
DeviceCompleteRequest implements ArrayCopyable, Arrayable, Jsonable Uses ArrayTrait, JsonTrait

Request to Authlete's /api/device/complete API.

In the device flow (RFC 8628), an end-user accesses the verification endpoint of the authorization server where she interacts with the verification endpoint and inputs a user code. The verification endpoint checks if the user code is valid and then asks the end-user whether she approves or rejects the authorization request which the user code represents.

After the authorization server receives the decision of the end-user, it should call Authlete's /api/device/complete API to tell Authlete the decision.

When the end-user was authenticated and authorization was granted to the client by the end-user, the authorization server should call the API with "result":"AUTHORIZED". In this successful case, the subject request parameter is mandatory. The API will update the database record so that /api/auth/token API can generate an access token later.

If the scope parameter of the device authorization request included the openid scope, an ID token is generated. In this case, sub, authTime, acr and claims request parameters in the API call to the /api/device/complete API affect the ID token.

When the authorization server receives the decision of the end-user and it indicates that she has rejected to give authorization to the client, the authorization server should call the API with "result":"ACCESS_DENIED". In this case, the API will update the database record so that the /api/auth/token API can generate an error response later. If errorDescription and errorUri request parameters are given to the /api/device/complete API, they will be used as the values of error_description and error_uri response parameters in the error response from the token endpoint.

When the authorization server could not get decision from the end-user for some reasons, the authorization server should call the API with "result":"TRANSACTION_FAILED". In this error case, the API will behave in the same way as in the case of ACCESS_DENIED. The only difference is that expired_token is used as the value of the error response parameter instead of access_denied.


Interfaces, Classes and Traits

Interface to declare instances can be converted into/from arrays.
Interface to declare that instances can be converted into an array.
Interface to declare that instances can be converted into JSON strings.

Table of Contents

copyFromArray()  : mixed
Copy the content of the given array into this object.
copyToArray()  : mixed
Copy the content of this object into the given array.
fromArray()  : static
Convert an array into an instance of this class.
fromJson()  : static
Convert a JSON string into an instance of this class.
getAcr()  : string
Get the reference of the authentication context class which the end-user authentication satisfied. When this property holds a non-null value, the value will be used as the value of the `acr` claim in the ID token.
getAuthTime()  : int|string
Get the time when the authentication of the end-user occurred.
getClaims()  : string
Get additional claims which will be embedded in the ID token.
getErrorDescription()  : string
Get the description of the error. This corresponds to the `error_description` property in the response to the client.
getErrorUri()  : string
Get the URI of a document which describes the error in detail. This corresponds to the `error_uri` property in the response to the client.
getIdtHeaderParams()  : string
Get JSON that represents additional JWS header parameters for the ID token that may be issued from the token endpoint.
getProperties()  : array<string|int, Property>
Get the extra properties associated with the access token that will be issued.
getResult()  : DeviceCompleteResult
Get the result of end-user authentication and authorization.
getScopes()  : array<string|int, string>
Get scopes associated with the access token. If this property holds a non-null value, the set of scopes will be used instead of the scopes specified in the original device authorization request.
getSub()  : string
Get the value of the `sub` claim that should be used in the ID token.
getSubject()  : string
Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user who has granted authorization to the client application. This request parameter is mandatory when the `result` property holds `DeviceCompleteResult::$AUTHORIZED`.
getUserCode()  : string
Get the user code input by the end-user.
setAcr()  : DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the reference of the authentication context class which the end-user authentication satisfied. When this property holds a non-null value, the value will be used as the value of the `acr` claim in the ID token.
setAuthTime()  : DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the time when the authentication of the end-user occurred.
setClaims()  : DeviceCompleteRequest
Set additional claims which will be embedded in the ID token.
setErrorDescription()  : DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the description of the error. This corresponds to the `error_description` property in the response to the client.
setErrorUri()  : DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the URI of a document which describes the error in detail. This corresponds to the `error_uri` property in the response to the client.
setIdtHeaderParams()  : DeviceCompleteRequest
Set JSON that represents additional JWS header parameters for the ID token that may be issued from the token endpoint.
setProperties()  : DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the extra properties associated with the access token that will be issued.
setResult()  : DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the result of end-user authentication and authorization.
setScopes()  : DeviceCompleteRequest
Set scopes associated with the access token. If this property holds a non-null value, the set of scopes will be used instead of the scopes specified in the original device authorization request.
setSub()  : DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the value of the `sub` claim that should be used in the ID token.
setSubject()  : DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user who has granted authorization to the client application. This request parameter is mandatory when the `result` property holds `DeviceCompleteResult::$AUTHORIZED`.
setUserCode()  : DeviceCompleteRequest
Set the user code input by the end-user.
toArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Convert this object into an array.
toJson()  : string
Convert this object into a JSON string.



