a credential request or a batch credential request.
setCustomIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.ClientMetadataControl
Set the flag indicating whether to include custom metadata.
setCustomMetadata(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the custom client metadata in JSON format.
setDataTypes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Set the data types.
setDate(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.UtilityBillConstraint
Set the constraint for date.
setDate(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.UtilityBill
Set the date when the utility bill was issued.
setDateOfExpiry(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
Set the constraint for date_of_expiry.
setDateOfExpiry(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Set the date of expiry of the document.
setDateOfIssuance(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
Set the constraint for date_of_issuance.
setDateOfIssuance(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Set the date of issuance of the document.
setDcrDuplicateSoftwareIdBlocked(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether to block DCR (Dynamic Client Registration) requests whose software_id has already been used previously.
setDcrScopeUsedAsRequestable(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether the scope request parameter in dynamic client registration and update requests (RFC 7591 and RFC 7592) is used as scopes that the client can request.
setDefaultAcrs(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the default list of authentication context class references.
setDefaultEntry(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Set the flag that indicates whether this scope is included in the default scope list.
setDefaultMaxAge(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the default value of the maximum authentication age in seconds.
setDeferredCredentialEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Set the URL of the deferred credential endpoint.
setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the backchannel token delivery mode.
setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the backchannel token delivery mode of the client application.
setDerivedSectorIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the sector identifier host component as derived from either the sector_identifier_uri or the registered redirect_uri.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest
Set the custom description about the authorization failure.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the description.
setDescriptions(TaggedValue[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the descriptions for specific languages.
setDescriptions(TaggedValue[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Set descriptions for various languages.
setDetails(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialRequestInfo
Set the details of the credential request.
setDeveloper(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the unique ID of the developer of this client application.
setDeveloper(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
Set the developer of client applications.
setDeveloper(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientListResponse
Set the developer.
setDeveloperAuthenticationCallbackApiKey(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the API key to access the developer authentication callback endpoint.
setDeveloperAuthenticationCallbackApiSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the API secret to access the developer authentication callback endpoint.
setDeveloperAuthenticationCallbackEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the developer authentication callback endpoint.
setDeveloperSnsCredentials(SnsCredentials[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the list of SNS credentials that Authlete uses to support social login at the developer console.
setDeviceAuthorizationEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the device authorization endpoint.
setDeviceCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the device verification code.
setDeviceFlowCodeDuration(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the duration of device verification codes and end-user verification codes issued from the device authorization endpoint in seconds.
setDeviceFlowPollingInterval(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the minimum interval between polling requests to the token endpoint from client applications in seconds in device flow.
setDeviceVerificationUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the verification URI for the device flow.
setDeviceVerificationUriComplete(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the verification URI for the device flow with a placeholder for a user code.
setDigestAlgorithm(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the digest algorithm that this client requests the server to use when it computes digest values of external attachments, which may be referenced from within ID tokens or userinfo responses (or any place that can have the verified_claims claim).
setDirectAuthorizationEndpointEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether the direct authorization endpoint is enabled or not.
setDirectIntrospectionEndpointEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether the direct introspection endpoint is enabled or not.
setDirectJwksEndpointEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether the direct jwks endpoint is enabled or not.
setDirectRevocationEndpointEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether the direct revocation endpoint is enabled or not.
setDirectTokenEndpointEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether the direct token endpoint is enabled or not.
setDirectUserInfoEndpointEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether the direct userinfo endpoint is enabled or not.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the display mode which the client application requires by "display" request parameter.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackResponse
Set the display name of the authenticated developer.
setDocument(DocumentConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IDDocumentConstraint
Set the constraint for document.
setDocument(Document) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Set the ID document used to perform the ID verification.
setDpop(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Set the value of the DPoP header of the grant management request.
setDpop(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the DPoP header presented by the client during the request to the resource server.
setDpop(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Set the DPoP header presented by the client during the request to the PAR endpoint.
setDpop(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the DPoP header presented by the client during the request to the token endpoint.
setDpop(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Set the DPoP header presented by the client during the request to the userinfo endpoint.
setDpopKey(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
Set the DPoP access public and private key pair in serialized JWK format.
setDpopKeyThumbprint(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the thumbprint of the public key used for DPoP presentation of this token.
setDpopKeyThumbprint(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set the thumbprint of the public key used for DPoP presentation of this token.
setDpopNonce(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse
Set the expected nonce value for DPoP proof JWT, which should be used as the value of the DPoP-Nonce HTTP header.
setDpopNonce(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the expected nonce value for DPoP proof JWT, which should be used as the value of the DPoP-Nonce HTTP header.
setDpopNonce(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse
Set the expected nonce value for DPoP proof JWT, which should be used as the value of the DPoP-Nonce HTTP header.
setDpopNonce(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the expected nonce value for DPoP proof JWT, which should be used as the value of the DPoP-Nonce HTTP header.
setDpopNonce(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the expected nonce value for DPoP proof JWT, which should be used as the value of the DPoP-Nonce HTTP header.
setDpopNonceDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the duration of nonce values for DPoP proof JWTs in seconds.
setDpopNonceRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Set the flag indicating whether to check if the DPoP proof JWT includes the expected nonce value.
setDpopNonceRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the flag indicating whether to check if the DPoP proof JWT includes the expected nonce value.
setDpopNonceRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Set the flag indicating whether to check if the DPoP proof JWT includes the expected nonce value.
setDpopNonceRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether to require DPoP proof JWTs to include the nonce claim whenever they are presented.
setDpopNonceRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the flag indicating whether to check if the DPoP proof JWT includes the expected nonce value.
setDpopNonceRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Set the flag indicating whether to check if the DPoP proof JWT includes the expected nonce value.
setDpopRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get the flag indicating whether this client requires DPoP access tokens.
setDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the duration of the credential offer in seconds.
setDynamicallyRegistered(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag which indicates whether this client has been registered dynamically.
setDynamicRegistrationSupported(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether dynamic client registration is supported.
setDynamicScopes(DynamicScope[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the dynamic scopes which the client application requested by the scope request parameter.
setDynamicScopes(DynamicScope[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the dynamic scopes which the client application requested by the scope request parameter.
setDynamicScopes(DynamicScope[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the dynamic scopes which the client application requested by the scope request parameter.
setDynamicScopes(DynamicScope[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the dynamic scopes which the client application requested by the scope request parameter.
setElements(AuthzDetailsElement[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetails
Set the elements of this authorization details.
setEmail(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Set the email address of the service owner.
setEnd(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
Set the end index of search results (exclusive).
setEnd(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientListResponse
Set the end index (exclusive) for the result set of the query.
setEnd(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceListResponse
Set the end index (exclusive) for the result set of the query.
setEnd(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
Set the end index (exclusive) for the result set of the query.
setEndSessionEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the end session endpoint for the service.
setEntityConfiguration(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationRequest
Set the entity configuration of a relying party.
setEntityId(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the entity ID of this client.
setEntityId(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TrustAnchor
Set the entity ID of the trust anchor.
setEntityIdPreferred(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.ClientMetadataControl
Set the flag whether to use the entity ID as the value of the client_id property when available.
setEntityTypes(EntityType[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationRequest
Set the entity types for which the entity configuration is created.
setEnum(Enum<?>, TEnum) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setEnum(key.name(), value).
setEnum(String, TEnum) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setString(key, (value == null) ? null : value.name()).
setErrorCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Set the error code.
setErrorDescription(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the description of the error.
setErrorDescription(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest
Set the description of the error.
setErrorDescription(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the description of the error.
setErrorDescription(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Set the error description.
setErrorDescriptionOmitted(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Omit or embed the error_description response parameter in error responses.
setErrorDescriptions(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyResponse
Set the list of error messages.
setErrorUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the URI of a document which describes the error in detail.
setErrorUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest
Set the URI of a document which describes the error in detail.
setErrorUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the URI of a document which describes the error in detail.
setErrorUriOmitted(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Omit or embed the error_uri response parameter in error responses.
setEssential(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.LeafConstraint
Set the value of "essential"
setEvidence(EvidenceArrayConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerificationConstraint
Set the constraint for evidence.
setEvidence(EvidenceArray) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Set the evidence the OP used to verify the user's identity.
setExistent(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the access token exists.
setExists(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.BaseConstraint
Set the existence of the constraint.
setExists(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ClaimsConstraint
Set the existence of the constraint.
setExists(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceArrayConstraint
Set the existence of the constraint.
setExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the time at which the credential offer will expire.
setExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the date in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01) at which the user code will expire.
setExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the time at which the access token expires in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01).
setExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the date at which the newly issued access token will expire.
setExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Set the expiration date/time in seconds since the Unix epoch.
setExpiresIn(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse
Set the duration of the issued authentication request ID in seconds.
setExpiresIn(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the duration of the issued device verification code and end-user verification code in seconds.
setExpiresIn(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the lifetime of the access token in seconds.
setExpiresIn(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the lifetime of the access token in seconds.
setExpiresIn(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the duration of the newly issued access token in seconds.
setExplicitlyRegistered(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag indicating whether this client was registered by the "explicit" client registration of OpenID Federation.
setExtension(ClientExtension) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the extended information about this client.
setFalseIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.ClientMetadataControl
setFalseIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapControl
Set the flag indicating whether properties should be included even when their values are false.
setFapiModes(FapiMode[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the FAPI modes for this client.
setFapiModes(FapiMode[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the FAPI modes for this service.
setFederationConfigurationDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the duration of the entity configuration in seconds.
setFederationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether this service supports OpenID Federation 1.0.
setFederationJwks(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the JWK Set document containing keys that are used to sign (1) self-signed entity statement of this service and (2) the response from signed_jwks_uri.
setFederationRegistrationEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the federation registration endpoint.
setFederationSignatureKeyId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the key ID to identify a JWK that should be used to sign the entity configuration and the signed JWK Set.
setFloat(Enum<?>, float) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setFloat(key.name(), value).
setFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.StringBasedTypedProperties
setFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Set the value to the property identified by the key.
setForCredentialIssuance(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the flag indicating whether the token is for credential issuance.
setForExternalAttachment(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the token is for an external attachment.
setForExternalAttachment(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the flag which indicates whether the access token is for an external attachment.
setForExternalAttachment(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the access token is for an external attachment.
