
ClientExtension implements ArrayCopyable, Arrayable, Jsonable Uses ArrayTrait, JsonTrait

Extended information about a client application.

There are some attributes that belong to a client application but should not be changed by the developer of the client application. This class holds such attributes.

For example, an authorization server may narrow the range of scopes (permissions) that a particular client application can request. In this case, it is meaningless if the developer of the client application can freely decide the set of requestable scopes. It is not the developer of the client application but the administrator of the authorization server that should be allowed to define the set of scopes that the client application can request.

Interfaces, Classes and Traits

Interface to declare instances can be converted into/from arrays.
Interface to declare that instances can be converted into an array.
Interface to declare that instances can be converted into JSON strings.

Table of Contents

copyFromArray()  : mixed
Copy the content of the given array into this object.
copyToArray()  : mixed
Copy the content of this object into the given array.
fromArray()  : static
Convert an array into an instance of this class.
fromJson()  : static
Convert a JSON string into an instance of this class.
getAccessTokenDuration()  : int|string
Get the duration of access tokens per client in seconds.
getRefreshTokenDuration()  : int|string
Get the duration of refresh tokens per client in seconds.
getRequestableScopes()  : array<string|int, string>
Get the set of scopes that the client application can request when the "Requestable Scopes per Client" feature is enabled (= when the `isRequestableScopesEnabled()` method returns `true`).
isRequestableScopesEnabled()  : bool
Get the flag which indicates whether the "Requestable Scopes per Client" feature is enabled or not.
setAccessTokenDuration()  : ClientExtension
Set the duration of access tokens per client in seconds.
setRefreshTokenDuration()  : ClientExtension
Set the duration of refresh tokens per client in seconds.
setRequestableScopes()  : ClientExtension
Set the set of scopes that the client application can request when the "Requestable Scopes per Client" feature is enabled (= when the `isRequestableScopesEnabled()` method returns `true`).
setRequestableScopesEnabled()  : ClientExtension
Set the flag which indicates whether the "Requestable Scopes per Client" feature is enabled or not.
toArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Convert this object into an array.
toJson()  : string
Convert this object into a JSON string.



Copy the content of the given array into this object.

public copyFromArray(array<string|int, mixed> &$array) : mixed
$array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Copy the content of this object into the given array.

public copyToArray(array<string|int, mixed> &$array) : mixed
$array : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Convert an array into an instance of this class.

public static fromArray([array<string|int, mixed> $array = null ]) : static

This static function returns a new instance of this class. If $array is null, null is returned.

$array : array<string|int, mixed> = null

An array

Return values

An instance of this class.


Convert a JSON string into an instance of this class.

public static fromJson(string $json) : static

This static function returns a new instance of this class. If $json is null or the type of $json is not string, null is returned.

$json : string

A JSON string.

Return values

An instance of this class.


Get the duration of access tokens per client in seconds.

public getAccessTokenDuration() : int|string

In normal cases, the values of the Service's accessTokenDuration property is used as the duration of access tokens issued by the service. However, if this accessTokenDuration property holds a non-zero positive number and its value is less than the duration configured by the service, the value is used as the duration of access tokens issued to the client application.

Note that the duration of access tokens can be controlled by the scope attribute access_token.duration, too. Authlete chooses the minimum value among the candidates.

Return values

The duration of access tokens per client in seconds.


Get the duration of refresh tokens per client in seconds.

public getRefreshTokenDuration() : int|string

In normal cases, the values of the Service's refreshTokenDuration property is used as the duration of refresh tokens issued by the service. However, if this refreshTokenDuration property holds a non-zero positive number and its value is less than the duration configured by the service, the value is used as the duration of refresh tokens issued to the client application.

Note that the duration of refresh tokens can be controlled by the scope attribute refresh_token.duration, too. Authlete chooses the minimum value among the candidates.

Return values

The duration of refresh tokens per client in seconds.


Get the set of scopes that the client application can request when the "Requestable Scopes per Client" feature is enabled (= when the `isRequestableScopesEnabled()` method returns `true`).

public getRequestableScopes() : array<string|int, string>
Return values
array<string|int, string>

Scopes that the client application can request.


Get the flag which indicates whether the "Requestable Scopes per Client" feature is enabled or not.

public isRequestableScopesEnabled() : bool
Return values

true if the "Requestable Scopes per Client" feature is enabled.


Set the duration of access tokens per client in seconds.

public setAccessTokenDuration(int|string $duration) : ClientExtension

In normal cases, the values of the Service's accessTokenDuration property is used as the duration of access tokens issued by the service. However, if this accessTokenDuration property holds a non-zero positive number and its value is less than the duration configured by the service, the value is used as the duration of access tokens issued to the client application.

Note that the duration of access tokens can be controlled by the scope attribute access_token.duration, too. Authlete chooses the minimum value among the candidates.

$duration : int|string

The duration of access tokens per client in seconds.

Return values

$this object.


Set the duration of refresh tokens per client in seconds.

public setRefreshTokenDuration(int|string $duration) : ClientExtension

In normal cases, the values of the Service's refreshTokenDuration property is used as the duration of refresh tokens issued by the service. However, if this refreshTokenDuration property holds a non-zero positive number and its value is less than the duration configured by the service, the value is used as the duration of refresh tokens issued to the client application.

Note that the duration of refresh tokens can be controlled by the scope attribute refresh_token.duration, too. Authlete chooses the minimum value among the candidates.

$duration : int|string

The duration of refresh tokens per client in seconds.

Return values

$this object.


Set the set of scopes that the client application can request when the "Requestable Scopes per Client" feature is enabled (= when the `isRequestableScopesEnabled()` method returns `true`).

public setRequestableScopes([array<string|int, string> $requestableScopes = null ]) : ClientExtension
$requestableScopes : array<string|int, string> = null

Scopes that the client application can request.

Return values

$this object.


Set the flag which indicates whether the "Requestable Scopes per Client" feature is enabled or not.

public setRequestableScopesEnabled(bool $enabled) : ClientExtension

If true is set, a special set of scopes (permissions) is defined on the server side (getRequestableScopes() method returns the special set) and scopes which the client application can request are limited to the scopes listed in the special set. In other words, the application cannot request scopes that are not included in the special set. To be specific, the client application cannot list other scopes in the scope request parameter when it makes an authorization request. To be exact, other scopes can be listed but will be ignored by the authorization server.

On the other hand, false is set, the valid set of scopes (permissions) that the client application can request is equal to the whole scope set defined by the authorization server.

$enabled : bool

true if the "Requestable Scopes per Client" feature is enabled.

Return values

$this object.


Convert this object into an array.

public toArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array.


Convert this object into a JSON string.

public toJson(int $options) : string
$options : int

Options passed to json_encode(). This parameter is optional and its default value is 0.

Return values

A JSON string.

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