Client |
AuthorizationResponse.getClient() |
Get the information about the client application which has made
the authorization request.
Client |
ClientRegistrationResponse.getClient() |
Get the information about the client which has been registered
Client |
FederationRegistrationResponse.getClient() |
Get the information about the client that has been registered by the
client registration request.
Client |
TokenListResponse.getClient() |
Get the client information associated with the value of 'clientIdentifier'
parameter in the original request.
Client[] |
ClientListResponse.getClients() |
Get the list of clients that match the query conditions.
Client |
Client.loadAttributes(Iterable<Pair> attributes) |
Load attributes from an iterable.
Client |
Client.setApplicationType(ApplicationType applicationType) |
Set the application type.
Client |
Client.setAttributes(Pair[] attributes) |
Set attributes.
Client |
Client.setAuthorizationDetailsTypes(String[] types) |
Set the authorization details types that this client may use as values
of the "type" field in "authorization_details" .
Client |
Client.setAuthorizationEncryptionAlg(JWEAlg alg) |
Set the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting authorization responses.
Client |
Client.setAuthorizationEncryptionEnc(JWEEnc enc) |
Set the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting authorization responses.
Client |
Client.setAuthorizationSignAlg(JWSAlg alg) |
Set the JWS alg algorithm for signing authorization responses.
Client |
Client.setAuthTimeRequired(boolean required) |
Set the flag which indicates whether this client requires auth_time
claim to be embedded in the ID token.
Client |
Client.setAutomaticallyRegistered(boolean auto) |
Set the flag indicating whether this client was registered by the
"automatic" client registration of OpenID Federation.
Client |
Client.setBcDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode mode) |
Set the backchannel token delivery mode.
Client |
Client.setBcNotificationEndpoint(URI endpoint) |
Set the backchannel client notification endpoint.
Client |
Client.setBcRequestSignAlg(JWSAlg alg) |
Set the signature algorithm of the request to the backchannel
authentication endpoint.
Client |
Client.setBcUserCodeRequired(boolean required) |
Set the boolean flag which indicates whether a user code is required
when this client makes a backchannel authentication request.
Client |
Client.setClientId(long clientId) |
Set the client ID.
Client |
Client.setClientIdAlias(String alias) |
Set the alias of the client ID.
Client |
Client.setClientIdAliasEnabled(boolean enabled) |
Enable/disable the client ID alias.
Client |
Client.setClientName(String clientName) |
Set the client name.
Client |
Client.setClientNames(TaggedValue[] clientNames) |
Set the client names each of which has a language tag.
Client |
Client.setClientRegistrationTypes(ClientRegistrationType[] types) |
Set the client registration types that the client has declared it may use.
Client |
Client.setClientSecret(String clientSecret) |
Set the client secret.
Client |
Client.setClientType(ClientType clientType) |
Set the client type.
Client |
Client.setClientUri(URI uri) |
Set the URI of the home page.
Client |
Client.setClientUris(TaggedValue[] uris) |
Set the URIs of the home pages for specific languages.
Client |
Client.setContacts(String[] contacts) |
Set the email addresses of contacts.
Client |
Client.setCreatedAt(long createdAt) |
Set the time at which this client was created.
Client |
Client.setCredentialOfferEndpoint(URI endpoint) |
Set the URL of the credential offer endpoint at which this client
(wallet) receives a credential offer from the credential issuer.
Client |
Client.setCredentialResponseEncryptionRequired(boolean required) |
Set the flag indicating whether credential responses to this client
must be always encrypted or not.
Client |
Client.setCustomMetadata(String metadata) |
Set the custom client metadata in JSON format.
Client |
Client.setDefaultAcrs(String[] defaultAcrs) |
Set the default list of authentication context class references.
Client |
Client.setDefaultMaxAge(int defaultMaxAge) |
Set the default value of the maximum authentication age in seconds.
Client |
Client.setDerivedSectorIdentifier(String derivedSectorIdentifier) |
Set the sector identifier host component as derived from either the
sector_identifier_uri or the registered redirect_uri .
Client |
Client.setDescription(String description) |
Set the description.
Client |
Client.setDescriptions(TaggedValue[] descriptions) |
Set the descriptions for specific languages.
Client |
Client.setDeveloper(String developer) |
Set the unique ID of the developer of this client application.