setForExternalAttachment(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set the flag which indicates whether the access token is for an external attachment.
setForExternalAttachment(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the access token is for an external attachment.
setFormat(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialRequestInfo
Set the value of the format parameter in the credential request.
setFormatted(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Set the constraint for formatted.
setFormatted(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Set the formatted address of the provider.
setFormatted(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
Set the full mailing address, formatted for display or use on a mailing label.
setFrontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag indicating whether encryption of request object is required when the request object is passed through the front channel.
setFrontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether encryption of request object is required when the request object is passed through the front channel.
setGmAction(GMAction) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the value of the grant_management_action request parameter.
setGmAction(GMAction) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the value of the grant_management_action request parameter.
setGmAction(GMAction) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the value of the grant_management_action request parameter.
setGmAction(GMAction) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the value of the grant_management_action request parameter of the device authorization request.
setGmAction(GMAction) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Set the grant management action of the grant management request.
setGrant(Grant) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the content of the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter.
setGrant(Grant) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the content of the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter.
setGrant(Grant) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the content of the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter.
setGrant(Grant) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the content of the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter of the device authorization request.
setGrant(Grant) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the grant that this access token has inherited.
setGrantId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the value of the grant_id request parameter.
setGrantId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the value of the grant_id parameter in the response.
setGrantId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the value of the grant_id request parameter.
setGrantId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the value of the grant_id request parameter.
setGrantId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the value of the grant_id request parameter of the device authorization request.
setGrantId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Set the grant ID of the grant management request.
setGrantId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the grant ID which this access token is tied to.
setGrantId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the value of the grant_id parameter in the token response.
setGrantManagementActionRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether every authorization request (and any request serving as an authorization request such as CIBA backchannel authentication request and device authorization request) must include the grant_management_action request parameter.
setGrantManagementEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URL of the grant management endpoint.
setGrantSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the subject of the user who has given the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter.
setGrantSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the subject of the user who has given the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter.
setGrantSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the subject of the user who has given the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter.
setGrantSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the subject of the user who has given the grant which is identified by the grant_id request parameter of the device authorization request.
setGrantType(GrantType) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Set the grant type of the access token when the access token was created.
setGrantType(GrantType) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the grant type that was used for issuance of the access token.
setGrantType(GrantType) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the grant type for a newly created access token.
setGrantType(GrantType) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the grant type for the newly issued access token.
setGrantType(GrantType) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the grant type of the token request.
setGrantTypes(GrantType[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set grant_type values that the client is declaring that it will restrict itself to using.
setHandle(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Set the handle for the key on the HSM.
setHeaders(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the HTTP headers included in the resource request.
setHeaders(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureRequest
Set the HTTP response headers, all will be included in the signature.
setHeaders(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Set the HTTP response headers, all will be included in the signature.
setHeaders(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Set the HTTP headers included in the userinfo request.
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Property
Set this property hidden from or visible to client applications.
setHint(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the value of the hint for end-user identification.
setHintType(UserIdentificationHintType) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the type of the hint for end-user identification which was included in the backchannel authentication request.
setHsk(Hsk) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskResponse
Set the information about the key on the HSM.
setHsks(Hsk[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskListResponse
Set the information about the keys on the HSM.
setHsks(Hsk[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set information about keys managed on HSMs (Hardware Security Modules).
setHsmEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether HSM (Hardware Security Module) support is enabled for this service.
setHsmName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Set the name of the HSM.
setHsmName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskCreateRequest
Set the name of the HSM.
setHtm(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Set the HTTP method of the grant management request.
setHtm(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the HTTP method of the request from the client to the protected resource endpoint.
setHtm(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Set the HTTP method of the pushed authorization request.
setHtm(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the HTTP method of the token request.
setHtm(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Set the HTTP method of the userinfo request.
setHttpAcceptHeader(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Set the value of the HTTP Accept header in the introspection request.
setHtu(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest
Set the URL of the grant management endpoint.
setHtu(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the URL of the protected resource endpoint.
setHtu(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Set the URL of the PAR endpoint.
setHtu(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the URL of the token endpoint.
setHtu(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Set the URL of the userinfo endpoint.
setId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the ID of the end-user to authenticate.
setId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the ID of the developer to authenticate.
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Set the identifier of a specific resource.
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the identifier of the credential offer.
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoRequest
Set the identifier of the credential offer.
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialRequestInfo
Set the identifier of the credential request.
setIdtHeaderParams(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set JSON that represents additional JWS header parameters for ID tokens that may be issued based on the authorization request.
setIdtHeaderParams(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set JSON that represents additional JWS header parameters for the ID token.
setIdtHeaderParams(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set JSON that represents additional JWS header parameters for the ID token that may be issued from the token endpoint.
setIdtHeaderParams(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
Set additional parameters that should be embedded in the JWS header of the ID token.
setIdToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Set the newly issued ID token.
setIdToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the issued ID token.
setIdToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueResponse
Set the reissued ID token.
setIdToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the ID token.
setIdTokenAudType(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the type of the aud claim of the ID token being issued.
setIdTokenAudType(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the type of the aud claim of the ID token being issued.
setIdTokenAudType(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the type of the aud claim of the ID token being issued.
setIdTokenAudType(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
Set the type of the "aud" claim of the ID token being issued.
setIdTokenAudType(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the type of the aud claim in ID tokens.
setIdTokenClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the value of the "id_token" property in the "claims" request parameter or in the "claims" property in a request object.
setIdTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the duration of the ID token in seconds.
setIdTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the duration of ID tokens in seconds.
setIdTokenEncryptionAlg(JWEAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting the ID token issued to this client.
setIdTokenEncryptionEnc(JWEEnc) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting the ID token issued to this client.
setIdTokenReissuable(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether to enable the feature of ID token reissuance in the refresh token flow.
setIdTokenSignAlg(JWSAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWS alg algorithm for signing the ID token issued to this client.
setIdTokenSignatureKeyId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the key ID to identify a JWK used for ID token signature using an asymmetric key.
setInfo(AuthorizationTicketInfo) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse
Set the information about the ticket.
setInfo(AuthorizationTicketInfo) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateRequest
Set the information about the ticket.
setInfo(AuthorizationTicketInfo) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse
Set the information about the ticket.
setInfo(CredentialOfferInfo) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateResponse
Set information about the credential offer.
setInfo(CredentialOfferInfo) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse
Set information about the credential offer.
setInfo(CredentialRequestInfo) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse
Set information about the credential request bound to the transaction ID.
setInfo(CredentialRequestInfo) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse
Set information about the credential request.
setInfo(CredentialRequestInfo[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse
Set information about the credential requests in the batch credential request.
setInt(Enum<?>, int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setInt(key.name(), value).
setInt(String, int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.StringBasedTypedProperties
setInt(String, int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Set the value to the property identified by the key.
setInterval(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse
Set the minimum amount of time in seconds that the client must wait for between polling requests to the token endpoint.
setInterval(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the minimum amount of time in seconds that the client must wait for between polling requests to the token endpoint.
setIntrospectionEncryptionAlg(JWEAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Set the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting the introspection response.
setIntrospectionEncryptionEnc(JWEEnc) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Set the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting the introspection response.
setIntrospectionEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the introspection endpoint.
setIntrospectionSignAlg(JWSAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Set the JWS alg algorithm for signing the introspection response.
setIntrospectionSignatureKeyId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the key ID of the key for signing introspection responses.
setInvalidClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyResponse
Set the list of invalid claims.
setIssSuppressed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether generation of the iss response parameter is suppressed.
setIssuableCredentials(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the information about the issuable credentials that can be obtained by presenting the access token that will be issued as a result of the authorization request.
setIssuableCredentials(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the credentials that can be obtained by presenting the access token.
setIssuanceDeferred(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuanceOrder
Set the flag indicating whether to defer credential issuance.
setIssuer(IssuerConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
Set the constraint for issuer.
setIssuer(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.QESConstraint
Set the constraint for issuer.
setIssuer(Issuer) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Set the issuer of the document.
setIssuer(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Set the certification authority that issued the signer's certificate.
setIssuer(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the issuer identifier of this OpenID provider.
setIssuerState(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the value of the issuer_state property in the authorization_code object in the grants object.
setIssuerStateIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the flag to include the issuer_state property in the authorization_code object in the grants object.
setIssuerStateIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the flag indicating whether the issuer_state property is included in the authorization_code object in the grants object.
setJose(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyRequest
Set a JOSE object that will be verified.
setJson(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationRequest
Set client metadata in JSON format that complies with RFC 7591 (OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol).
setJwks(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AssertionProcessor
Set the JSON Web Key set used to check the assertion's signatures, serialized as a JSON string.
setJwks(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JSON Web Key Set.
setJwks(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the JSON Web Key Set of the service.
setJwks(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TrustAnchor
Set the JWK Set document containing public keys of the trust anchor.
setJwksUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the URI of the JSON Web Key Set of the client application.
setJwksUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the service's JSON Web Key Set.
setJwtAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Set the newly issued access token in JWT format.
setJwtAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the newly issued access token in JWT format.
setJwtAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the newly issued access token in JWT format.
setJwtAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the newly issued access token in JWT format.
setJwtAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the newly issued access token in JWT format.
setJwtAtClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
setJwtAtClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
setJwtAtClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
setJwtAtClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
setJwtAtClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
setJwtAtClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
setJwtAtClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Set the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
setJwtAtClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the additional claims in JSON object format that are added to the payload part of the JWT access token.
setJwtGrantByIdentifiableClientsOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether to prohibit unidentifiable clients from using the grant type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" (RFC 7523).
setJwtGrantEncryptedJwtRejected(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether to reject token requests that use an encrypted JWT as an authorization grant with the grant type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" (RFC 7523).
setJwtGrantUnsignedJwtRejected(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether to reject token requests that use an unsigned JWT as an authorization grant with the grant type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer" (RFC 7523).
setKey(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Pair
Set the key of this pair.
setKey(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Property
Set the key.
setKid(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Set the key ID for the key on the HSM.
setKid(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskCreateRequest
Set the key ID for the key on the HSM.
setKty(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Set the key type of the key on the HSM.
setKty(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskCreateRequest
Set the key type.
setLastRefreshedAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Set the timestamp at which the access token was last refreshed using the refresh token.
setLatestGrantedScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
Set the scopes granted to the client application by the last authorization process by the user (who is identified by the subject).
setLength(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
Set length of generated user codes.
setLimit(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceCreatableResponse
Set the maximum number of services that can be created in the plan.
setLocality(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Set the constraint for locality.
setLocality(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Set the locality of the provider's address.
setLocality(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
Set the city or locality component.
setLocations(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Set the resources and/or resource servers.
