
DeviceVerificationRequest implements ArrayCopyable, Arrayable, Jsonable Uses ArrayTrait, JsonTrait

Request to Authlete's /api/device/verification API. The API is used to get information associated with a user code.

After receiving a response from the device authorization endpoint of the authorization server, the client application shows the end-user the user code and the verification URI which are included in the device authorization response. Then, the end-user will access the verification URI using a web browser on another device (typically, a smart phone). In normal implementations, the verification endpoint will return an HTML page with an input form where the end-user inputs a user code. The authorization server will receive a user code from the form.

After receiving a user code, the authorization server should call Authlete's /api/device/verification API with the user code. The API will return information associated with the user code such as client information and requested scopes. Using the information, the authorization server should generate an HTML page that confirms the end-user's consent and send the page back to the web browser.


Interfaces, Classes and Traits

Interface to declare instances can be converted into/from arrays.
Interface to declare that instances can be converted into an array.
Interface to declare that instances can be converted into JSON strings.

Table of Contents

copyFromArray()  : mixed
Copy the content of the given array into this object.
copyToArray()  : mixed
Copy the content of this object into the given array.
fromArray()  : static
Convert an array into an instance of this class.
fromJson()  : static
Convert a JSON string into an instance of this class.
getUserCode()  : string
Get the user code.
setUserCode()  : DeviceVerificationRequest
Set the user code.
toArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Convert this object into an array.
toJson()  : string
Convert this object into a JSON string.



Copy the content of the given array into this object.

public copyFromArray(array<string|int, mixed> &$array) : mixed
$array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Copy the content of this object into the given array.

public copyToArray(array<string|int, mixed> &$array) : mixed
$array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Convert an array into an instance of this class.

public static fromArray([array<string|int, mixed> $array = null ]) : static

This static function returns a new instance of this class. If $array is null, null is returned.

$array : array<string|int, mixed> = null

An array

Return values

An instance of this class.


Convert a JSON string into an instance of this class.

public static fromJson(string $json) : static

This static function returns a new instance of this class. If $json is null or the type of $json is not string, null is returned.

$json : string

A JSON string.

Return values

An instance of this class.


Convert this object into an array.

public toArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array.


Convert this object into a JSON string.

public toJson(int $options) : string
$options : int

Options passed to json_encode(). This parameter is optional and its default value is 0.

Return values

A JSON string.

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