AccessToken |
Information about an access token.
Address |
Address claim that represents a physical mailing address.
ApiResponse |
The base class of an API response from an Authlete API call.
AssertionProcessor |
Information about an assertion processor, used by Authlete to allow a service
to programmatically check assertions used passed in by clients and resource
AuthenticationCallbackRequest |
Authentication request from Authlete to a service implementation.
AuthenticationCallbackResponse |
Authentication response from a service implementation to Authlete.
AuthorizationAuthenticateRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/authorization/authenticate API.
AuthorizationAuthenticateResponse.Action |
The next action that the service implementation should take.
AuthorizationFailRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/authorization/fail API.
AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason |
Failure reasons of authorization requests.
AuthorizationFailResponse.Action |
The next action that the service implementation should take.
AuthorizationIssueRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/authorization/issue API.
AuthorizationIssueResponse.Action |
The next action that the service implementation should take.
AuthorizationRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/authorization API.
AuthorizationResponse.Action |
The next action that the service implementation should take.
AuthorizationTicketInfo |
Information about a ticket that has been issued from the
/auth/authorization API.
AuthorizationTicketInfoRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/authorization/ticket/info API.
AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse |
Response from Authlete's /auth/authorization/ticket/info API.
AuthorizationTicketInfoResponse.Action |
The result of the /auth/authorization/ticket/info API call.
AuthorizationTicketUpdateRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/authorization/ticket/update API.
AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse |
Response from Authlete's /auth/authorization/ticket/update API.
AuthorizationTicketUpdateResponse.Action |
The result of the /auth/authorization/ticket/update API call.
AuthorizedClientListResponse |
Response from Authlete's /client/authorization/get/list API.
AuthzDetails |
A class that represents authorization_details which is defined in
"OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests".
AuthzDetailsElement |
A class that represents an element in authorization_details
which is defined in "OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests".
BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/complete API.
BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest.Result |
Types of results of end-user authentication and authorization.
BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/complete
BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse.Action |
The next action that the OpenID provider implementation should take.
BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason |
Failure reasons of backchannel authentication requests.
BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse.Action |
The next action that the OpenID provider implementation should take.
BackchannelAuthenticationIssueRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/issue API.
BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/issue API.
BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse.Action |
The next action that the OpenID provider implementation should take.
BackchannelAuthenticationRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication API.
BackchannelAuthenticationResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication API.
BackchannelAuthenticationResponse.Action |
The next action that the OpenID provider implementation should take.
ClaimRule |
A rule for processing a claim.
Client |
Information about a client application.
ClientAuthorizationDeleteRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/client/authorization/delete/{clientId} API.
ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/client/authorization/get/list API.
ClientAuthorizationUpdateRequest |
Request to Authlete's /client/authorization/update/{clientId} API.
ClientExtension |
Client extension.
ClientListResponse |
Response from Authlete's /client/get/list API.
ClientLockFlagUpdateRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/client/lock_flag/update/{clientIdentifier} API.
ClientRegistrationRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/client/registration/ API.
ClientRegistrationResponse.Action |
The next action that the implementation of client registration
endpoint should take.
ClientSecretUpdateRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/client/secret/update API.
CredentialBatchIssueRequest |
A request to Authlete's /vci/batch/issue API.
CredentialBatchIssueResponse |
A response from Authlete's /vci/batch/issue API.
CredentialBatchIssueResponse.Action |
The next action that the implementation of the batch credential
endpoint should take.
CredentialBatchParseRequest |
Request to the /vci/batch/parse API.
CredentialBatchParseResponse |
Response from the /vci/batch/parse API.
CredentialBatchParseResponse.Action |
The next action that the implementation of the batch credential endpoint
should take.
CredentialDeferredIssueRequest |
A request to Authlete's /vci/deferred/issue API.
CredentialDeferredIssueResponse |
A response from Authlete's /vci/deferred/issue API.
CredentialDeferredIssueResponse.Action |
The next action that the implementation of the deferred credential
endpoint should take.