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag which indicates whether this client is locked.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class com.authlete.common.ida.DatasetExtractor
Set a logger that processes logs emitted by this instance.
setLoginHint(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the value of login hint, which is specified by the client application using "login_hint" request parameter.
setLoginId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest
Set the login ID of the end-user to authenticate.
setLoginId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Set the login ID of the service owner.
setLoginUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the URL that can initiate a login for this client application.
setLogoUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the URI of the logo image.
setLogoUris(TaggedValue[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the logo URIs each of which has a language tag.
setLong(Enum<?>, long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setLong(key.name(), value).
setLong(String, long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.StringBasedTypedProperties
setLong(String, long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Set the value to the property identified by the key.
setLoopbackRedirectionUriVariable(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether the port number component of redirection URIs can be variable when the host component indicates loopback.
setLowestPrompt(Prompt) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the prompt that the UI displayed to the end-user must satisfy at least.
setMandatoryClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyRequest
Set mandatory claims that are required to be included in the JOSE object.
setMaxAge(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the maximum authentication age.
setMaxAge(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the maximum authentication age which is the maximum allowable elapsed time since the user authentication was performed during the course of issuing the access token.
setMaxAge(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.TimeConstraint
Set the value of "max_age".
setMergedGrantedScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
Set the scopes granted to the client application by all the past authorization processes.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureRequest
Set the HTTP message response body.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
setMetadata(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set metadata.
setMethod(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IDDocumentConstraint
Set the constraint for method.
setMethod(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Set the method used to verify this ID document.
setMissingClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyResponse
Set the list of missing claims.
setMissingClientIdAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether token requests from public clients without the client_id request parameter are allowed when the client can be guessed from authorization_code or refresh_token.
setModifiedAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the time at which this client was last modified.
setModifiedAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
Set the timestamp in milliseconds since Unix epoch at which this record was modified.
setModifiedAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the time at which this service was last modified.
setModifiedAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Set the time when this status was last modified.
setMtlsEndpointAliases(NamedUri[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the MTLS endpoint aliases.
setMtlsEndpointAliasesUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag indicating whether the client intends to prefer mutual TLS endpoints over non-MTLS endpoints.
setMutualTlsValidatePkiCertChain(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set whether this service validates certificate chains during PKI-based client mutual TLS authentication.
setName(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IssuerConstraint
Set the constraint for name.
setName(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Set the constraint for name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Issuer
Set the name of the issuer.
setName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Set the name of the provider.
setName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DynamicScope
Set the scope name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.NamedUri
Set the name of the URI.
setName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Scope
Set the scope name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Set the service owner name.
setNbfOptional(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether the nbf claim in the request object is optional even when the authorization request is regarded as a FAPI-Part2 request.
setNewClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretRefreshResponse
Set the new client secret.
setNewClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretUpdateResponse
Set the new client secret.
setNull(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.BaseConstraint
Set the boolean flag that indicates that the value of the constraint is null.
setNull(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ClaimsConstraint
Set the boolean flag that indicates that the value of the constraint is null.
setNull(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceArrayConstraint
Set the boolean flag that indicates that the value of the constraint is null.
setNullIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.ClientMetadataControl
setNullIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapControl
Set the flag indicating whether properties should be included even when their values are null.
setNumber(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AssertionProcessor
Get the object number for this assertion processor.
setNumber(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the client number.
setNumber(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the service number.
setNumber(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Set the service owner number.
setNumber(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
Set the constraint for number.
setNumber(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Set the number of the document.
setOauthClientAttestation(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Set the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation HTTP header.
setOauthClientAttestation(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Set the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation HTTP header.
setOauthClientAttestation(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Set the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation HTTP header.
setOauthClientAttestation(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Set the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation HTTP header.
setOauthClientAttestation(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation HTTP header.
setOauthClientAttestationPop(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Set the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation-PoP HTTP header.
setOauthClientAttestationPop(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Set the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation-PoP HTTP header.
setOauthClientAttestationPop(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Set the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation-PoP HTTP header.
setOauthClientAttestationPop(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Set the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation-PoP HTTP header.
setOauthClientAttestationPop(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the value of the OAuth-Client-Attestation-PoP HTTP header.
setOldClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretRefreshResponse
Set the old client secret.
setOldClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientSecretUpdateResponse
Set the old client secret.
setOpenidDroppedOnRefreshWithoutOfflineAccess(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether to remove the openid scope from a new access token issued by the refresh token flow if the presented refresh token does not contain the offline_access scope.
setOperation(ClaimRuleOperation) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClaimRule
Set the operation that this rule will apply to any claims it processes.
setOrder(CredentialIssuanceOrder) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueRequest
Set the credential order that provides an instruction for issuing a credential.
setOrder(CredentialIssuanceOrder) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueRequest
Set the credential order that provides an instruction for issuing a credential.
setOrders(CredentialIssuanceOrder[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueRequest
Set the credential orders that provide instructions for issuance of credentials and/or transaction IDs.
setOrganization(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifierConstraint
Set the constraint for organization.
setOrganization(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verifier
Set the organization which performed the verification on behalf of the OP.
setOrganizationName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the human-readable name representing the organization that manages this client.
setOrganizationName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the human-readable name representing the organization that operates this service.
setOtherFields(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Set the other fields (than the pre-defined ones such as type and locations) as a string in the JSON format.
setOtherFieldsFromMap(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Set the other fields (than type, locations, actions and identifier) using a Map object.
setParameters(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationRequest
Set the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint of the service implementation received from the client application.
setParameters(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Set the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the backchannel authentication endpoint of the OpenID provider implementation received from the client application.
setParameters(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Set the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the device authorization endpoint of the authorization server implementation received from the client application.
setParameters(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest
Set the request parameters that the pushed authorization request endpoint received from the client application.
setParameters(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Set the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the OAuth 2.0 token revocation endpoint of the service implementation received from the client application.
setParameters(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Set the value of parameters that represents the request parameters which the introspection endpoint of the authorization server received.
setParameters(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint of the service implementation received from the client application.
setParameters(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationRequest
Set the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint of the service implementation received from the client application.
setParameters(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
Set the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the backchannel authentication endpoint of the OpenID provider implementation received from the client application.
setParameters(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest
Set the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the device authorization endpoint of the authorization server implementation received from the client application.
setParameters(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest
Set the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the OAuth 2.0 token revocation endpoint of the service implementation received from the client application.
setParameters(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the value of parameters which are the request parameters that the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint of the service implementation received from the client application.
setParRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag indicating whether this client is required to use the pushed authorization request endpoint.
setParRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether this service requires that clients use the pushed authorization request endpoint.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the password of the end-user to authenticate.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest
Set the password of the end-user to authenticate.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the password of the developer to authenticate.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the value of "password" request parameter.
setPatch(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceConfigurationRequest
Set a JSON Patch (RFC 6902 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch) to be applied.
setPkceRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag indicating whether PKCE (RFC 7636) is required whenever this client makes an authorization request by the authorization code flow.
setPkceRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether the use of Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is always required for authorization requests by Authorization Code Flow.
setPkceS256Required(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag indicating whether S256 must be used as the code challenge method whenever this client uses PKCE (RFC 7636).
setPkceS256Required(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether S256 is always required as the code challenge method whenever PKCE (RFC 7636) is used.
setPlan(Plan) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceCreatableResponse
Set the plan of the service owner.
setPlan(Plan) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceOwner
Set the plan.
setPolicyUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the URI of the policy page which describes how the client application uses the profile data of the end-user.
setPolicyUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI that this OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the client to read about the OP's requirements on how the Relying Party can use the data provided by the OP.
setPolicyUris(TaggedValue[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the URIs of the policy pages for specific languages.
setPostaCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
Set the zip code or postal code component.
setPostalCode(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Set the constraint for postal_code.
setPostalCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Set the postal code of the provider's address.
setPreAuthorizedCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the value of the pre-authorized_code property in the urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code object in the grants object.
setPreAuthorizedCodeGrantIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the flag to include the urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code object in the grants object.
setPreAuthorizedCodeGrantIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the flag indicating whether the urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code object is included in the grants object.
setPreAuthorizedGrantAnonymousAccessSupported(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether token requests using the pre-authorized code grant flow by unidentifiable clients are allowed.
setPredefinedTransformedClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the transformed claims predefined by this service in JSON format.
setPretty(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksRequest
Set the flag indicating whether the JWK Set document is written in the pretty format or not.
setPretty(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataRequest
Set the flag indicating whether the metadata is written in the pretty format or not.
setPretty(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataRequest
Set the flag indicating whether the metadata is written in the pretty format or not.
setPretty(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceConfigurationRequest
Set the flag indicating whether the JSON returned from the API is formatted in a human-friendly way.
setPreviousRefreshTokenUsed(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the flag indicating whether the previous refresh token that had been kept in the database for a short time was used.
setPrivileges(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Set the types or levels of privilege.
setPrompts(Prompt[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the list of prompts contained in the authorization request (= the value of prompt request parameter).
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Set the properties associated with the access token.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set extra properties to associate with an access token and/or an authorization code which will be issued by this request.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set extra properties associated with the access token.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the extra properties associated with the credential offer.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the extra properties associated with the credential offer.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set extra properties associated with the access token that will be issued.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the extra properties associated with the access token.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set extra properties to associate with an access token which will be issued by this request.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the properties associated with the access token.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Set the extra properties associated with the token.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Set extra properties to associate with an access token which will be issued by this request.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the extra properties associated with the access token.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set extra properties to associate with an access token which may be issued by this request.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the extra properties associated with the access token.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set a new set of properties assigned to the access token.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Set the properties associated with the access token.
setProperties(Property[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the extra properties associated with the access token.
setProvider(ProviderConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.UtilityBillConstraint
Set the constraint for provider.
setProvider(Provider) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.UtilityBill
Set the provider that issued the utility bill.
setPublicKey(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Set the public key that corresponds to the key on the HSM.
setPublicKeyForEncryption(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Set the public key for encrypting the introspection response with an asymmetric algorithm.
setPurpose(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimConstraint
Set the value of "purpose".
setPurpose(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the value of the purpose request parameter.
setPushedAuthReqDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the duration of pushed authorization requests.
setPushedAuthReqEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the pushed authorization request endpoint.
setRandom(Random) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
Set a Random instance used for user code generation.
setRawTokenResponse(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the raw response from the token endpoint of the SNS.
setRawTokenResponse(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the raw response from the token endpoint of the SNS.
