AccessTokenInfo |
Information about an access token.
AccessTokenValidator |
Access token validator.
AccessTokenValidator.Params |
AuthorizationDecisionHandler |
Handler for end-user's decision on the authorization request.
AuthorizationDecisionHandler.Params |
Parameters for this handler.
AuthorizationPageModel |
Model class to hold data which are referred to in an authorization page.
AuthorizationRequestHandler |
BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequestHandler |
Handler for the result of end-user authentication and authorization in CIBA
(Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication) flow.
BackchannelAuthenticationRequestHandler |
Handler for backchannel authentication requests to a backchannel authentication
endpoint of CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication).
BackchannelAuthenticationRequestHandler.Params |
BaseAuthorizationDecisionEndpoint |
A base class for authorization decision endpoints.
BaseAuthorizationEndpoint |
A base class for authorization endpoints.
BaseBackchannelAuthenticationEndpoint |
A base class for backchannel authentication endpoints of CIBA (Client Initiated
Backchannel Authentication).
BaseClientRegistrationEndpoint |
A base class for dynamic client registration and dynamic client
registration management endpoints.
BaseConfigurationEndpoint |
A base class for OpenID Provider configuration endpoints.
BaseCredentialIssuerMetadataEndpoint |
BaseCredentialJwtIssuerMetadataEndpoint |
BaseCredentialOfferUriEndpoint |
BaseDeviceAuthorizationEndpoint |
A base class for device authorization endpoints.
BaseDeviceCompleteEndpoint |
A base class for device complete endpoints of OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization
Grant (Device Flow).
BaseDeviceVerificationEndpoint |
A base class for device verification endpoints.
BaseEndpoint |
A base class for endpoints.
BaseFederationConfigurationEndpoint |
BaseFederationRegistrationEndpoint |
BaseGrantManagementEndpoint |
A base class for grant management endpoint.
BaseIntrospectionEndpoint |
A base class for introspection endpoint implementations.
BaseJwksEndpoint |
A base class for JWK Set endpoints.
BasePushedAuthReqEndpoint |
A base class for pushed authorization endpoints.
BaseResourceEndpoint |
A base class for protected resource endpoints.
BaseRevocationEndpoint |
A base class for revocation endpoint implementations.
BaseTokenEndpoint |
A base class for token endpoints.
BaseUserInfoEndpoint |
A base class for userinfo endpoints.
ClientRegistrationRequestHandler |
Handler for requests to the dynamic client registration and dynamic
registration management endpoints.
ConfigurationRequestHandler |
Handler for requests to an OpenID Provider configuration endpoint.
CredentialIssuerMetadataRequestHandler |
Handler for requests to the credential issuer metadata endpoint.
CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataRequestHandler |
Handler for requests to the JWT issuer metadata endpoint.
CredentialOfferUriRequestHandler |
DeviceAuthorizationPageModel |
Model class to hold data which are referred to in an authorization page in device
DeviceAuthorizationRequestHandler |
Handler for device authorization requests in OAuth 2.0
Device Authorization Grant (Device Flow).
DeviceAuthorizationRequestHandler.Params |
DeviceCompleteRequestHandler |
Handler for processing the result of end-user authentication and authorization
in OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant (Device Flow).
DeviceVerificationPageModel |
Model class to hold data which are referred to in an verification page in device
DeviceVerificationRequestHandler |
Handler for getting information associated with a user code that the end-user
input at the verification endpoint in OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant
(Device Flow).
FederationConfigurationRequestHandler |
Handler for requests to the entity configuration endpoint.
FederationRegistrationRequestHandler |
Handler for requests to the federation registration endpoint.
GMRequestHandler |
Handler for grant management requests.
HeaderClientCertificateClientCertExtractor |
A client certificate extractor for the Client-Cert and
Client-Cert-Chain headers.
HeaderClientCertificateExtractor |
Extracts the client certificate from headers defined by the
clientCertificateChainHeaders member list.
HeaderClientCertificateXSslExtractor |
A client certificate extractor for the X-Ssl-Cert and
X-Ssl-Cert-Chain-* headers.
HttpsRequestClientCertificateExtractor |
Extracts the client certificate from the incoming HTTPS request using the
javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate attribute.
IntrospectionRequestHandler |
Handler for token introspection requests
( RFC 7662).
IntrospectionRequestHandler.Params |
JwksRequestHandler |
Handler for requests to an endpoint that exposes JSON Web Key Set
( RFC 7517) document.
PushedAuthReqHandler |
Handler for pushed authorization request endpoint requests.
PushedAuthReqHandler.Params |
RevocationRequestHandler |
Handler for token revocation requests
( RFC 7009).
RevocationRequestHandler.Params |
TokenRequestHandler |
TokenRequestHandler.Params |
UserInfoRequestHandler |
UserInfoRequestHandler.Params |