Client |
Client.setDigestAlgorithm(String algorithm) |
Set the digest algorithm that this client requests the server to use
when it computes digest values of external attachments, which may be referenced from within ID tokens
or userinfo responses (or any place that can have the
verified_claims claim).
Client |
Client.setDpopRequired(boolean dpopRequired) |
Get the flag indicating whether this client requires DPoP access tokens.
Client |
Client.setDynamicallyRegistered(boolean dynamicallyRegistered) |
Set the flag which indicates whether this client has been registered dynamically.
Client |
Client.setEntityId(URI entityId) |
Set the entity ID of this client.
Client |
Client.setExplicitlyRegistered(boolean explicit) |
Set the flag indicating whether this client was registered by the
"explicit" client registration of OpenID Federation.
Client |
Client.setExtension(ClientExtension extension) |
Set the extended information about this client.
Client |
Client.setFapiModes(FapiMode[] modes) |
Set the FAPI modes for this client.
Client |
Client.setFrontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired(boolean required) |
Set the flag indicating whether encryption of request object is required
when the request object is passed through the front channel.
Client |
Client.setGrantTypes(GrantType[] grantTypes) |
Set grant_type values that the client is declaring
that it will restrict itself to using.
Client |
Client.setIdTokenEncryptionAlg(JWEAlg alg) |
Set the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting the ID token
issued to this client.
Client |
Client.setIdTokenEncryptionEnc(JWEEnc enc) |
Set the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting the ID token
issued to this client.
Client |
Client.setIdTokenSignAlg(JWSAlg alg) |
Set the JWS alg algorithm for signing the ID token
issued to this client.
Client |
Client.setJwks(String jwks) |
Set the JSON Web Key Set.
Client |
Client.setJwksUri(URI uri) |
Set the URI of the JSON Web Key Set of the client application.
Client |
Client.setLocked(boolean locked) |
Set the flag which indicates whether this client is locked.
Client |
Client.setLoginUri(URI uri) |
Set the URL that can initiate a login for this client application.
Client |
Client.setLogoUri(URI uri) |
Set the URI of the logo image.
Client |
Client.setLogoUris(TaggedValue[] uris) |
Set the logo URIs each of which has a language tag.
Client |
Client.setModifiedAt(long modifiedAt) |
Set the time at which this client was last modified.
Client |
Client.setMtlsEndpointAliasesUsed(boolean mtlsEndpointAliasesUsed) |
Set the flag indicating whether the client intends to prefer mutual TLS
endpoints over non-MTLS endpoints.
Client |
Client.setNumber(int number) |
Set the client number.
Client |
Client.setOrganizationName(String name) |
Set the human-readable name representing the organization that manages
this client.
Client |
Client.setParRequired(boolean required) |
Set the flag indicating whether this client is required to use the
pushed authorization request endpoint.
Client |
Client.setPkceRequired(boolean required) |
Set the flag indicating whether PKCE ( RFC 7636) is required
whenever this client makes an authorization request by the authorization
code flow.
Client |
Client.setPkceS256Required(boolean required) |
Set the flag indicating whether S256 must be used as the code
challenge method whenever this client uses PKCE ( RFC 7636).
Client |
Client.setPolicyUri(URI uri) |
Set the URI of the policy page which describes how
the client application uses the profile data of the
Client |
Client.setPolicyUris(TaggedValue[] uris) |
Set the URIs of the policy pages for specific languages.
Client |
Client.setRedirectUris(String[] uris) |
Set the redirect URIs.
Client |
Client.setRegistrationAccessTokenHash(String registrationAccessToken) |
Set the hash of the registration access token for this client.
Client |
Client.setRequestEncryptionAlg(JWEAlg alg) |
Set the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting request objects.
Client |
Client.setRequestEncryptionEnc(JWEEnc enc) |
Set the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting request objects.
Client |
Client.setRequestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired(boolean required) |
Set the flag indicating whether the JWE alg of encrypted request
object must match the request_object_encryption_alg client metadata.
Client |
Client.setRequestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired(boolean required) |
Set the flag indicating whether the JWE enc of encrypted request
object must match the request_object_encryption_enc client metadata.
Client |
Client.setRequestObjectRequired(boolean required) |
Set the flag indicating whether authorization requests from this client
are always required to utilize a request object by using either
request or request_uri request parameter.
Client |
Client.setRequestSignAlg(JWSAlg alg) |
Set the JWS alg algorithm for signing request objects.