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.api.Settings
Set the read timeout in milliseconds.
setReason(AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest
Set the value of "reason" which is the reason of the failure of the authorization request.
setReason(BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest
Set the reason of the failure of the backchannel authentication request.
setReason(TokenFailRequest.Reason) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailRequest
Set the value of "reason" which is the reason of the failure of the token request.
setRedirectUris(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the redirect URIs.
setRefreshable(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the access token can be refreshed using the associated refresh token.
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the refresh token returned by the SNS which the end-user used for social login.
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the issued refresh token.
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the refresh token returned by the SNS which the developer used for social login.
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
Set the refresh token.
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the refresh token.
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the newly issued refresh token.
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the refresh token.
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the newly issued refresh token.
setRefreshTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the duration of the refresh token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setRefreshTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the duration of the refresh token in seconds.
setRefreshTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientExtension
Set the value of the duration of refresh tokens per client in seconds.
setRefreshTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the duration of the refresh token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setRefreshTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the duration of refresh tokens in seconds.
setRefreshTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the duration of a newly created refresh token in seconds.
setRefreshTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Set the duration of the refresh token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setRefreshTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the duration of the refresh token in seconds.
setRefreshTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
Set the duration of the refresh token that may be issued as a result of the Authlete API call.
setRefreshTokenDuration(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the duration of the refresh token in seconds.
setRefreshTokenDurationKept(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether the remaining duration of the used refresh token is taken over to the newly issued refresh token.
setRefreshTokenDurationReset(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether duration of refresh tokens are reset when they are used even if the refreshTokenKept property of this service (cf. Service.isRefreshTokenKept()) is true (= even if "Refresh Token Continuous Use" is "Kept").
setRefreshTokenExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Set the timestamp at which the refresh token will expire.
setRefreshTokenExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the date in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01) at which the refresh token will expire.
setRefreshTokenExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the date in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01) at which the refresh token will expire.
setRefreshTokenExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set the new date at which the refresh token will expire.
setRefreshTokenExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Set the date at which the refresh token will expire.
setRefreshTokenExpiresAtUpdatedOnScopeUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set the flag which indicates whether /auth/token/update API attempts to update the expiration date of the refresh token when the scopes linked to the refresh token are changed by this request.
setRefreshTokenHash(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Set the hash of the refresh token.
setRefreshTokenIdempotent(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether refresh token requests with the same refresh token can be made multiple times in quick succession and they can obtain the same renewed refresh token within the short period.
setRefreshTokenIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRevokeRequest
Set the identifier of a refresh token to revoke.
setRefreshTokenKept(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether a refresh token remains valid or gets renewed after its use.
setRefreshTokenScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Set the scopes associated with the refresh token.
setRefreshTokenScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the scopes associated with the refresh token.
setRefreshTokenScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the scopes associated with the refresh token.
setRefreshTokenScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the scopes associated with the refresh token.
setRegion(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Set the constraint for region.
setRegion(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Set the region of the provider's address.
setRegion(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
Set the state, province, prefecture, or region component.
setRegistrationAccessTokenHash(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the hash of the registration access token for this client.
setRegistrationEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the registration endpoint.
setRegistrationManagementEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the registration management endpoint.
setRequestableScopes(long, String[]) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Set the requestable scopes assigned to a client (= call Authlete's /client/extension/requestable_scopes/update/{clientId} API).
setRequestableScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientExtension
Set the set of scopes that this client application can request when "Requestable Scopes per Client" is enabled (= when ClientExtension.isRequestableScopesEnabled() returns true).
setRequestableScopes(Set<String>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientExtension
Set the set of scopes that this client application can request when "Requestable Scopes per Client" is enabled (= when ClientExtension.isRequestableScopesEnabled() returns true).
setRequestableScopesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientExtension
Enable or disable "Requestable Scopes per Client".
setRequestBodyContained(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the flag indicating whether the resource request contains a request body.
setRequestBodyContained(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Set the flag indicating whether the userinfo request contains a request body.
setRequestContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseRequest
Set the message body of the batch credential request.
setRequestContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseRequest
Set the message body of the deferred credential request.
setRequestContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseRequest
Set the message body of the credential request.
setRequestContext(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the request context of the backchannel authentication request.
setRequestedClaimsForTx(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set names of claims that are requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
setRequestedClaimsForTx(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set names of claims that are requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
setRequestedExpiry(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the requested expiry for the authentication request ID (auth_req_id).
setRequestedIdTokenClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the names of the claims that the authorization request (which resulted in generation of the access token) requested to be embedded in ID tokens.
setRequestedTokenType(TokenType) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the value of the requested_token_type request parameter.
setRequestedVerifiedClaimsForTx(StringArray[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set names of verified claims that are requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
setRequestedVerifiedClaimsForTx(StringArray[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set names of verified claims that are requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
setRequestEncryptionAlg(JWEAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting request objects.
setRequestEncryptionEnc(JWEEnc) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting request objects.
setRequestId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Set the request ID associated with the status.
setRequestId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateBatchResponse
setRequestId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateBatchStatusRequest
Set the request ID associated with the batch status to retrieve.
setRequestIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuanceOrder
Set the identifier that has been assigned to the credential request by the preceding Authlete API.
setRequestObjectAudienceChecked(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether Authlete checks whether the aud claim of request objects matches the issuer identifier of this service.
setRequestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag indicating whether the JWE alg of encrypted request object must match the request_object_encryption_alg client metadata.
setRequestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether the JWE alg of encrypted request object must match the request_object_encryption_alg client metadata of the client that has sent the request object.
setRequestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag indicating whether the JWE enc of encrypted request object must match the request_object_encryption_enc client metadata.
setRequestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether the JWE enc of encrypted request object must match the request_object_encryption_enc client metadata of the client that has sent the request object.
setRequestObjectPayload(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the payload part of the request object.
setRequestObjectRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag indicating whether authorization requests from this client are always required to utilize a request object by using either request or request_uri request parameter.
setRequestObjectRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether this service requires that authorization requests always utilize a request object by using either request or request_uri request parameter.
setRequestSignAlg(JWSAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWS alg algorithm for signing request objects.
setRequestSignature(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureRequest
Set the Signature header value from the request.
setRequestSignature(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Set the Signature header value from the request.
setRequestUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse
Set the request URI created to represent the pushed authorization request.
setRequestUris(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the request URIs that this client declares it may use.
setRequireCredentialResponseEncryption(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Set the boolean flag indicating whether credential response encryption is required.
setRequiredComponents(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
setResource(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantScope
Set the resource.
setResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the resources specified by the resource request parameters or by the resource property in the request object.
setResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the resources specified by the resource request parameters or by the resource property in the request object in the preceding backchannel authentication request.
setResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the resources specified by the resource request parameters or by the resource property in the request object.
setResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the resources specified by the resource request parameters.
setResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the resources specified by the resource request parameters in the preceding device authorization request.
setResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the resource indicators that the access token should cover.
setResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the target resources.
setResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Get the resources.
setResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Set the resources associated with the token.
setResources(URI[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the resources specified by the resource request parameters in the token request.
setResourceSignatureKeyId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the key ID of a JWK containing the private key used by this service to sign responses from the resource server, such as the userinfo endpoint and responses sent to the RS signing endpoint.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse
Set the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse
Set the response content which can be used to generate a response to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Set the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the response content which can be used to generate a response to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the content of the notification.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse
Set the content of the response body of the response to the client.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse
Set the content of the response body of the response to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the content that can be used to generate a response to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse
Set the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse
Set the content of the response that the implementation of the batch credential endpoint should return.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse
Set the content of the response that should be returned to the request sender.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse
Set the content of the response that the implementation of the deferred credential endpoint should return.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse
Set the content of the response that should be returned to the request sender.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksResponse
Set the content of the response that should be returned from the JWK Set document endpoint.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse
Set the content that the implementation of the credential issuer metadata endpoint should use when it constructs a response.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse
Set the content that the implementation of the JWT issuer metadata endpoint should use when it constructs a response.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse
Set the content of the response that the implementation of the credential endpoint should return.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse
Set the content of the response that should be returned to the request sender.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the content that can be used to generate a response to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationResponse
Set the content that the implementation of the entity configuration endpoint should use when it constructs a response to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse
Set the content that the implementation of the federation registration endpoint should use when it constructs a response to the API caller.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse
Set the response content which can be used to build a response to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueResponse
Set the response content that can be used as the message body of the token response that should be returned from the token endpoint.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the response content which can be used as a part of the response to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse
Set the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse
Set the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse
Set the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the resource server.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailResponse
Set the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse
Set the response content which can be used as the entity body of the response returned to the client application.
setResponseContent(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the response content which can be used as a part of the response to the client application.
setResponseModes(ResponseMode[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the response modes that this client may use.
setResponseSigningRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the flag indicating whether the HTTP response from the protected resource endpoint must include an HTTP message signature (RFC 9421 HTTP Message Signatures) in compliance with FAPI 2.0 Message Signing.
setResponseTypes(ResponseType[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set response_type values that the client is declaring that it will restrict itself to using.
setResult(BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest.Result) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the result of end-user authentication and authorization.
setResult(DeviceCompleteRequest.Result) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the result of end-user authentication and authorization.
setResult(TokenBatchStatus.Result) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Set the result of the token batch.
setResultCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ApiResponse
Set the code of the result of an Authlete API call.
setResultMessage(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ApiResponse
Set the message of the result of an Authlete API call.
setRevocationEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the token revocation endpoint.
setRsRequestSigned(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
setRsResponseSigned(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set whether the service signs responses from the resource server.
setRsSignedRequestKeyId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the key ID of the JWK containing the public key used to verify HTTP message signatures signed by this client.
setRsUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Set the URI of the resource server making the introspection request.
setScope(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantScope
Set the space-delimited scopes.
setScopeDetails(Scope[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the details of the scopes.
setScopeRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether requests that request no scope are rejected or not.
setScopes(GrantScope[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Grant
Set the grant scopes.
setScopes(Scope[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the scopes which the client application requests or the default scopes when the authorization request does not contain "scope" request parameter.
setScopes(Scope[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the scopes requested by the backchannel authentication request.
setScopes(Scope[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the scopes requested by the device authorization request.
setScopes(Scope[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the scopes requested by the device authorization request for the user code.
setScopes(Scope[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Set the scopes.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Set the scopes associated with the access token.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set scopes to associate with an authorization code and/or an access token.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set scopes associated with the access token.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationUpdateRequest
Set a new set of scopes assigned to existing access tokens.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set scopes associated with the access token.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the scopes which are required to access the protected resource endpoint.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the scopes covered by the access token.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the scopes that will be associated with a newly created access token.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the scopes associated with the newly issued access token.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the scopes covered by the access token.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the scopes covered by the access token.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set a new set of scopes assigned to the access token.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Set the scopes associated with the access token.
setScopes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the scopes covered by the access token.
setSecretIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.ClientMetadataControl
Set the flag indicating whether to include the client_secret property.
setSectorIdentifier(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Since Authlete 2.2. Use Client.setSectorIdentifierUri(URI) instead.
setSectorIdentifierUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the value of the sector identifier URI.
setSelfSignedCertificateKeyId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the key ID of a JWK containing a self-signed certificate of this client.
setSerialNumber(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.QESConstraint
Set the constraint for serial_number.
setSerialNumber(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.QES
Set the serial number of the certificate.
setService(Service) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the information about the service.
setServiceAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
Set the access token of the service.
setServiceApiKey(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the API key of the target service.
setServiceApiKey(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the API key of the target service.
setServiceApiKey(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
Set the API key of the service.
setServiceApiKey(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
Set the API key of the service.
setServiceApiSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
Set the API secret of the service.
setServiceAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse
Set the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
setServiceAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
setServiceAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
setServiceAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse
Set the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
setServiceAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
setServiceAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
setServiceAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
setServiceAttributes(Pair[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the attributes of the service that the client application belongs to.
setServiceDocumentation(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of a page containing human-readable information that developers might want or need to know when using this OpenID Provider.
setServiceName(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the service name.
setServiceNumber(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AssertionProcessor
Set the number of the service that this assertion processor is attached to.
setServiceNumber(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the number of the service which this client belongs to.
setServiceOwnerAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
Set the access token of the service owner.
setServiceOwnerApiKey(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
Set the API key of the service owner.
setServiceOwnerApiSecret(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteSimpleConfiguration
Set the API secret of the service owner.
setServiceOwnerNumber(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the service owner number
setServices(Service[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceListResponse
Set the list of services that match the query conditions.
setSharedKeyForEncryption(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Set the shared key for encrypting the introspection response with a symmetric algorithm.
setSharedKeyForSign(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Set the shared key for signing the introspection response with a symmetric algorithm.
setSignature(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse
Set the Signature header value to add to the response message.
setSignature(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse
Set the Signature header value to add to the response message.
setSignatureInput(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse
Set the Signature-Input header value to add to the response message.
setSignatureInput(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse
Set the Signature-Input header value to add to the response message.
setSignatureValid(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyResponse
Set the result of the signature verification.
setSignedByClient(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyRequest
Set the flag which indicates whether the signature of the JOSE object has been signed by a client application with the client's private key or a shared symmetric key.
setSignedJwksUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the URI of the endpoint that returns this client's JWK Set document in the JWT format.
setSignedJwksUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the endpoint that returns this service's JWK Set document in the JWT format.
setSigningKeyId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuanceOrder
Set the key ID of the private key that should be used for signing the credential.
setSingleAccessTokenPerSubject(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the flag which indicates whether the number of access tokens per subject (and per client) is at most one or can be more.
setSingleAccessTokenPerSubject(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag which indicates whether the number of access tokens per subject (and per client) is at most one or can be more.
setSns(Sns) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the SNS that the end-user used for social login.
setSns(Sns) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest
Set the SNS that the developer used for social login.
setSns(Sns) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.SnsCredentials
Set the SNS.
setSnsCredentials(SnsCredentials[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the list of SNS credentials that Authlete uses to support social login.
setSoftwareId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set a unique identifier string assigned by the client developer or software publisher used by registration endpoints to identify the client software to be dynamically registered.
setSoftwareVersion(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set a version identifier string for the client software identified by the software ID.
setStart(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
Set the start index of search results (inclusive).
setStart(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientListResponse
Set the start index (inclusive) for the result set of the query.
setStart(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceListResponse
Set the start index (inclusive) for the result set of the query.
setStart(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
Set the start index (inclusive) for the result set of the query.
setStatus(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureRequest
Set the HTTP status code of the response.
setStatus(TokenBatchStatus) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateBatchStatusResponse
Set the batch status.
setStreetAddress(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
Set the constraint for street_address.
setStreetAddress(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Provider
Set the street address of the provider's address.
setStreetAddress(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Address
Set the full street address component, which MAY include house number, street name, Post Office Box, and multi-line extended street address information.
setString(Enum<?>, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Equivalent to setString(key.name(), value).
setString(String, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesWrapper
setString(String, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties
Set the value to the property identified by the key.
setSub(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the value of the sub claim that should be used in the ID token which is to be issued.
setSub(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the value of the sub claim that should be used in the ID token.
setSub(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the value of the "sub" claim contained in the ID token hint included in the backchannel authentication request.
setSub(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the value of the sub claim that should be used in the ID token.
setSub(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueRequest
Set the value that should be used as the value of the "sub" claim of the ID token.
setSub(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Set the value of the sub claim.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AccessToken
Set the subject (= unique user ID) associated with the access token.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthenticationCallbackResponse
Set the subject (= unique identifier) of the authenticated user.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the value of "subject" which is the subject (= a user account managed by the service) who has granted authorization to the client application.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the subject (= end-user's login ID) that the client application requests.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizedClientListResponse
Set the identifier of the user who has granted authorization to the client applications.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user who has granted authorization to the client application.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationDeleteRequest
Set the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user who has granted authorization to the client application.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest
Set the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientAuthorizationUpdateRequest
Set the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user who has granted authorization to the client application.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the subject associated with the credential offer.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the subject associated with the credential offer.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackResponse
Set the subject (= unique identifier) of the authenticated developer.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user who has granted authorization to the client application.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.GrantedScopesGetResponse
Set the subject (= unique identifier) of the user who has granted authorization to the client.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the subject (= end-user ID managed by the service implementation) which is required to access the protected resource endpoint.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the subject (= resource owner's ID).
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
Set the subject (= unique identifier) of the user who will be associated with a newly created access token.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the subject (= unique identifier) of the user associated with the newly issued access token.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
Set the subject (= resource owner's unique identifier).
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Set the value of "subject" which is the unique identifier of the authenticated user.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Set the subject (= resource owner's ID).
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
Set the value of 'subject' parameter in the original request.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the subject (= resource owner's ID) of the access token.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRevokeRequest
Set the subject of a resource owner.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the subject (= resource owner's ID).
setSubjectToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the value of the subject_token request parameter.
setSubjectTokenInfo(TokenInfo) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the information about the token specified by the subject_token request parameter.
setSubjectTokenType(TokenType) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the value of the subject_token_type request parameter.
setSubjectType(SubjectType) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the subject type that this client application requests.
setSufficient(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the access token covers the required scopes.
setSupportedAcrs(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported ACRs (authentication context class references).
setSupportedAttachments(AttachmentType[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set attachment types supported by this service.
setSupportedAuthorizationDetailsTypes(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported authorization details types that can be used as values of the "type" field in "authorization_details".
setSupportedBackchannelTokenDeliveryModes(DeliveryMode[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the supported backchannel token delivery modes.
setSupportedClaimLocales(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported claim locales.
setSupportedClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported claims.
setSupportedClaimTypes(ClaimType[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported claim types.
setSupportedClientRegistrationTypes(ClientRegistrationType[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the client registration types supported by this service.
setSupportedCustomClientMetadata(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set custom client metadata supported by this service.
setSupportedDeveloperSnses(Sns[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the list of supported SNSes for social login at the developer console.
setSupportedDigestAlgorithms(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set supported algorithms used to compute digest values of external attachments.
setSupportedDisplays(Display[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported values of display parameter passed to the authorization endpoint.
setSupportedDocuments(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set document types supported by this service.
setSupportedDocumentsCheckMethods(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set document check methods supported by this service.
setSupportedDocumentsMethods(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set validation and verification processes supported by this service.
setSupportedDocumentsValidationMethods(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
setSupportedDocumentsVerificationMethods(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
setSupportedElectronicRecords(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set electronic record types supported by this service.
setSupportedEvidence(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set evidence supported by this service.
setSupportedGrantTypes(GrantType[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported grant types.
setSupportedIdentityDocuments(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
setSupportedIntrospectionAuthMethods(ClientAuthMethod[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set client authentication methods supported at the introspection endpoint.
setSupportedPromptValues(Prompt[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported prompt values.
setSupportedResponseTypes(ResponseType[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported response types.
setSupportedRevocationAuthMethods(ClientAuthMethod[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set client authentication methods supported at the revocation endpoint.
setSupportedScopes(Scope[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported scopes.
setSupportedServiceProfiles(ServiceProfile[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported service profiles.
setSupportedServiceProfiles(Iterable<ServiceProfile>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported service profiles.
setSupportedSnses(Sns[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the list of supported SNSes for social login at the authorization endpoint.
setSupportedTokenAuthMethods(ClientAuthMethod[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the number of client authentication methods at the token endpoint.
setSupportedTrustFrameworks(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set trust frameworks supported by this service.
setSupportedUiLocales(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the supported UI locales.
setSupportedVerificationMethods(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
setSupportedVerifiedClaims(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set verified claims supported by this service.
setTag(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TaggedValue
Set the tag.
setTarget(AssertionTarget) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AssertionProcessor
Set the part of the service that this assertion processor will be applied to.
setTargetUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the target URI of the resource request, including the query part, if any.
setTargetUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Set the target URI of the userinfo request, including the query part, if any.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest
Set the value of "ticket" which is the ticket issued by Authlete's /auth/authorization API to the service implementation.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest
Set the value of "ticket" which is the ticket issued by Authlete's /auth/authorization API to the service implementation.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the value of "ticket" which is the ticket issued by Authlete's /auth/authorization API to the service implementation.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the ticket for the service implementation to call /auth/authorization/issue API and /auth/authorization/fail API.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoRequest
Set the ticket that has been issued from the /auth/authorization API.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateRequest
Set the ticket that has been issued from the /auth/authorization API.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest
Set the ticket which is necessary to call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/complete API.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest
Set the ticket which should be deleted on a call of Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueRequest
Set the ticket which is necessary to call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/issue API.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the ticket that is necessary for the implementation of the backchannel authentication endpoint to call /api/backchannel/authentication/* API.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailRequest
Set the value of "ticket" which is the ticket issued by Authlete's /auth/token API to the service implementation.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
Set the value of "ticket" which is the ticket issued by Authlete's /auth/token API to the service implementation.
setTicket(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the ticket used for /auth/token/issue API or /auth/token/fail API.
setTicketInfo(AuthorizationTicketInfo) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Set the information attached to the ticket that was presented to the /auth/authorization/issue API.
setTime(TimeConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IDDocumentConstraint
Set the constraint for time.
setTime(TimeConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerificationConstraint
Set the constraint for time.
setTime(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Set the date when this ID document was verified.
setTime(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Set the date and time when identity verification took place.