Copy the content of the given array into this object.

public copyFromArray(array<string|int, mixed> &$array) : mixed
$array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Copy the content of this object into the given array.

public copyToArray(array<string|int, mixed> &$array) : mixed
$array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Convert an array into an instance of this class.

public static fromArray([array<string|int, mixed> $array = null ]) : static

This static function returns a new instance of this class. If $array is null, null is returned.

$array : array<string|int, mixed> = null

An array

Return values

An instance of this class.


Convert a JSON string into an instance of this class.

public static fromJson(string $json) : static

This static function returns a new instance of this class. If $json is null or the type of $json is not string, null is returned.

$json : string

A JSON string.

Return values

An instance of this class.


Get the reference of the authentication context class which the end-user authentication satisfied. When this property holds a non-null value, the value will be used as the value of the `acr` claim in the ID token.

public getAcr() : string
Return values

The authentication context class reference.


Get the time when the authentication of the end-user occurred.

public getAuthTime() : int|string

The value represents the elapsed time since the Unix epoch (1970-Jan-1) in seconds.

Return values

The time when the authentication of the end-user occurred.


Get additional claims which will be embedded in the ID token.

public getClaims() : string
Return values

Additional claims in JSON format which will be embedded in the ID token.


Get the description of the error. This corresponds to the `error_description` property in the response to the client.

public getErrorDescription() : string
Return values

The description of the error.


Get the URI of a document which describes the error in detail. This corresponds to the `error_uri` property in the response to the client.

public getErrorUri() : string
Return values

The URI of a document which describes the error in detail.


Get JSON that represents additional JWS header parameters for the ID token that may be issued from the token endpoint.

public getIdtHeaderParams() : string
Return values

JSON that represents additional JWS header parameters for the ID token.


Get the extra properties associated with the access token that will be issued.

public getProperties() : array<string|int, Property>
Return values
array<string|int, Property>

Extra properties.


Get scopes associated with the access token. If this property holds a non-null value, the set of scopes will be used instead of the scopes specified in the original device authorization request.

public getScopes() : array<string|int, string>
Return values
array<string|int, string>

Scopes to replace the scopes specified in the original device authorization request with. If this property holds null, replacement is not performed.


Get the value of the `sub` claim that should be used in the ID token.

public getSub() : string

If this property holds null or its value is empty, the value held by the subject property is used as the value of the sub claim. The main purpose of this sub property is to hide the actual value of the subject from client applications.

Note that the value of the subject request parameter is used as the value of the subject associated with the access token regardless of whether this sub property is a non-empty value or not. In other words, this sub property affects only the sub claim in the ID token.

Return values

The value of the sub claim.


Get the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user who has granted authorization to the client application. This request parameter is mandatory when the `result` property holds `DeviceCompleteResult::$AUTHORIZED`.

public getSubject() : string

This subject property is used as the value of the subject associated with the access token and as the value of the sub claim in the ID token.

Note that, if the sub property holds a non-null value, it is used as the value of the sub claim in the ID token. However, even in the case, the value of the subject associated with the access token is still the value of this subject property.

Return values

The subject of the end-user.


Get the user code input by the end-user.

public getUserCode() : string
Return values

The user code.


Set the reference of the authentication context class which the end-user authentication satisfied. When this property holds a non-null value, the value will be used as the value of the `acr` claim in the ID token.

public setAcr(string $acr) : DeviceCompleteRequest
$acr : string

The authentication context class reference.

Return values

$this object.


Set the time when the authentication of the end-user occurred.

public setAuthTime(int|string $authTime) : DeviceCompleteRequest

The value should represent the elapsed time since the Unix epoch (1970-Jan-1) in seconds.