CredentialDeferredParseRequest |
A request to Authlete's /vci/deferred/issue API.
CredentialDeferredParseResponse |
Response from the /vci/deferred/parse API.
CredentialDeferredParseResponse.Action |
The next action that the deferred credential endpoint should take.
CredentialIssuanceOrder |
Instruction for credential issuance.
CredentialIssuerJwksRequest |
Request to Authlete's /vci/jwks API.
CredentialIssuerJwksResponse |
Response from Authlete's /vci/jwks API.
CredentialIssuerJwksResponse.Action |
The next action that the implementation of the JWK Set document
endpoint of the credential issuer should take after getting a
response from Authlete's /vci/jwks API.
CredentialIssuerMetadata |
A class that represents the set of credential issuer metadata.
CredentialIssuerMetadataRequest |
Request to Authlete's /vci/metadata API.
CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse |
Response from Authlete's /vci/metadata API.
CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse.Action |
The next action that the implementation of the credential issuer
metadata endpoint (/.well-known/openid-credential-issuer )
should take after getting a response from Authlete's
/vci/metadata API.
CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataRequest |
Request to Authlete's /vci/jwtissuer API.
CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse |
Response from Authlete's /vci/jwtissuer API.
CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse.Action |
The next action that the implementation of the JWT issuer metadata
endpoint (/.well-known/jwt-vc-issuer ) should take after getting
a response from Authlete's /vci/jwtissuer API.
CredentialOfferCreateRequest |
Request to Authlete's /vci/offer/create API.
CredentialOfferCreateResponse |
Response from Authlete's /vci/offer/create API.
CredentialOfferCreateResponse.Action |
The result of the /vci/offer/create API call.
CredentialOfferInfo |
Information about a credential offer.
CredentialOfferInfoRequest |
Request to Authlete's /vci/offer/info API.
CredentialOfferInfoResponse |
Response from Authlete's /vci/offer/info API.
CredentialOfferInfoResponse.Action |
The result of the /vci/offer/info API call.
CredentialRequestInfo |
Information about a credential request.
CredentialSingleIssueRequest |
A request to Authlete's /vci/single/issue API.
CredentialSingleIssueResponse |
A response from Authlete's /vci/single/issue API.
CredentialSingleIssueResponse.Action |
The next action that the implementation of the credential endpoint
should take.
CredentialSingleParseRequest |
Request to the /vci/single/parse API.
CredentialSingleParseResponse |
Response from the /vci/single/parse API.
CredentialSingleParseResponse.Action |
DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackRequest |
Developer authentication request from Authlete to a service implementation.
DeveloperAuthenticationCallbackResponse |
Developer authentication response from a service implementation to Authlete.
DeviceAuthorizationRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/device/authorization API.
DeviceAuthorizationResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/device/authorization API.
DeviceAuthorizationResponse.Action |
The next action that the authorization server implementation should take.
DeviceCompleteRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/device/complete API.
DeviceCompleteRequest.Result |
Types of results of end-user authentication and authorization.
DeviceCompleteResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/device/complete API.
DeviceCompleteResponse.Action |
The next action that the authorization server implementation should take.
DeviceVerificationRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/device/verification API.
DeviceVerificationResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/device/verification API.
DeviceVerificationResponse.Action |
The next action that the authorization server implementation should take.
DynamicScope |
Dynamic Scope.
FederationConfigurationRequest |
Request to Authlete's /federation/configuration API.
FederationConfigurationResponse |
Response from Authlete's /federation/configuration API.
FederationConfigurationResponse.Action |
The next action that the implementation of the entity configuration
endpoint should take after getting a response from Authlete's
/federation/configuration API.
FederationRegistrationRequest |
Request to Authlete's /federation/registration API.
FederationRegistrationResponse |
Response from Authlete's /federation/registration API.
FederationRegistrationResponse.Action |
The next action that the implementation of the federation
registration endpoint should take.
GMRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/gm API.
GMResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/gm API.
GMResponse.Action |
The next action the service implementation should take.
Grant |
GrantScope |
Scope representation in a grant.
Hsk |
Hardware-secured key.
HskCreateRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/hsk/create API.
HskListResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/hsk/get/list API.
HskListResponse.Action |
The result of the API call.
HskResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/hsk/create API,
/api/hsk/delete/{handle} API and
/api/hsk/get/{handle} API.
HskResponse.Action |
The result of the API call.
IDTokenReissueRequest |
A request to Authlete's /idtoken/reissue API.
IDTokenReissueResponse |
A response from Authlete's /idtoken/reissue API.
IDTokenReissueResponse.Action |
The next action that the implementation of the token endpoint should take.
IntrospectionRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/introspection API.
IntrospectionResponse.Action |
The next action the service implementation should take.
JoseVerifyRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/jose/verify API.
JoseVerifyResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/jose/verify API.
NamedUri |
Named URI.
Pair |
A pair of a string key and a string value.
Property |
Property that consists of a string key and a string value.
PushedAuthReqRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/pushed_auth_req API.
PushedAuthReqResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/pushed_auth_req API.
PushedAuthReqResponse.Action |
The next action the authorization server should take.
ResourceServerSignatureRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/rs/sign API.
ResourceServerSignatureResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/rs/sign API.
ResourceServerSignatureResponse.Action |
The next action the resource server implementation should take.
RevocationRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/revocation API.
RevocationResponse.Action |
The next action that the service implementation should take.
Scope |
Information about a scope of a service.
Service |
Information about a service.
ServiceConfigurationRequest |
The request parameters of Authlete's /service/configuration API.
ServiceListResponse |
Response from Authlete's /service/get/list API.
ServiceOwner |
Information about a service owner.
SnsCredentials |
SNS credentials (API key and API secret).
StandardIntrospectionRequest |
Request to Authlete's /api/auth/introspection/standard API.
StandardIntrospectionResponse |
Response from Authlete's /api/auth/introspection/standard API.
StandardIntrospectionResponse.Action |
The next action that the implementation of the introspection
endpoint of the authorization server should take.
StringArray |
A class that holds a string array.
TaggedValue |
TokenBatchStatus |
The status of token batch.
TokenBatchStatus.BatchKind |
Batch Kind.
TokenBatchStatus.Result |
Batch result.
TokenCreateBatchResponse |
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/create/batch API.
TokenCreateBatchStatusRequest |
The request to /auth/token/create/batch/status API.
TokenCreateBatchStatusResponse |
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/create/batch/status API.
TokenCreateRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/token/create API.
TokenCreateResponse |
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/create API.
TokenCreateResponse.Action |
The code indicating how the response should be interpreted.
TokenFailRequest |
Request for Authlete's /auth/token/fail API.
TokenFailRequest.Reason |
Failure reasons of token requests.
TokenFailResponse.Action |
The next action that the service implementation should take.
TokenInfo |
Information about a token of the type
"urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token" or the type
"urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:refresh_token" .
TokenIssueRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/token/issue API.
TokenIssueResponse.Action |
The next action that the service implementation should take.
TokenListResponse |
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/get/list API.
TokenRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/token API.
TokenResponse.Action |
The next action that the service implementation should take.
TokenRevokeRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/token/revoke API.
TokenRevokeResponse |
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/revoke API.
TokenUpdateRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/token/update API.
TokenUpdateResponse |
Response from Authlete's /auth/token/update API.
TokenUpdateResponse.Action |
The code indicating how the response should be interpreted.
TrustAnchor |
Trust anchor.
UserInfoIssueRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/userinfo/issue API.
UserInfoIssueResponse |
Response from Authlete's /auth/userinfo/issue API.
UserInfoIssueResponse.Action |
The next action the service implementation should take.
UserInfoRequest |
Request to Authlete's /auth/userinfo API.
UserInfoResponse.Action |
The next action the service implementation should take.