Settings - Class in com.authlete.common.api
Settings of AuthleteApi implementation.
Settings() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.api.Settings
setTlsClientAuthSanDns(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the string representation of the expected DNS subject alternative name of the certificate this client will use in mutual TLS authentication.
setTlsClientAuthSanEmail(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the string representation of the expected email address subject alternative name of the certificate this client will use in mutual TLS authentication.
setTlsClientAuthSanIp(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the string representation of the expected IP address subject alternative name of the certificate this client will use in mutual TLS authentication.
setTlsClientAuthSanUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the string representation of the expected URI subject alternative name of the certificate this client will use in mutual TLS authentication.
setTlsClientAuthSubjectDn(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the string representation of the expected subject distinguished name of the certificate this client will use in mutual TLS authentication.
setTlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set whether this client uses TLS client certificate bound access tokens or not.
setTlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Enable or disable support for TLS client certificate bound access tokens.
setToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationRequest
Set the client registration access token which was passed with this update request.
setToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
Set the access token to introspect.
setToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Set the access token which has been issued by Authlete.
setToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
Set the access token which has been issued by Authlete.
setToken(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the access token that came along with the userinfo request.
setTokenAuthMethod(ClientAuthMethod) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the client authentication method for the token endpoint.
setTokenAuthSignAlg(JWSAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWS alg algorithm for signing the JWT used to authenticate the client at the token endpoint.
setTokenBatchNotificationEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the endpoint that receives token batch results.
setTokenCount(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
Set the number of access tokens processed by the batch.
setTokenEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the token endpoint.
setTokenExchangeByConfidentialClientsOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether to prohibit public clients from making token exchange requests (cf. RFC 8693).
setTokenExchangeByIdentifiableClientsOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether to prohibit unidentifiable clients from making token exchange requests (cf. RFC 8693).
setTokenExchangeByPermittedClientsOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether to prohibit clients which have no explicit permission from making token exchange requests (cf. RFC 8693).
setTokenExchangeEncryptedJwtRejected(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether to reject token exchange requests which use encrypted JWTs as input tokens.
setTokenExchangePermitted(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientExtension
Set the flag indicating whether the client is explicitly given a permission to make token exchange requests (cf. RFC 8693).
setTokenExchangeUnsignedJwtRejected(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether to reject token exchange requests which use unsigned JWTs as input tokens.
setTokenExpirationLinked(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether the expiration date of an access token never exceeds that of the corresponding refresh token.
setTokenId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the unique token identifier.
setTokenId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
Set the token identifier.
setTokenId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Set the token identifier.
setTokenType(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Set the token type of the access token.
setTokenType(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Set the token type associated with the access token.
setTosUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the URI of the "Terms Of Service" page.
setTosUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI that the OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the client to read about the OP's terms of service.
setTosUris(TaggedValue[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the URIs of the "Terms Of Service" pages for specific languages.
setTotalCount(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ClientListResponse
Set the total count of client applications either of the service (when developer is null) or of the developer (when developer is not null).
setTotalCount(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceListResponse
Set the total count of services.
setTotalCount(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
Set the total count of access tokens.
setTraditionalRequestObjectProcessingApplied(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether a request object is processed based on rules defined in OpenID Connect Core 1.0 or JAR (JWT Secured Authorization Request).
setTransactionId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse
Set the issued transaction ID.
setTransformedClaimAware(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.ida.DatasetExtractor
Set the flag which indicates whether transformed claims are recognized.
setTransformedClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the value of the "transformed_claims" property in the "claims" request parameter or in the "claims" property in a request object.
setTransformedClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the value of the "transformed_claims" property in the "claims" request parameter of an authorization request or in the "claims" property in a request object.
setTrustAnchorId(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the entity ID of the trust anchor of the trust chain that was used when this client was registered or updated by the mechanism defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
setTrustAnchors(TrustAnchor[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the trust anchors that are referenced when this service resolves trust chains of relying parties.
setTrustChain(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationRequest
Set the trust chain of a relying party.
setTrustChain(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the trust chain that was used when this client was registered or updated by the mechanism defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
setTrustChainExpiresAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the expiration time of the trust chain that was used when this client was registered or updated by the mechanism defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
setTrustChainUpdatedAt(long) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the time at which the trust chain was updated by the mechanism defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
setTrustedRootCertificates(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Get the list of root certificates trusted by this service for PKI-based client mutual TLS authentication.
setTrustFramework(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerificationConstraint
Set the constraint for trust_framework.
setTrustFramework(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Set the trust framework governing the identity verification process and the identity assurance level of the OP.
setTxCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the transaction code that should be associated with the credential offer.
setTxCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the transaction code.
setTxCodeDescription(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the description of the transaction code.
setTxCodeDescription(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the description of the transaction code.
setTxCodeInputMode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateRequest
Set the input mode of the transaction code.
setTxCodeInputMode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfo
Set the input mode of the transaction code.
setTxn(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifierConstraint
Set the constraint for txn.
setTxn(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verifier
Set the identifier referring to the identity verification transaction.
setType(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
Set the constraint for type.
setType(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceConstraint
Set the constraint for type.
setType(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Document
Set the type of the document.
setType(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Set the type of this element.
setUiLocales(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the list of preferred languages and scripts for the user interface.
setUnauthorizedOnClientConfigSupported(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether Authlete's /api/client/registration API uses UNAUTHORIZED as a value of the action response parameter when appropriate.
setUri(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest
setUri(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
setUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.NamedUri
Set the value of the URI.
setUsable(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether the access token is usable (= exists and has not expired).
setUse(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Hsk
Set the use of the key on the HSM.
setUse(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.HskCreateRequest
Set the use of the key on the HSM.
setUserCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the user code included in the backchannel authentication request.
setUserCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the end-user verification code.
setUserCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the user code input by the end-user.
setUserCode(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationRequest
Set the user code.
setUserCodeCharset(UserCodeCharset) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the character set for end-user verification codes (user_code) for Device Flow.
setUserCodeLength(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the length of end-user verification codes (user_code) for Device Flow.
setUserCodeRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the flag which indicates whether a user code is required.
setUserInfoClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Set the value of the "userinfo" property in the "claims" request parameter or in the "claims" property in a request object.
setUserInfoClaims(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Set the value of the "userinfo" property in the "claims" request parameter or in the "claims" property in an authorization request object.
setUserInfoEncryptionAlg(JWEAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting UserInfo responses.
setUserInfoEncryptionEnc(JWEEnc) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting UserInfo responses.
setUserInfoEndpoint(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the URI of the user info endpoint.
setUserInfoSignAlg(JWSAlg) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Set the JWS alg algorithm for signing UserInfo responses.
setUserInfoSignatureKeyId(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the key ID to identify a JWK used for user info signature using an asymmetric key.
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Set the value of "username" request parameter.
setUserPinLength(int) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
setValid(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.JoseVerifyResponse
Set the result of the verification on the JOSE object.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.LeafConstraint
Set the value of "value".
setValue(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DynamicScope
Set the scope value.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Pair
Set the value of this pair.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Property
Set the value.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TaggedValue
Set the value.
setValues(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.LeafConstraint
Set the value of "values".
setVerifiableCredentialsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the flag indicating whether the feature of Verifiable Credentials for this service is enabled or not.
setVerification(VerificationConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsConstraint
Set the constraint for verification.
setVerification(Verification) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.VerifiedClaims
Set information about the verification.
setVerificationProcess(LeafConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerificationConstraint
Set the constraint for verification_process.
setVerificationProcess(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
Set the identity verification process.
setVerificationUri(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the end-user verification URI.
setVerificationUriComplete(URI) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the end-user verification URI that includes the end-user verification code.
setVerifiedClaims(VerifiedClaimsConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsContainerConstraint
Set the constraint for verified_claims.
setVerifiedClaimsForTx(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set values of verified claims requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
setVerifiedClaimsForTx(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Set values of verified claims requested indirectly by "transformed claims".
setVerifiedClaimsForTx(List<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest
Set the value of "verifiedClaimsForTx" which is the verified claims of the subject.
setVerifiedClaimsForTx(List<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
Set the value of "verifiedClaimsForTx" which is the verified claims of the subject.
setVerifiedClaimsValidationSchemaSet(String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Set the name of the validation schema set that is used to validate the content of "verified_claims".
setVerifier(VerifierConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IDDocumentConstraint
Set the constraint for verifier.
setVerifier(Verifier) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.IDDocument
Set the legal entity that performed the identity verification.
setWarnings(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Set the warnings raised during processing the backchannel authentication request.
setWarnings(String[]) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse
Set the warnings raised during processing the device authorization request.
setWithHiddenProperties(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
Set the flag which indicates whether to include hidden properties associated with the token in the output.
setZeroIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.ClientMetadataControl
setZeroIncluded(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.MapControl
Set the flag indicating whether properties should be included even when their values are zero.
