Class BackchannelAuthenticationRequestHandler

  • public class BackchannelAuthenticationRequestHandler
    extends Object
    Handler for backchannel authentication requests to a backchannel authentication endpoint of CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication).

    In an implementation of the backchannel authentication endpoint, call [@link #handle(Params)} method and use the response as the response from the endpoint to the client application. The handle() method calls Authlete's /backchannel/authentication API, receives a response from the API, and dispatches processing according to the action parameter in the response.

    Hideki Ikeda
    • Method Detail

      • handle

        public handle​(<String,​String> parameters,
                                                String authorization,
                                                String[] clientCertificatePath)
        Handle a backchannel authentication request to a backchannel authentication endpoint of CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication). This method is an alias of handle(parameters, authorization, clientCertificatePath, null, null, null).
        parameters - The request parameters of a backchannel authentication request.
        authorization - The value of Authorization header in the backchannel authentication request. A client application may embed its pair of client ID and client secret in a backchannel authentication request using Basic Authentication.
        clientCertificatePath - The path of the client's certificate, each in PEM format. The first item in the array is the client's certificate itself. May be null if the client did not send a certificate or path.
        A response that should be returned from the endpoint to the client application.
        Throws: - An error occurred.
      • handle

        public handle​(<String,​String> parameters,
                                                String authorization,
                                                String[] clientCertificatePath,
                                                com.authlete.common.api.Options bcAuthOptions,
                                                com.authlete.common.api.Options bcAuthIssueOptions,
                                                com.authlete.common.api.Options bcAuthFailOptions)
        Handle a backchannel authentication request to a backchannel authentication endpoint of CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication). This method is an alias of the handle(Params) method.
        parameters - The request parameters of a backchannel authentication request.
        authorization - The value of Authorization header in the backchannel authentication request. A client application may embed its pair of client ID and client secret in a backchannel authentication request using Basic Authentication.
        clientCertificatePath - The path of the client's certificate, each in PEM format. The first item in the array is the client's certificate itself. May be null if the client did not send a certificate or path.
        bcAuthOptions - The request options for the /api/backchannel/authentication API.
        bcAuthIssueOptions - The request options for the /api/backchannel/authentication/issue API.
        bcAuthFailOptions - The request options for the /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
        A response that should be returned from the endpoint to the client application.
        Throws: - An error occurred.
      • handle

        public handle​(BackchannelAuthenticationRequestHandler.Params params)
        Handle a backchannel authentication request to a backchannel authentication endpoint of CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication). This method is an alias of handle (params, null, null, null).
        params - Parameters for Authlete's /backchannel/authentication API.
        A response that should be returned from the endpoint to the client application.
      • handle

        public handle​(BackchannelAuthenticationRequestHandler.Params params,
                                                com.authlete.common.api.Options bcAuthOptions,
                                                com.authlete.common.api.Options bcAuthIssueOptions,
                                                com.authlete.common.api.Options bcAuthFailOptions)
        Handle a backchannel authentication request to a backchannel authentication endpoint of CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication).
        params - Parameters for Authlete's /backchannel/authentication API.
        bcAuthOptions - The request options for the /api/backchannel/authentication API.
        bcAuthIssueOptions - The request options for the /api/backchannel/authentication/issue API.
        bcAuthFailOptions - The request options for the /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
        A response that should be returned from the endpoint to the client application.
      • getApiCaller

        protected com.authlete.jaxrs.AuthleteApiCaller getApiCaller()
      • unexpected

        protected unexpected​(String message,
                                                                      Throwable cause)