Client |
Client.setRequestUris(String[] uris) |
Set the request URIs that this client declares it may use.
Client |
Client.setResponseModes(ResponseMode[] modes) |
Set the response modes that this client may use.
Client |
Client.setResponseTypes(ResponseType[] responseTypes) |
Set response_type values that the client is declaring
that it will restrict itself to using.
Client |
Client.setRsRequestSigned(boolean signed) |
Set whether the client is expected to sign requests to the resource server.
Client |
Client.setRsSignedRequestKeyId(String keyId) |
Set the key ID of a JWK containing the public key used by this client to
sign requests to the resource server.
Client |
Client.setSectorIdentifier(URI sectorIdentifier) |
Client |
Client.setSectorIdentifierUri(URI uri) |
Set the value of the sector identifier URI.
Client |
Client.setSelfSignedCertificateKeyId(String keyId) |
Set the key ID of a JWK containing a self-signed certificate of this client.
Client |
Client.setServiceNumber(int number) |
Set the number of the service which this client belongs to.
Client |
Client.setSignedJwksUri(URI uri) |
Set the URI of the endpoint that returns this client's JWK Set document in
the JWT format.
Client |
Client.setSingleAccessTokenPerSubject(boolean single) |
Set the flag which indicates whether the number of access tokens
per subject (and per client) is at most one or can be more.
Client |
Client.setSoftwareId(String softwareId) |
Set a unique identifier string assigned by the client developer or
software publisher used by registration endpoints to identify the client
software to be dynamically registered.
Client |
Client.setSoftwareVersion(String softwareVersion) |
Set a version identifier string for the client software identified by
the software ID.
Client |
Client.setSubjectType(SubjectType subjectType) |
Set the subject type that this client application requests.
Client |
Client.setTlsClientAuthSanDns(String tlsClientAuthSanDns) |
Set the string representation of the expected DNS subject
alternative name of the certificate this client will
use in mutual TLS authentication.
Client |
Client.setTlsClientAuthSanEmail(String tlsClientAuthSanEmail) |
Set the string representation of the expected email address
subject alternative name of the certificate this client will
use in mutual TLS authentication.
Client |
Client.setTlsClientAuthSanIp(String tlsClientAuthSanIp) |
Set the string representation of the expected IP address
subject alternative name of the certificate this client will
use in mutual TLS authentication.
Client |
Client.setTlsClientAuthSanUri(URI tlsClientAuthSanUri) |
Set the string representation of the expected URI subject
alternative name of the certificate this client will
use in mutual TLS authentication.
Client |
Client.setTlsClientAuthSubjectDn(String name) |
Set the string representation of the expected subject
distinguished name of the certificate this client will
use in mutual TLS authentication.
Client |
Client.setTlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens(boolean use) |
Set whether this client uses TLS client certificate bound access tokens
or not.
Client |
Client.setTokenAuthMethod(ClientAuthMethod method) |
Set the client authentication method for the token endpoint.
Client |
Client.setTokenAuthSignAlg(JWSAlg alg) |
Set the JWS alg algorithm for signing the JWT used to
authenticate the client at the token endpoint.
Client |
Client.setTosUri(URI uri) |
Set the URI of the "Terms Of Service" page.
Client |
Client.setTosUris(TaggedValue[] uris) |
Set the URIs of the "Terms Of Service" pages for specific languages.
Client |
Client.setTrustAnchorId(URI trustAnchorId) |
Set the entity ID of the trust anchor of the trust chain that was used
when this client was registered or updated by the mechanism defined in
OpenID Federation 1.0.
Client |
Client.setTrustChain(String[] trustChain) |
Set the trust chain that was used when this client was registered or
updated by the mechanism defined in
OpenID Federation 1.0.
Client |
Client.setTrustChainExpiresAt(long expiresAt) |
Set the expiration time of the trust chain that was used when this client
was registered or updated by the mechanism defined in
OpenID Federation 1.0.
Client |
Client.setTrustChainUpdatedAt(long updatedAt) |
Client |
Client.setUserInfoEncryptionAlg(JWEAlg alg) |
Set the JWE alg algorithm for encrypting UserInfo responses.
Client |
Client.setUserInfoEncryptionEnc(JWEEnc enc) |
Set the JWE enc algorithm for encrypting UserInfo responses.
Client |
Client.setUserInfoSignAlg(JWSAlg alg) |
Set the JWS alg algorithm for signing UserInfo responses.