SHA_256 - com.authlete.common.types.HashAlg
SHA_384 - com.authlete.common.types.HashAlg
SHA_512 - com.authlete.common.types.HashAlg
sign(Hsk, Map<String, Object>, byte[]) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.types.HSM
Sign data and return the signature.
slow_down - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
A variant of authorization_pending, the authorization request is still pending and polling should continue, but the interval should be increased.
Sns - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
SnsCredentials - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
SNS credentials (API key and API secret).
SnsCredentials() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.SnsCredentials
StandardClaims - Class in com.authlete.common.types
Standard claims.
standardIntrospection(StandardIntrospectionRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/introspection/standard API.
StandardIntrospectionRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /api/auth/introspection/standard API.
StandardIntrospectionRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest
StandardIntrospectionResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /api/auth/introspection/standard API.
StandardIntrospectionResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse
StandardIntrospectionResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the implementation of the introspection endpoint of the authorization server should take.
StandardScope - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Scopes defined by related specifications.
StringArray - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A class that holds a string array.
StringArray() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.StringArray
The default constructor.
StringArray(String[]) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.StringArray
A constructor with the initial value of string array this instance holds.
StringBasedTypedProperties - Class in com.authlete.common.util
This is an abstract class that provides getters and setters for key-value pairs.
StringBasedTypedProperties() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.StringBasedTypedProperties
stringifyPrompts(Prompt[]) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.Utils
Stringify an array of Prompt.
stringifyProperties(Property[]) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.Utils
Stringify an array of Property.
stringifyScopeNames(Scope[]) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.Utils
Generate a list of scope names.
SUB - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.IdTokenClaims
Subject Identifier.
SUB - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
Subject - Identifier for the End-User at the Issuer.
SubjectType - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Values for subject_type.
SUCCEEDED - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus.Result
The token batch process has been successfully completed.
SUCCESS - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteResponse.Action
The API call has been processed successfully.
SUCCESS - com.authlete.common.dto.HskListResponse.Action
The API call succeeded.
SUCCESS - com.authlete.common.dto.HskResponse.Action
The API call succeeded.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
summarize() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
Get the summary of this instance.
supports(ServiceProfile) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Check if this service supports the specified profile.
supportsAll(ServiceProfile...) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Check if this service supports all the specified service profiles.
supportsAll(Iterable<ServiceProfile>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Check if this service supports all the specified service profiles.
supportsAny(ServiceProfile...) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Check if this service any of the specified service profiles.
supportsAny(Iterable<ServiceProfile>) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Service
Check if this service any of the specified service profiles.
supportsJweAlg(JWEAlg) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.types.HSM
Check if the HSM supports the specified encryption algorithm.
supportsJwsAlg(JWSAlg) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.types.HSM
Check if the HSM supports the specified signing algorithm.
SYSTEM_PROPERTY_AUTHLETE_CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration
The system property key to specify the name of an Authlete configuration file (authlete.configuration.file).


TaggedValue - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
A string value with a language tag
TaggedValue() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TaggedValue
The default constructor.
TaggedValue(String, String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TaggedValue
Constructor with a tag and a value.
temporarily_unavailable - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The authorization server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
TimeConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the basic set of constraints + max_age.
TimeConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.TimeConstraint
TLS_CLIENT_AUTH - com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
"tls_client_auth" (5).
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ApplicationType
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAssertionType
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientType
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Display
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Sns
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.SubjectType
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserCodeCharset
toArray(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
toBits() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
Convert the value to bits.
toBits(EnumSet<ApplicationType>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ApplicationType
toBits(EnumSet<AttachmentType>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType
toBits(EnumSet<ClaimType>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
toBits(EnumSet<ClientAssertionType>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAssertionType
toBits(EnumSet<ClientAuthMethod>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
toBits(EnumSet<ClientRegistrationType>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType
toBits(EnumSet<ClientType>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientType
toBits(EnumSet<DeliveryMode>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
toBits(EnumSet<Display>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Display
toBits(EnumSet<EntityType>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
toBits(EnumSet<FapiMode>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
toBits(EnumSet<GMAction>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
toBits(EnumSet<GrantType>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
toBits(EnumSet<JWEAlg>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
toBits(EnumSet<JWEEnc>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
toBits(EnumSet<JWSAlg>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
toBits(EnumSet<Prompt>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
toBits(EnumSet<ResponseMode>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
toBits(EnumSet<ResponseType>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
toBits(EnumSet<ServiceProfile>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile
toBits(EnumSet<Sns>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Sns
toBits(EnumSet<StandardScope>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
toBits(EnumSet<SubjectType>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.SubjectType
toBits(EnumSet<TokenType>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
toBits(EnumSet<UserCodeCharset>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserCodeCharset
toBits(EnumSet<UserIdentificationHintType>) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
toBits(Set<String>) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
toJson() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
Return the name of this access right in lowercase form, appropriate for use in JSON objects (such as RAR object values).
toJson() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.BaseConstraint
Convert this object into JSON in the way conforming to the structure defined in 5.
toJson() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ClaimsConstraint
Convert this object into JSON in the way conforming to the structure defined in 5.
toJson() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceArrayConstraint
Convert this object into JSON in the way conforming to the structure defined in 5.
toJson() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetails
Convert this instance into a JSON string.
toJson() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.AuthzDetailsElement
Convert this instance into a JSON string.
toJson() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Grant
Convert this instance into a JSON string.
toJson(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.BaseConstraint
Convert this object into JSON in the way conforming to the structure defined in 5.
toJson(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ClaimsConstraint
Convert this object into JSON in the way conforming to the structure defined in 5.
toJson(boolean) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceArrayConstraint
Convert this object into JSON in the way conforming to the structure defined in 5.
toJson(Object) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.Utils
Convert the given object into a JSON string using Gson.
toJson(Object, boolean) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.Utils
Convert the given object into a JSON string using Gson.
token(TokenRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/token API.
TOKEN - com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
"token" (2), a response_type to request an access token.
TOKEN_EXCHANGE - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse.Action
The token request from the client was a valid token exchange request.
TOKEN_EXCHANGE - com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
"urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange" (8), a grant_type for token exchange.
TokenBatchStatus - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
The status of token batch.
TokenBatchStatus() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus
TokenBatchStatus.BatchKind - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
Batch Kind.
TokenBatchStatus.Result - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
Batch result.
tokenCreate(TokenCreateRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/token/create API.
tokenCreateBatch(TokenCreateRequest[], boolean) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/token/create/batch API.
TokenCreateBatchResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/create/batch API.
TokenCreateBatchResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateBatchResponse
TokenCreateBatchStatusRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
The request to /auth/token/create/batch/status API.
TokenCreateBatchStatusRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateBatchStatusRequest
TokenCreateBatchStatusResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/create/batch/status API.
TokenCreateBatchStatusResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateBatchStatusResponse
TokenCreateRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/token/create API.
TokenCreateRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateRequest
TokenCreateResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/create API.
TokenCreateResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse
TokenCreateResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The code indicating how the response should be interpreted.
tokenDelete(String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/token/delete API.
tokenFail(TokenFailRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/token/fail API.
TokenFailRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request for Authlete's /auth/token/fail API.
TokenFailRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailRequest
TokenFailRequest.Reason - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
Failure reasons of token requests.
TokenFailResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/fail API.
TokenFailResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailResponse
TokenFailResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the service implementation should take.
TokenInfo - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Information about a token of the type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token" or the type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:refresh_token".
TokenInfo() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenInfo
tokenIssue(TokenIssueRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/token/issue API.
TokenIssueRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/token/issue API.
TokenIssueRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest
TokenIssueResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/issue endpoint.
TokenIssueResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse
TokenIssueResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the service implementation should take.
TokenListResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/get/list API.
TokenListResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenListResponse
TokenRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/token API.
TokenRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest
TokenResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/token API.
TokenResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse
TokenResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action that the service implementation should take.
tokenRevoke(TokenRevokeRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/token/revoke API.
TokenRevokeRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/token/revoke API.
TokenRevokeRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRevokeRequest
TokenRevokeResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/revoke API.
TokenRevokeResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRevokeResponse
TokenStatus - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Token status.
TokenType - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Token types registered at OAuth URI of OAuth Parameters of IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).
tokenUpdate(TokenUpdateRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/token/update API.
TokenUpdateRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/token/update API.
TokenUpdateRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateRequest
TokenUpdateResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/update API.
TokenUpdateResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse
TokenUpdateResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The code indicating how the response should be interpreted.
toList() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceArrayConstraint
Create a List instance that represents this object in the way conforming to the structure defined in 5.
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.BaseConstraint
Create a Map instance that represents this object in the way conforming to the structure defined in 5.
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ClaimsConstraint
Create a Map instance that represents this object in the way conforming to the structure defined in 5.
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.DocumentConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.EvidenceConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IDDocumentConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.IssuerConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.LeafConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ProviderConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.QESConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.TimeConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.UtilityBillConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerificationConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsContainerConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifierConstraint
toMap() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadata
Create a Map instance that represents a JSON object conforming to the format of the credential issuer metadata defined in "OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance".
TOS_URI - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.ClientClaims
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ApplicationType
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAssertionType
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientType
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Display
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Sns
toSet(int) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.SubjectType
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserCodeCharset
toSet(int) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
toSet(ApplicationType[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ApplicationType
toSet(AttachmentType[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType
toSet(ClaimType[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
toSet(ClientAssertionType[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAssertionType
toSet(ClientAuthMethod[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
toSet(ClientRegistrationType[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType
toSet(ClientType[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientType
toSet(DeliveryMode[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
toSet(Display[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Display
toSet(EntityType[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
toSet(FapiMode[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
toSet(GMAction[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
toSet(GrantType[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
toSet(JWEAlg[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
toSet(JWEEnc[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
toSet(JWSAlg[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
toSet(Prompt[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
toSet(ResponseMode[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
toSet(ResponseType[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
toSet(ServiceProfile[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile
toSet(Sns[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Sns
toSet(StandardScope[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
toSet(SubjectType[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.SubjectType
toSet(TokenType[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
toSet(UserCodeCharset[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserCodeCharset
toSet(UserIdentificationHintType[]) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
toStandardMetadata() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get a Map instance that represents a set of standard client metadata.
toStandardMetadata(ClientMetadataControl) - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Client
Get a Map instance that represents a set of standard client metadata.
toString() - Method in class com.authlete.common.dto.Property
Get the string representation of this property in the format of "{key}={value}".
