
AuthorizationFailReason Uses EnumTrait

The value of "reason" in requests to Authlete's /api/auth/authorization/fail API.

Table of Contents

$ACCOUNT_SELECTION_REQUIRED  : AuthorizationFailReason
The authorization server cannot obtain an account selection choice made by the end-user.
$ACR_NOT_SATISFIED  : AuthorizationFailReason
The authorization request from the client application contained the "acr" claim in the "claims" request parameter and the claim was marked as essential, but the ACR performed for the end-user does not match any one of the requested ACRs.
$CONSENT_REQUIRED  : AuthorizationFailReason
The authorization server cannot obtain consent from the end-user.
$DENIED  : AuthorizationFailReason
The end-user denied the authorization request from the client application.
$DIFFERENT_SUBJECT  : AuthorizationFailReason
The authorization request from the client application requested a specific value for the "sub" claim, but the current end-user (in the case of prompt=none) or the end-user after the authentication is different from the specified value.
$EXCEEDS_MAX_AGE  : AuthorizationFailReason
The authorization request from the client application contained "prompt=none", but the time specified by the "max_age" request parameter or by the "default_max_age" configuration parameter has passed since the time at which the end-user logged in.
$INTERACTION_REQUIRED  : AuthorizationFailReason
The authorization server needs interaction with the end-user.
$INVALID_TARGET  : AuthorizationFailReason
The requested resource is invalid, missing, unknown, or malformed.
$MAX_AGE_NOT_SUPPORTED  : AuthorizationFailReason
The authorization request from the client application contained the "max_age" request parameter with a non-zero value or the client's configuration has a non-zero value for the "default_max_age" configuration parameter, but the authorization server implementation cannot behave properly based on the max age value mainly because the authorization server implementation does not manage authentication time of end-users.
$NOT_AUTHENTICATED  : AuthorizationFailReason
The end-user was not authenticated.
$NOT_LOGGED_IN  : AuthorizationFailReason
The authorization request from the client application contained "prompt=none", but any end-user has not logged in.
$SERVER_ERROR  : AuthorizationFailReason
Server error.
$UNKNOWN  : AuthorizationFailReason
Unknown reason.
__toString()  : string
Get the name of this instance.
name()  : string
Get the name of this instance.
valueOf()  : static
Get an instance of this class that the given argument represents.
values()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the list of public class variables listed in this class.



The authorization server cannot obtain an account selection choice made by the end-user.

public static AuthorizationFailReason $ACCOUNT_SELECTION_REQUIRED

Using this reason will result in error=account_selection_required.



The authorization request from the client application contained the "acr" claim in the "claims" request parameter and the claim was marked as essential, but the ACR performed for the end-user does not match any one of the requested ACRs.

public static AuthorizationFailReason $ACR_NOT_SATISFIED

Using this reason will result in error=login_required.



The authorization request from the client application requested a specific value for the "sub" claim, but the current end-user (in the case of prompt=none) or the end-user after the authentication is different from the specified value.

public static AuthorizationFailReason $DIFFERENT_SUBJECT

Using this reason will result in error=login_required.



The authorization request from the client application contained "prompt=none", but the time specified by the "max_age" request parameter or by the "default_max_age" configuration parameter has passed since the time at which the end-user logged in.

public static AuthorizationFailReason $EXCEEDS_MAX_AGE

Using this reason will result in error=login_required.



The authorization server needs interaction with the end-user.

public static AuthorizationFailReason $INTERACTION_REQUIRED

Using this reason will result in error=interaction_required.



The authorization request from the client application contained the "max_age" request parameter with a non-zero value or the client's configuration has a non-zero value for the "default_max_age" configuration parameter, but the authorization server implementation cannot behave properly based on the max age value mainly because the authorization server implementation does not manage authentication time of end-users.

public static AuthorizationFailReason $MAX_AGE_NOT_SUPPORTED

Using this reason will result in error=login_required.



The authorization request from the client application contained "prompt=none", but any end-user has not logged in.

public static AuthorizationFailReason $NOT_LOGGED_IN

Using this reason will result in error=login_required.




Get the name of this instance.

public __toString() : string
Return values

The name of this instance.


Get the name of this instance.

public name() : string
Return values

The name of this instance.


Get an instance of this class that the given argument represents.

public static valueOf(mixed $value) : static

If the given argument is an instance of this class, the instance itself is returned.

Otherwise, if the given argument is null, null is returned.

Otherwise, if the type of the given argument is not string, an InvalidArgumentException is returned.

Otherwise, a class variable whose name is equal to the given argument is looked up. If found, the instance is returned. If not found, an InvalidArgumentException is thrown.

$value : mixed

A string that represents an instance of this class, or an instance of this class, or null.

Return values

An instance of this class.


Get the list of public class variables listed in this class.

public static values() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Instances of this class which are defined as public class variables.

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