$authTime : int|string

The time when the authentication of the end-user occurred.

Return values

$this object.


Set additional claims which will be embedded in the ID token.

public setClaims(string $claims) : DeviceCompleteRequest

The authorization server implementation is required to retrieve values of requested claims of the end-user from its database and format them in JSON format.

For example, if given_name claim, family_name claim and email claim are requested, the authorization server implementation should generate a JSON object like the following:

  "given_name": "Takahiko",
  "family_name": "Kawasaki",
  "email": ""

and set its string representation by this method.

See 5.1. Standard Claims in OpenID Connect Core 1.0 for details about the format.

$claims : string

Additional claims in JSON format which will be embedded in the ID token.

Return values

$this object.


Set the description of the error. This corresponds to the `error_description` property in the response to the client.

public setErrorDescription(string $description) : DeviceCompleteRequest

If this optional request parameter is given, its value is used as the value of the error_description property, but it is used only when the result is not AUTHORIZED.

To comply with the specification strictly, the description must not include characters outside the set %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E.

$description : string

The description of the error.

Return values

$this object.


Set the URI of a document which describes the error in detail. This corresponds to the `error_uri` property in the response to the client.

public setErrorUri(string $uri) : DeviceCompleteRequest

If this optional request parameter is given, its value is used as the value of the error_uri property, but it is used only when the result is not AUTHORIZED.

$uri : string

The URI of a document which describes the error in detail.

Return values

$this object.


Set JSON that represents additional JWS header parameters for the ID token that may be issued from the token endpoint.

public setIdtHeaderParams(string $params) : DeviceCompleteRequest
$params : string

JSON that represents additional JWS header parameters for the ID token.

Return values

$this object.


Set the extra properties associated with the access token that will be issued.

public setProperties([array<string|int, mixed> $properties = null ]) : DeviceCompleteRequest

Keys of extra properties will be used as labels of top-level entries in a JSON response returned from the authorization server. An example is example_parameter, which you can find in 5.1. Successful Response in RFC 6749. The following code snippet is an example to set one extra property having example_parameter as its key and example_value as its value.

$properties = array(
    new Property('example_parameter', 'example_value')


Note that there is an upper limit on the total size of extra properties. On Authlete side, the properties will be (1) converted to a multidimensional string array, (2) converted to JSON, (3) encrypted by AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding, (4) encoded by base64url, and then stored into the database. The length of the resultant string must not exceed 65,535 in bytes. This is the upper limit, but we think it is big enough.

$properties : array<string|int, mixed> = null

Extra properties.

Return values

$this object.


Set scopes associated with the access token. If this property holds a non-null value, the set of scopes will be used instead of the scopes specified in the original device authorization request.

public setScopes([array<string|int, mixed> $scopes = null ]) : DeviceCompleteRequest

Scopes that are not included in the original request can be included.

$scopes : array<string|int, mixed> = null

Scopes to replace the scopes specified in the original device authorization request with. If this property holds null, replacement is not performed.

Return values

$this object.


Set the value of the `sub` claim that should be used in the ID token.

public setSub(string $sub) : DeviceCompleteRequest

If this property holds null or its value is empty, the value held by the subject property is used as the value of the sub claim. The main purpose of this sub property is to hide the actual value of the subject from client applications.

Note that the value of the subject request parameter is used as the value of the subject associated with the access token regardless of whether this sub property is a non-empty value or not. In other words, this sub property affects only the sub claim in the ID token.

$sub : string

The value of the sub claim.

Return values

$this object.


Set the subject (= unique identifier) of the end-user who has granted authorization to the client application. This request parameter is mandatory when the `result` property holds `DeviceCompleteResult::$AUTHORIZED`.

public setSubject(string $subject) : DeviceCompleteRequest

This subject property is used as the value of the subject associated with the access token and as the value of the sub claim in the ID token.

Note that, if the sub property holds a non-null value, it is used as the value of the sub claim in the ID token. However, even in the case, the value of the subject associated with the access token is still the value of this subject property.

$subject : string

The subject of the end-user.

Return values

$this object.


Convert this object into an array.

public toArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array.


Convert this object into a JSON string.

public toJson(int $options) : string
$options : int

Options passed to json_encode(). This parameter is optional and its default value is 0.

Return values

A JSON string.

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