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ApplicationType
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AssertionTarget
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimRuleOperation
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAssertionType
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientType
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.CodeChallengeMethod
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Display
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Sns
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.SubjectType
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
toString() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
toString() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.MutableJsonPointer
toString() - Method in class com.authlete.common.util.Version
TOUCH - com.authlete.common.types.Display
"touch" (3).
transaction_failed - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The OpenID Provider encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from successfully completing the transaction.
TRANSACTION_FAILED - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest.Result
The authorization server could not get the result of end-user authentication and authorization from the authentication device for some reasons.
TRANSACTION_FAILED - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest.Result
The authorization server could not get decision from the end-user for some reasons.
TrustAnchor - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Trust anchor.
TrustAnchor() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.TrustAnchor
TypedProperties - Class in com.authlete.common.util
This is an abstract class that provides getters and setters for key-value pairs.
TypedProperties() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties


unapproved_software_statement - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The software statement presented is not approved for use by this authorization server.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse.Action
Client authentication of the backchannel authentication request failed.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse.Action
The registration access token used by the client configuration request (RFC 7592) is invalid, or the client application which the token is tied to does not exist any longer or is invalid.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action
The API call does not contain an access token or the access token is invalid.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse.Action
The batch credential request does not contain the access token or the access token is invalid.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse.Action
The deferred credential request does not contain the access token or the access token is invalid.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action
The API call does not contain an access token or the access token is invalid.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse.Action
The credential request does not contain the access token or the access token is invalid.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse.Action
Client authentication of the device authorization request failed.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse.Action
The grant management request includes no access token or the access token is invalid.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse.Action
The access token does not exist or has expired.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse.Action
The client authentication at the pushed authorization request endpoint failed.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse.Action
The access token does not exist or has expired.
UNAUTHORIZED - com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse.Action
The access token does not exist or has expired.
unauthorized_client - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The client is not authorized to request an authorization code or an access token using this method.
UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason
The client is not authorized to use the CIBA flow.
unescape(String) - Static method in class com.authlete.common.util.MutableJsonPointer
Unescape special sequences in the given string according to the rules defined in the Section 4.
UNKNOWN - com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
Unknown reason.
UNKNOWN - com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailRequest.Reason
Unknown reason.
unknown_user_id - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The OpenID provider is not able to identify which end-user the client wished to be authenticated by means of the hint provided in the request (login_hint_token, id_token_hint or login_hint).
UNKNOWN_USER_ID - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason
The authorization server is not able to identify which end-user the client wishes to be authenticated by means of the hint (login_hint_token, id_token_hint or login_hint) included in the backchannel authentication request.
unmet_authentication_requirements - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The Authorization Server is unable to meet the requirements of the Relying Party for the authentication of the End-User.
unsupported_credential_format - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The credential format is not supported.
unsupported_credential_type - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The credential type is not supported.
unsupported_grant_type - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server.
unsupported_response_type - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The authorization server does not support obtaining an authorization code or an access token using this method.
updateClient(Client) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Update a client (= call Authlete's /client/update/{clientId} API).
updateClientAuthorization(long, ClientAuthorizationUpdateRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Update attributes of all existing access tokens issued to the client application by the end-user.
updateClientLockFlag(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Update the lock flag of a client application.
updateClientSecret(long, String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Update the client secret of a client.
updateClientSecret(String, String) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Update the client secret of a client.
UPDATED - com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse.Action
The request was valid and a client application has been updated successfully.
UPDATED_AT - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
Time the End-User's information was last updated.
updateService(Service) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Update a service (= call Authlete's /service/update/{apiKey} API).
URLCoder - Class in com.authlete.common.web
URL encoder/decoder.
URLCoder() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.web.URLCoder
use_dpop_nonce - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
The DPoP proof JWT must contain the nonce claim.
USE_SERVICE - com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
can use the non-destructive service API calls (auth endpoint, token endpoint, etc.)
User - Interface in com.authlete.common.types
An interface that represents a resource owner (in the context of OAuth 2.0) or an end user (in the context of OpenID Connect).
USER_CODE_EXPIRED - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteResponse.Action
The user code has expired.
USER_CODE_NOT_EXIST - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteResponse.Action
The user code does not exist.
USER_IDENTIFICATION - com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse.Action
The backchannel authentication request was valid.
UserCodeCharset - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Character set for end-user verification codes (user_code) in Device Flow.
UserCodeGenerator - Class in com.authlete.common.util
Generator for end-user verification codes (user_code) in Device Flow.
UserCodeGenerator() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
UserCodeGenerator(int) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
UserCodeGenerator(UserCodeCharset) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
UserCodeGenerator(UserCodeCharset, int) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
UserCodeGenerator(UserCodeCharset, int, Random) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
UserCodeGenerator(String) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
UserCodeGenerator(String, int) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
UserCodeGenerator(String, int, Random) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.UserCodeGenerator
UserIdentificationHintType - Enum in com.authlete.common.types
Types of hints for end-user identification.
userinfo(UserInfoRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/userinfo API.
userinfoIssue(UserInfoIssueRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Call Authlete's /auth/userinfo/issue API.
UserInfoIssueRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/userinfo/issue API.
UserInfoIssueRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest
UserInfoIssueResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/userinfo/issue API.
UserInfoIssueResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse
UserInfoIssueResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action the service implementation should take.
UserInfoRequest - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Request to Authlete's /auth/userinfo API.
UserInfoRequest() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest
UserInfoResponse - Class in com.authlete.common.dto
Response from Authlete's /auth/userinfo API.
UserInfoResponse() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse
UserInfoResponse.Action - Enum in com.authlete.common.dto
The next action the service implementation should take.
UtilityBill - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance
The class that represents utility_bill.
UtilityBill() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.UtilityBill
The constructor that construct evidence whose type is "utility_bill".
UtilityBillConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for utility_bill.
UtilityBillConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.UtilityBillConstraint
Utils - Class in com.authlete.common.util


V2 - com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteApiVersion
V3 - com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteApiVersion
VALID - com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse.Action
The user code is valid.
VALID - com.authlete.common.types.TokenStatus
All valid tokens.
validate(ClaimsConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ConstraintValidator
Validate a constraint that represents verified_claims/claims.
validate(VerifiedClaimsConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ConstraintValidator
Validate a constraint that represents verified_claims.
validate(VerifiedClaimsContainerConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ConstraintValidator
Validate a constraint that represents an object which includes verified_claims.
validate(String, VerifiedClaimConstraint) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ConstraintValidator
Validate a constraint that represents a claim in verified_claims/claims.
validatePurpose(String, String) - Method in class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.ConstraintValidator
Validate purpose of a claim in verified_claims/claims.
validation_failed - com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
Trust chain validation failed.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteApiVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest.Result
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest.Result
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.HskListResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.HskResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus.BatchKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus.Result
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailRequest.Reason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ApplicationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AssertionTarget
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimRuleOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimsScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAssertionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.CodeChallengeMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Display
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.HashAlg
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.HokMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Plan
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Sns
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.SubjectType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.TokenStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserCodeCharset
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesLoader.FileLocation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.conf.AuthleteApiVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialBatchParseResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredIssueResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialDeferredParseResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerJwksResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferCreateResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialSingleParseResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.HskListResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.HskResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.IDTokenReissueResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.ResourceServerSignatureResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus.BatchKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenBatchStatus.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenCreateResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailRequest.Reason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.TokenUpdateResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ApplicationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AssertionTarget
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimRuleOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimsScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAssertionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ClientType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.CodeChallengeMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Display
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.EntityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GMAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.GrantType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.HashAlg
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.HokMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Plan
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Prompt
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.Sns
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.StandardScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.SubjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.TokenStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.TokenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserCodeCharset
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.types.UserIdentificationHintType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesLoader.FileLocation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Verification - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance
The class that represents verified_claims/verification.
Verification() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verification
VerificationConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for verified_claims/verification.
VerificationConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerificationConstraint
VerifiedClaimConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for claims in verified_claims/claims.
VerifiedClaimConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimConstraint
VerifiedClaims - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance
The class that represents verified_claims.
VerifiedClaims() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.VerifiedClaims
VerifiedClaimsConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for verified_claims.
VerifiedClaimsConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsConstraint
VerifiedClaimsContainerConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint which includes verified_claims.
VerifiedClaimsContainerConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifiedClaimsContainerConstraint
Verifier - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance
The class that represents id_document/verifier.
Verifier() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.Verifier
VerifierConstraint - Class in com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint
The class that represents the constraint for id_document/verifier.
VerifierConstraint() - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.assurance.constraint.VerifierConstraint
verifyJose(JoseVerifyRequest) - Method in interface com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi
Verify a JOSE object.
Version - Class in com.authlete.common.util
A class that represents a version number consisting of a major number, a minor number and a patch number.
Version(int, int) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.Version
A constructor with a major number and a minor number.
Version(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.authlete.common.util.Version
A constructor with a major number, a minor number and a patch number.
VIEW_CLIENT - com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
can view client details on this service or client
VIEW_DEFAULT_SERVICE - com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
can view default service parameters
VIEW_SERVICE - com.authlete.common.api.AccessRight
can view the details of this service


WAP - com.authlete.common.types.Display
"wap" (4).
WEB - com.authlete.common.types.ApplicationType
"web" (1).
WEBSITE - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
URL of the End-User's Web page or blog.
withJwt() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
Get the ResponseMode instance corresponding to this instance that requires JWT.
withoutJwt() - Method in enum com.authlete.common.types.ResponseMode
Get the ResponseMode instance corresponding to this instance that does not require JWT.


X_FAPI_AUTH_DATE - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.util.FapiUtils
X_FAPI_CUSTOMER_IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.util.FapiUtils
X_FAPI_INTERACTION_ID - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.util.FapiUtils


ZONEINFO - Static variable in class com.authlete.common.types.StandardClaims
String from zoneinfo [zoneinfo] time zone database representing the End-User's time zone.
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